Monday, October 26, 2020
Dear Fencers Club Members,
On November 15, we will be holding our 4th Annual Veterans on Guard Combat Challenge Team Event! Each team is comprised of one military Veteran, one veteran fencer and one senior athlete. Besides being a great way to build club camaraderie during a friendly competition, the goal of the event is to raise money for the Veterans on Guard program.
Each year, the event brings together the FC community to celebrate the Military Veterans on Guard Fencing Program, which introduces fencing to active duty servicemen and Veterans. The program promotes physical fitness and emotional well-being and we have positively impacted the lives of more than 250 Veterans so far.
We are so excited to announce the teams for this year's event and hope you can support and cheer on our fencers:
Darrell Armstrong
Philippe Bennett
Alexey Cheremsky
Ben Langel
John Tinmouth
Kasia Nixon
Joe Brooks
Matt Viederman
Curtis McDowald
Troy Powell
Joe Lunievicz
Ian Sanders
Allen Chukwuhdi
Neil Rifkind
Dennis Kraft
Gilberto Ramos
Adam Weintraub
Sean White
Barry Fahrer
Jack Lee
Nicholas Lawson
Celester Rich
Sean McClain
Cooper Schumacher
You can support your favorite fencers or coach as well as the event as a whole by donating to our online donating platform. Donating is safe and easy. Any donation will help us reach our goal of $15,000.
This is a program that we are extremely proud of and are committed to continuing to develop. This past February, we launched our Wheelchair Fencing program for military Veterans, which we are continuing to grow and strengthen this year through our partnership with the US Department of Veteran Affairs.
We are very excited for this event and will be streaming bouts throughout the day. We hope you can join us and cheer on our fencers as they fence to support the Fencers Club's Veterans on Guard and our community programs.
Thank you,
Fencers Club