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Feng Shui Basics: the Fire Element
second in a series of five
Last month, we started our Feng Shui Five Element series talking about Wood - and this month we are touching on the Fire element. As with all the elements, Fire has its own essence and character - it brings its own unique energy to the table. You might think that Fire is predominantly found in the flame. But it's really so much more as you will see.

Read on to learn more about what the Fire energy represents, where and how to use it, and how to balance the energy when needed. Every month we think we can't top the last one; but then each month, we are more and more proud of our experts, their knowledge and passion for the subject, and their incredible body of work. Enjoy!
The Fire element activates leadership qualities and kindles healthy emotional interactions between people. Too much Fire in an environment stimulates or amplifies aggression, impatience, and impulsive behavior, while too little Fire can promote emotional darkness or coldness.
The Fire element is found in:

·      lighting, including electric, oil, candles, fireplaces, and natural sunlight.

·      items from animals, such as fur, suede, leather, bone, feathers, silk, and wool

·      pets and wildlife.

·      art portraying people or animals.

·      art depicting sunshine, fire, or other illumination.

·      triangles, pyramids, and cone shapes.

·      all red tones, including pink, red orange, magenta, and maroon.

Simple Ways to Decorate with the Feng Shui: The Fire Element
by Laura Morris, Morris Feng Shui and Mindful Design Feng Shui School

Light a fire in your design! If you want more warmth, passion, and inspiration in your life consider incorporating the fire element into your design. This article gives you a taste and real examples of what you can use to decorate and design with the fire element. You can choose the level and amount of the element you want to bring in to your space. I will give you: a paint option for lots of fire, a piece of art for a symbolic and powerful representation of fire, and a simple way to bring the natural energy of fire into your space.
1. One of the Five Elements represented by the color red. Its movement is upward, outward, expansive and explosive. Fire energy is very active and vibrant. It represents the South sector of the Bagua, the number 9, triangular shape, Summer season, and correlates with the heart and small intestines. 
2. Classically related to the trigram Li and the Bagua area associated with fame and reputation. 

Also called Huo, Li 
See Bagua, Five Elements, Pa Kua, Trigram

From the IFSG Feng Shui Glossary, The definitive resource for more than 300 of the top Feng Shui words. Get your copy today!
Fire rules the Fame/Reputation Bagua area

Fame and Reputation relates to how powerful we are, what we want illuminated or what we want to be known for. Things to know about Fire + Fame and Reputation:

- Fame and Reputation rules our hearts and blood pressure.
- The Fire Element is represented by the very active color red.
- The Fire Element represents passion, anger, spontaneity and movement.
- The Fire Element is represented by the triangle, and also spiky shapes.
- Since Wood creates Fire, layering cacti or "firestick" plants is excellent.
- Fire is generally yang or activating, but fireplaces, candlelight or house lights are examples of Yin or calmer Fire.
- Fire elements direction is south and energetically directed upward.
- Fire element represents the sunny summer season.
- Fire element-infused décor includes red throws, blankets and pillows.
- All light fixtures should function safely and be replaced when needed.
- Fire element electrical systems correspond to our heart health.

Why would we turn our attention in our homes to the Fame and Reputation Bagua area? If you want to be recognized for your skills or talents, if you are publishing a book, if you lack clarity or passion, if you want to be rewarded as an employee, if you want to improve how others perceive you, or if you feel inactive or lackluster, then Fame is where we begin.

Feng Shui doesn't dictate right or wrong instead, it invites us to trust our own intuition about what is working or not working in our space and then asks us to have the courage to make changes as they arise.

Final Thoughts: The Five Elements - at the Heart of Feng Shui

Knowing that there is a universal energy is a good thing. However knowing the pattern of this energy is a more advanced step. This is where the theory of the five elements comes into the picture.

“Five elements” is a rough translation – a more accurate one would be the “five phases” of the Qi. They have to be understood as five aspects the Qi takes in our physical world. They are water, wood, fire, earth and metal. Their characteristics are as follows:

• Metal: Contracting Qi
• Water: Going to the lower point
• Wood: Expanding Qi
• Fire: Rising Qi
• Earth: Compiling

Read the rest of this in-depth article about the Five Elements. From understanding Qi or energy, the relationships between the elements, shapes/colors/directions, and the deep connections in the layers of Feng Shui.
Next Event...Chinese Astrology: the Year of the Water Tiger and Beyond
with Donna Stellhorn
Saturday, June 25, 2022 1pm-2pm Eastern (US), live + online one hour presentation
Tickets $15US / $9US for IFSG members
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