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““Please watch out for each other and love
and forgive everybody. It's a good life, enjoy it.”

-Jim Henson

Our wish for you is that you is that you love and forgive yourself this week.
Know that the beauty, magic and brilliance you appreciate in others
is your very self being reflected back to you. Soak it in.

We appreciate you. Thank you for sharing your inspired ideas with us all.

Sharyn Erickson from Ham Lake, MN has been wowing us with her needle felts for a while,
like with this classic witch and her little imp made from Living Felt Merino Cross Batts.

Now she is adventuring into wet felting and having a great time, so we look forward to her
seeing more of her wonderful creations in wool!

s always, we wish you happy felting, and let us know if you have any questions
or need any support by emailing us at customer service@livingfelt.com

With Love,


Celebrating Fall in Felt!

We have been receiving lots and lots of photos this week from our felting friends
around the world, what a joy to share a little of your passions and brilliant creative expressions.

Below are a few of the wonderful gifts being given through Peace Felt this year. A wonderful
article was written by Fiona Duthie (also a Peace Felt participant) and posted on the
Living Crafts blog on 09/21, The International Day of Peace. Read the Article

My peace felt partner is from Michigan so I made her this necklace.
I made it of merino wool in woodland colors since I think of woods when I think of Michigan,
and I love the peacefulness of all the trees growing when you walk through the woods.

In between the felt beads are little stones of Kambaba jasper which is supposed to soothe nerves
and ease the wearer's mental state. It is believed to bring balance and relaxation,
and like all jaspers, it is a stone of protection and grounding.
It was made with love – so when it is worn it should feel like a hug from the universe.

-Helen Hoelck, Wallingford, CT


Peacie was expertly and lovingly created by Carol Messick of Millsboro, DE
for her Peace Felt partner also in the USA.

" I hope my partner enjoys it. Fall is her favorite season and she and I understand the memories her peace sign brings .
By the way..her name is Peacie . I really had fun doing this as I thought of her farm and beautiful Apple trees

- Carol Messick

See More Peace Felt Projects on the Peace Felt Facebook Page

We have a ton of fabulous entries in the 2nd Annual
Living Felt International Felting Contest. If you haven't stopped by already,
you will have so much fun viewing them! Below are a couple of entries,
we are withholding artist's names until all judges scores are received

DOLL ENTRY: Woodland Girl


View all Doll Entries | View all Seusspiration Entries


Send us pictures of your halloween
and fall or Christmas felting projects!

Just follow these 4 simple steps:

1) Take a nice clear photo with a complimentary background

2) Re-size to a maximum of 1000 pixels wide.
If you can’t do it with your own software, try this free tool: http://www.picresize.com/

3) Send your photo to submissions@livingfelt.com with Photo Entry in the Subject Line

4) In your email, please tell us a bit about your project
and tell us what supplies, wool/colors, or kits you used from the Living Felt website.


Needle Felting a Hat is a fun and rewarding project!
Try our kit and choose your own custom colors.

- Needle Felting Hat Form with Tall Extension Size = Medium
- 4 oz of wool, Your choice of colors in minimum quantities of 1 oz (hat will require 3-4oz)
- Complete Instructions

Wooden 4-needle felting tool with four 38 star felting needles (a 10% savings!)

Needle Felting a Hat Kit


One of the items most coveted by our
felting friends is our Specialty Designer Packs.

New this year is Autumn Leaves...with lovely oranges, browns, greens,
golds and even purples to give you those warm and cozy feelings of Fall.

Our friends tell us that what they like most is the great assortment of
fun colors and textures that have put together for them -- some they
never would have thought of, and others that would take a lot of energy to gather.

All Specialty Designer Packs


LIVING FELT Brand Super Premium CW-1™ Core Wool Fiber for needle felting.

You will absolutely love how quickly and easily this merino-cross core wool needle felts!
The fiber has the perfect crimp and provide a wonderful base for your needle felting projects.

Many people use this core wool to create base shapes and then overlay dyed
or bright white wool on top because it is so affordable. This wool DOES contain vegetable matter
and does have a natural wooly scent. It is not meant as a clean top surface wool.

We have specially sourced this fiber for its wonderful quality and supreme needle feltability!
We know you are going to love it as much as we do!

Made in the U.S.A. from happy sheep raised on U.S. Farms. Farm-Fresh!
Color - Off White / Aged White / Undyed / Unbleached / Natural.

CW-1™ Core Wool



Nuno Felt Scarf Workshop
SATURDAY, October 15th, 2011
9am - 4pm

All Materials included, beginners welcome!
**Limited spaces available! This will be a great, small group environment.

Register | General Information

Watch the workshops page for upcoming classes! Is there a particular workshop you are interested in
Email marie@livingfelt.com



2nd Annual International Felting Contest!

UPDATE: We are processing all of the entries!
We will get them online as soon as we can later this month :)


Felted Doll Category: Create an Art Doll of Your Design
Wet felt or needle felt a doll of your own design. The doll
can be human or fantasy, and must have at least head,
and hands made from hand-made felt.

Theme Category: Seuss~pirations! (Inspired by Dr. Seuss)
Oh! The things you'll felt! Within the theme you may create 2D or a 3D creation,
it can be a sculpture, a doll, a functional item, a purely decorative item,
a wearable...you name it!

For our Seusspirations category this year, we encourage you
to make up your own unique beings inspired by the Good Doctor.

View all Doll Entries | View all Seusspiration Entries


Awards & Prizes:

1st Place Winner in each Category:
* $250 Gift Certificate for Living Felt *
* promoted on Living Felt website & publications *
* featured in Art Doll Quarterly Magazine *
* Certificate and Ribbon *

2nd Place Winner in each Category:
* $100 Gift Certificate for Living Felt *
* promoted on Living Felt website & publications *
* appear in Art Doll Quarterly Magazine *
* Certificate and Ribbon *

3rd Place Winner in each Category:
* $50 Gift Certificate for Living Felt *
* promoted on Living Felt website & publications *
* Certificate and Ribbon *

Some of the most outstanding creations will be
showcased in ART DOLL Quarterly!


To share this contest with your online groups and felting friends,
simply point them to this page, or tell them to go to our website
and click on Win! at the top of the page!




Join us on facebook, and become a friend of LIVING FELT where you can upload your felted creations for all to enjoy!


Sending My Blessings
Marie Spaulding
www.LivingFelt.com ~ Act on Your Inspired Ideas!

P. S.

On behalf of all of us here at Living Felt, I thank you for your letters, emails, pictures, and facebook posts. We truly love hearing from you, receiving your echoes of joy at tapping into your Inner Creativity, feeling the wonder and exhilaration of expressing from your heart. All of us here read your notes, and we all give thanks that we can be of service in lighting up that brilliant, brilliant light within you, and reminding you that it was with you all along.


Contest is Underway!
Judging is in progress

2011 International
Felting Contest

Previous Newsletters

LAST WEEK: The beginnings of fall

Felted Baby Boo! Pumpkins
and August Gift Certificate Winner

Felting Autumn Leaves Tutorial

Froggie & Children Felting


Peace Felt on Facebook



Link to Living Felt!

This wonderful icon was made for us to share with you! We invite you to post one on your blog or website:


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Felting Friends Blog




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