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"How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us,
and keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day
to be and to do what really matters most."

~Steven R. Covey

Our wish for you this week, is that you MAKE TIME & TAKE TIME
for what is really important to you...and that YOU and your
beautiful self-expression are included in your list :o)

Liza Adams, bear artist and our Felting Friend in New Zealand
shows off her needle felted art bears using
Multi-Colored Merino Tops

s always, we wish you happy felting, and let us know if you have any questions
or need any support by emailing us at
customer service@livingfelt.com

With Love,

Sue Hale of South Haven, Michigan
sent us three LOVELY photos:
two of her nuno felt scarves, and one of a artful felted vessel,
plus a nice love note that really made our week!

Hello Marie and wonderful staff: Just finished a workshop on vessels
with Nicola Brown from Ireland. I used your Merino Cross Fast Batts in Tundra,
plum and purple haze. SO MUCH FUN!!! The vessel turned out very well -
I was quite proud as it was my first. I am attaching a photo.

Also, ordered your Nuno Felt Scarf kit in the "Fairy Hollow" colorway.
Of course, I don't do things exactly as they are laid out - so dyed the silk scarf
that came with the kit sort of a tie-dye olive and used other Living Felt rovings,
old mesh, etc. - SOOOOO I had all of the "Fairy Hollow" wool to work with -
so made another scarf with that - smaller, narrower than the one that came with the kit -
but still turned out really nice. I dyed the silk on this one too. Am attaching photos of both.

Thank you so much for providing me with such escapism and FUN -
my life would be very bland without Living Felt!!

Sue Hale



...visit facebook to see even more great pics by our mutual felting friends,
and send us your pics to be featured on our blog, in our newsletters,
and the Living Felt Website. Your pic might even make the home page!

How to Submit Your Photos

, we need clear, crisp photos
-- Please send the best photos you can! :)

More Felting Friends Pics on the Blog!

Living Felt Friends on Facebook

Deluxe Nuno Felt Scarf Kit in Fairy Hollow

We have great nuno felt scarf kits that will teach
you the basics of nuno felting...or you can get one
of our Deluxe Kits full of fun colors, textures, yarns and locks!

"Nuno" means "new", and nuno felting is the process of
felting onto a fabric, which permits creating a durable,
yet flowing finished work...great for scarves, wraps,
and even wall-hangings or table runners.


These are a sampling of our gorgeous Multi-Colored Merino Tops,
traditionally used for "next to the skin felting" such as hats, scarves, etc...and also
used by Liza Adams on her adorable bears above.


A few essentials for wet felting!

We LOVE our olive oil soap, imported from France and excellent for felting!
This big 10.5 oz cube will last and last!

The felting mesh provides a wonderful protection for your work before
it reaches the "soft felt" stage, ensuring that the wool felts to itself
and doesn't stick to you, your plastic, or bubble wrap, etc.

The bamboo mat helps to "full" (or further shrink) your work after you have a sturdy felt.



2nd Annual International Felting Contest!

The LIVING FELT International Felting Contest promotes
quality in craftsmanship, creativity and the uniqueness
of self-expression within a particular theme.

There are two categories you may enter.

Download Entry Form and Complete Guidelines

Felted Doll Category:
Create an Art Doll of Your Design
Wet felt or needle felt a doll of your own design. The doll
can be human or fantasy, and must have at least head,
and hands made from hand-made felt.

Jimmy Paige by Deb Koch

See last year's amazing entrants here


Theme Category: Seuss~pirations!
(Inspired by Dr. Seuss)

Oh! The things you'll felt! Within the theme you may create 2D or a 3D creation,
it can be a sculpture, a doll, a functional item, a purely decorative item,
a wearable...you name it!

For our Seusspirations category this year, we encourage you
to make up your own unique beings inspired by the Good Doctor.

Awards & Prizes:

1st Place Winner in each Category:
* $250 Gift Certificate for Living Felt *
* promoted on Living Felt website & publications *
* featured in Art Doll Quarterly Magazine *
* Certificate and Ribbon *

2nd Place Winner in each Category:
* $100 Gift Certificate for Living Felt *
* promoted on Living Felt website & publications *
* appear in Art Doll Quarterly Magazine *
* Certificate and Ribbon *

3rd Place Winner in each Category:
* $50 Gift Certificate for Living Felt *
* promoted on Living Felt website & publications *
* Certificate and Ribbon *

Download Entry Form and Complete Guidelines

Some of the most outstanding creations will be
showcased in ART DOLL Quarterly!


To share this contest with your online groups and felting friends,
simply point them to this page, or tell them to go to our website
and click on Win! at the top of the page!



Peace Felt 2011 Registration is Now Open!

How would you like to receive a beautiful, hand-crafted
gift that symbolizes Peace, Love and Unity from
another part of the country...or even the world?

Last year we had over 500 participants exchanging
just such gifts, together we created a
Circle of Peace Felt Around the World.

This year we already have 250+ participating
from 15 countries around the world!

You can join us this year. There is no cost to participate.

Full details on our website:
More on Peace Felt

See last year's exchanges on our Peace Felt facebook page

If you participated last year, or are ready to sign up,

Register for PEACE FELT 2011 Here



Join us on facebook, and become a friend of LIVING FELT where you can upload your felted creations for all to enjoy!


Sending My Blessings
Marie Spaulding
www.LivingFelt.com ~ Act on Your Inspired Ideas!

P. S.

On behalf of all of us here at Living Felt, I thank you for your letters, emails, pictures, and facebook posts. We truly love hearing from you, receiving your echoes of joy at tapping into your Inner Creativity, feeling the wonder and exhilaration of expressing from your heart. All of us here read your notes, and we all give thanks that we can be of service in lighting up that brilliant, brilliant light within you, and reminding you that it was with you all along.


Enter to Win!
and see your creation in
Art Doll Quarterly Magazine!

2011 International
Felting Contest

Download Entry Form

Recent Newsletters

Last Week

Gift Certificate Winners

International Felting Contest

New Goodies & Announcements

Over 250 people have registered from 15 countries to create a circle of Peace Felt around the world...there is still time to participate!

Register Now


Peace Felt on Facebook


Link to Living Felt!

This wonderful icon was made for us to share with you! We invite you to post one on your blog or website:


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Felting Friends Blog


