"The reason feng shui experts pay so much attention to thee front entrance of a home is because it's not just the main entry for people, but also for energies." ~~Karen Kingston
This is so true. It's why we, as consultants, ask questions such as - how often do you use the front door? Can you open it freely and fully? Do you have things behind the door making it difficult to enter into your first room?
The front door is the "mouth of chi," your window to the world so to speak, on inviting nurturing chi, or energy, into your space. If your door is hard to open or can't be seen from the street; you have an opportunity to shift your world using Feng Shui concepts and principles. Live in a condo or apartment? You can still make sure your front entrance to your space is exactly what you need and want.
This month, we are talking about the Front Door. We want your door/entrance to say to the beneficial energy and opportunities of the world "Come On In." You deserve it.