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In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out.
It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being.
We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.
~Albert Schweitzer

What a wonderful thing to be grateful for -- one who ignites your inner fire, helps you stir up your own excitement and envision the details of your dreams and goals coming to life.

For artists, this inner spirit expresses through our creations, our crafts, our gifts, our hobbies and our art. Let your soul shine this week as you enjoy the process of your creative expression, and send thoughts of gratitude for those in your life who support and encourage your creative endeavors...they are truly a gift.

s always, we wish you happy felting, and let us know if you have any questions or need any support by emailing us at
customer service@livingfelt.com

With Love,


Sue Sizemore of Vancouver, WA Wins a $25 Gift Certificate
for Living Felt felting supplies!

Sue shared this adorable little pug on our Felting Friends facebook page.
She used our Merino-Cross batts, in flesh tone and black

Also visit facebook to see even
more great pics by our mutual felting friends!



Michelle Houston of Ontario, Canada wins a $25 Gift Certificate!
Michelle has been sharing lots of pictures both on facebook
and by emailing them to us for the blog.

This needle felted dragon was a gift for one of her children
and was made using colors from the Summer/Flowers Studio Pack
in our Merino Cross Batting line.

This dragon appeared on our Felting Friends Blog

Every month we give away Living Felt Gift Certificates
just for sharing your photos! Winners are selected by

random drawing of all entries for the month.

Send us your photos for a chance to win a Gift Certificate
for loads of felting fun from iIving Felt!


If you sent in a photo and don't see your entry, either it is yet to be
published or not clear enough for publication, we need clear, crisp photos
-- Please send the best photos you can! :)

More Felting Friends Pics on the Blog!

Living Felt Friends on Facebook

How to Submit Your Photos

Summer / Flowers Studio Pack
These merino-cross batts are great for both
wet felting and needle felting. This pack has an assortment
of bright, warm-hot colors that will add vibrance and life to your projects.


Fun colors and great fiber for your Valentine's Projects!
Try this Studio Pack from our Merino Cross line....you'll
get an assortment of pinks and purples that will inspire
your heart-centered creations.

Merino-Cross Berries Pack


Considering a Multi-Needle Felting Tool?
Watch this brief demonstration video of Marie using some of our tools,
to needle felt balls, make pin cushion, needle felt a purse and more.

Needle Felting Tools


NOW AVAILABLE: The Living Felt 2010 International Felting Contest Winners are featured in a gorgeous article in
Art Doll Quarterly's Spring 2011 Issue

You'll LOVE this 7-page article that shares brilliant photos of all six winners, along with some insights
about them, their work and their feelings about participating in the contest.

We're still cooking up our plans for this year's contest, but in the meantime, be sure to bookmark the page
that will allow you to get your copy on the way!

Order your copy here


In 2010 Living Felt held an International Felting Contest with two themes: Felted Dolls
and Alice In Wonderland.

The contest was designed to inspire quality in craftsmanship, to encourage artists to reach for their very best effort, to create a lasting source of inspiration to artists, and to support promotion of felting as an artistic medium.

We received over 50 fabulous entries

Like this wonderful White Rabbit by Tadja Dragoo
And this wonderful needled felted fairy by Laurie Magnabosco

See all entries online here.



Marie Spaulding


Join us on facebook, and become a friend of LIVING FELT where you can upload your felted creations for all to enjoy!


Sending My Blessings
Marie Spaulding
www.LivingFelt.com ~ Act on Your Inspired Ideas!

P. S.
On behalf of all of us here at Living Felt, I thank you for your letters, emails, pictures, and facebook posts. We truly love hearing from you, receiving your echoes of joy at tapping into your Inner Creativity, feeling the wonder and exhilaration of expressing from your heart. All of us here read your notes, and we all give thanks that we can be of service in lighting up that brilliant, brilliant light within you, and reminding you that it was with you all along.


Recent Newsletters

Gifts from the Heart

Felting Aspirations

For the Love of Creating

Heart Felt Inspirations!


Link to Living Felt!

This wonderful icon was made for us to share with you! We invite you to post one on your blog or website:

Living Felt Connections

Felting Friends Blog




More than 500 artists
(adding up all group members) in 21 countries have come together to create a circle of Peace Felt around the world. Share in on this historic event by visiting us on facebook.


Peace Felt Blog

Peace Felt on Facebook