Proudly celebrating 25 years
Feng Shui and the Holidays, from the
International Feng Shui Guild
The holidays can be a time of pure bliss but also major chaos - and honestly anything and everything in between. And this year is no different.

So, our hope is that in this newsletter you will find a few pointers to help you navigate the world through December, to make the most of your health, home, and family. We've included something for everyone including getting along, colors, the bagua, and even a feng shui forecast for the month - so keep scrolling. Take a few moments to breathe and rest as we usher in the season.
Family Feud or Full House? A Feng Shui Guide to Cherishing Family Relationships during the Holidays
Relationships. Can’t live with them and can’t live without them.

So, when the holidays start rolling around, are you in the camp: "yay, I can’t wait to see everyone – we are going to have so much fun playing games, and taking hikes, and co-existing peacefully?" Or are you in the camp of: "oy vey, I hope I can make it through the next hour?"

Either way – Feng Shui can be a benefit and a helpful tool to navigating time with others. And our time with others is important. 

Welcoming Good Chi at the Front Door
To invite opportunity into your space, pay particular attention to the décor of both the inside and outside of your main entrance. Keep it simple, uncluttered, and welcoming. For instance, a beautiful holiday wreath on your door can attract luck and opportunity. Decorating your home for the holidays can give your home a whole new look and feel. It's similar to when we get a new hairdo. Something shifts inside. Since your home is a reflection of who you are, whenever you make simple changes around your home, you change too.

Using Color in your Decorations
YELLOW OR GOLD…stands for power, and also stands for tolerance, patience and wisdom.

BLUE-GREEN…is closely aligned with the colors of nature and youth.

BLUE…is associated with spring, new growth, and hope. It is the traditional color used to celebrate Channukah. It is also associated with a mourning color to the Chinese, so you may want to avoid it if your heritage is Chinese.

PURPLE…is considered an auspicious color, inspiring respect, high nobility and power.

GREEN…represents tranquility, hope and freshness.

RED…is an auspicious color connoting happiness, warmth, strength and fame. It’s a very energizing color.

Read more... about each color in your decorating scheme; from Shelley Nordlund.
Holiday Decorating with the Bagua
As you decorate, be conscious about using the Feng Shui Bagua to help. Place it over the entry of the room and use the attributes of each area to guide you in altering the room’s energy by selecting the areas where you place your decorations.

Decorations already up? No worries, take a look at the Bagua and tweak a few adjustments to enhance the areas that you want to work on. Christmas trees work well in Wisdom, Family, and Health, but because of all the colors, lights, garland and ornaments can represent all of the elements and act as five element displays wherever they are placed. This is a win – win! Menorahs representing fire enhance the Fame/Reputation area, but like the Christmas tree, depending on the colors and what it is made of, they can also hold all of the elements. You really can’t go wrong with holiday decorations!

Private Space
"With a house full of guests, carving out a quiet space for yourself can be challenging, but it’s essential. It doesn’t have to be renovation of an entire room. It can be your favorite chair or a part of the room with a small space to unwind. (This is important year-round, but absolutely essential during the hectic holidays.)"

Other ideas include:
  • Bathrooms, create a spa-like environment by adding a steam shower or face steamer. 
  • Home offices, a comfortable seat for reading with beautiful artwork can create a corner of serenity. 
  • Plants, great in any room if they’re easy to maintain. Ffresh citrus fruits can add brightness and fragrance..

From Interior Designer and Feng Shui consultant, Marina V. Umali, as featured in Forbes.
December 2022 Feng Shui Forecast...Cultivate Joy!
December 7: Full Moon
December 21: Winter Solstice
December 23: New Moon in Capricorn … Fame Gua
December 29: Mercury Retrograde through January 18

December begins as joyful energy from the November 23rd new moon continues to build, peaking with the full moon on December 7th. This is a positive and optimistic time, and an ideal planning cycle (through January 12th, 2023) for the next two years.

Includes moon phase information, how to recharge, feng shui elements to bring into your home, and the important solstice.

Click to see the full month's forecast and make this the season of joy, from long time practitioner, Peg Donahue.
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  • Advance the practice, teaching and use of Feng Shui worldwide
  • Promote and serve our membership with resources, networking opportunities, publications and a content-rich website
  • Unify the Feng Shui community by establishing and upholding universal standards in professional practice and education
  • Inspire public confidence in the professionalism of our members as demonstrated in our by-laws, Code of Ethics and the Feng Shui Universal Topics.

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