Feng Shui for the Whole Family
What does this mean to you?
For some, it's their birth family. For some, it's the family they built. For some, who maybe grew up in foster care or in difficult life circumstances, this is a difficult word. Many of us have family that aren't related by blood, but are important enough to be called "ours." Community, special friends, your safe people whoever that may be.

In Feng Shui, this gua (facing your home, after placing the bagua, is located in the left side/center section) is important in the overall balance of your space just like all other 8 guas. All spaces count - all spaces have the potential to fill and nurture your life. And all spaces are meant for you.

This month, we have included pieces from as many "family" relationships and dynamics as we could. The overall theme - no matter where you are in a family structure - is that there is a place for you. Feng Shui is for you.
Feng Shui and Family Photos
From Anita Rosenberg, "Arranging family photographs the Feng Shui way is about honoring those in our lives who support and love us. Pictures of people are considered the FIRE ELEMENT and there are rules to how and where to place them adding to the energy of the home."
Great photo tips for the whole house.
Tips for Kids Bedrooms
From Marina V. Umali, "Kids, their bedrooms and Feng Shui. We are all affected by our spaces but more importantly the interior of our homes can alter our children's mood, behavior, and of course their sleep. I decided to write this blog post in the hopes of helping parents with toddlers and school aged kids.
A top ten list of tips.
Good Nursing Home Feng Shui (aka Feng Shui is good for Grandma)
“A supportive Feng Shui layout encourages the optimal and even flow of chi throughout the space. As in the natural world, everything is connected. The plan of an assisted living facility with good Feng Shui encourages mingling, connection and easy access, as well as a proper balance of resident and staff areas."

QUICK TIP: "Our eyesight changes as we age. The elderly need stronger, more obvious color contrasts between furniture, walls, draperies, and floors to distinguish objects, maintain spatial understanding, and avoid falls. Healing colors such as blues, greens and yellow mimic the natural environment (known as biomimicry) and help elders to feel they are in a safe and comfortable place. In addition to color and texture, adequate, non-glare, full-spectrum lighting will go a long way to enhance diminishing eyesight as well as maintain a supportive yin-yang balance."

Feng Shui and Pets - 7 Ways to Enhance Your Companion's Lives
From Gwynne Warner, "Animals are most excellent Feng Shui! They generate and circulate moving life-force; invigorate our homes with joy; reduce depression and illness; and perhaps most importantly, open our hearts wide with unconditional love." 
Most pet owners know that having a pet makes their life better. And that absolutely, pets are family.
What about Romance...
Looking for help with your partner or love relationship? Need ideas to improve your current relationship or to call a new one into your life? Check out our recent Feng Shui newsletter "Feng Shui, Love, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

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