Feng Shui at the Front Door
Come on In
"The reason feng shui experts pay so much attention to thee front entrance of a home is because it's not just the main entry for people, but also for energies." ~~Karen Kingston

This is so true. It's why we, as consultants, ask questions such as - how often do you use the front door? Can you open it freely and fully? Do you have things behind the door making it difficult to enter into your first room?

The front door is the "mouth of chi," your window to the world so to speak, on inviting nurturing chi, or energy, into your space. If your door is hard to open or can't be seen from the street; you have an opportunity to shift your world using Feng Shui concepts and principles. Live in a condo or apartment? You can still make sure your front entrance to your space is exactly what you need and want.

This month, we are talking about the Front Door. We want your door/entrance to say to the beneficial energy and opportunities of the world "Come On In." You deserve it.
Entrance is the Qi to Your House
From Chaitanya Yellapu, "The main entrance of a home is not just a means of entering the house. It is considered to be the ‘gateway that leads to victory and abundance in life. The main entrance is one of the most important areas of one’s home."

With often multiple entrances into a home, we don’t want the energy to get confused. So we focus on one single entry - the front door.
Simple tips for your front door.
Feng Shui Tips for a Strong Front Door
From Anjie Cho, "Some homes may have secondary doors that are used on a daily basis. This is okay, however, the mouth of qi is your formal front door. If you never use it, you are blocking out energy and opportunities. Therefore, it’s essential to activate your front door regularly. You can do this by simply opening and walking through it at least once every nine days. Daily is better. " 
5 Tips for how to make the most of your front door including challenges.
Front Door Quick #FengShui Tips

  • Sweep your porch and wash your front door.
  • Polish your door hardware.
  • Check all your doormats. Are they tattered or dull? Change them out and note how happy you are when stepping on them before entering your home.
  • Put some fresh flowers or a new plant in your entryway to greet guests (and fresh chi).
More Feng Shui Front Door Ideas on our Pinterest Board

Why Red Doors are a Cliché in Feng Shui
From Katie Rogers, "You may have heard the cliché in Feng Shui concerning red front doors: that if your front door is red, it’s good Feng Shui or to have good Feng Shui, your front door must be red. The answer to this is NO, this is not true! You absolutely do not need a red front door for good chi. In fact, you don’t have to have a single drop of red on your entire property!" 
Make the most of your front door - even if it's not red. Want a red door? You can do that too.
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