Feng Shui, Minimalism and Clutter Management
"Feng Shui and Clutter Clearing work together. To be healthy, energy (chi) needs to be free-flowing and balanced. This type of energy is healthy. When it reaches a pile of clutter, it sticks to it like glue and won’t move. So, the life area where the clutter is located may become stuck."
Conquer Clutter by Forming New Habits

The practice of Feng Shui is a little bit like interior decorating. Feng Shui works with floor plans, with furniture selection and placement, with lighting, and color, and artwork—but it works on a deep, deep level.

But before any of that can happen, a room must be clean and clutter free. Where there is disorder, Feng Shui teaches, energy is confused, stopped up. It cannot flow. And neither can we. 

Simple tips and habits anyone can do.

Decluttering Your Life
How The Stuff in Your Home is Keeping you Stuck in Life (And What to Do About It)

Our home is an energetic extension of ourselves with every aspect reflected somewhere in it. This is made even more exact by the stuff we possess. Every item is an expression or extension of our mental and emotional selves. This is why decluttering your life and home can be such an arduous process. You are literally letting go of mental and emotional aspects of yourself.

Tons of ideas and ponderings in this!

The Clutter Cycle from Joan Law
"Which came first: the clutter or the depression? The clutter-depression cycle can be hard to break. Studies show that depression can contribute to an disinterest in your surroundings which can lead to a cluttered home. But the studies have also shown that excessive clutter and items that have negative memories attached can increase depression."

On the flip side of getting rid of "stuff" in the name of minimalism, Karen Kingston, clutter expert and author, has an additional point of view...
What's Missing from Minimalism

Everything in life works better without clutter.

But some minimalists take this too far and try to exist with the absolute minimum number of things they need to get by.

[The] main problem with minimalism is the basis on which decisions are made. I believe that each of us is here on earth for a purpose, and the possessions we keep around us need to reflect this — not so little that we can’t do what we’re here to do, and not so much that we are burdened and held back.

In the News
Bigshots/Digital Vision/Getty Images
The Cost of Clutter, from VeryWellMind.com
by Elizabeth Scott, M.S.

This is a fabulous article that talks about the types of stress clutter can cause while recognizing realistic expectations of how we live (especially with kids). Find tips on how to cull and organize your clutter as well as our favorite, using Feng Shui to create positive chi in your spaces.

Final Thoughts - 10 Common Types of Clutter and What It's Doing to You
An absolutely brilliant list from Laura Morris, Morris Feng Shui
“Maybe one day I will need this” clutter: you are letting your things plan your future. Keeping things just in case creates a sense of unease with your future. Don’t let your stuff dictate your what’s in store for you.

“The way we were” clutter: too much clutter from the good old days will keep your energy locked in the past.

The “must-haves”: collecting and having things in an effort to increase your standing and make yourself feel accepted. “No material object, however beautiful or valuable, can make us feel loved…” The Dalai Lama

Basement clutter: can keep you locked in the past especially if the clutter is from past relationships, jobs or locations. The basement is the foundation of your home, if your foundation is locked in the past how can you build a future?

Attic clutter: holding you back from attaining your dreams and future plans. It is like being under a giant thumb pressing you down.

Main entrance clutter: can limit opportunities in your career and personal development. The front entrance is the where the most chi enters the home – blocked chi = blocked opportunities.

Clutter behind doors: equals low energy in the room that the door leads into. The door needs to be able swing and open fully.

Cluttered hallways: too much large furniture or clutter blocks or slows chi this can represent or lead to a lack of progress in your life. Compressed or squeezed chi in the front hallway could lead to health issues and lethargy.

The junk/spare room: even though no one sleeps in this room full-time this is an example of better to be safe than sorry. Each room and section of the home is aligned with a certain aspect of your life and type of energy. This becomes clear once you learn which area of the bagua that room occupies. It could be wealth, marriage, career or any of the other nine guas.

Under the bed: clocked or blocked chi under the bed can lead to sleep and health issues. If space is an issue then try to keep only soft bedding or seasonal clothing – avoid heavy things, sharp things and definitely do not store old unwanted things there.
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