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Feng Shui on the Job
from the
International Feng Shui Guild
We often start our work with a client at their home. They call a consultant to come in and see what they can do to guide, harmonize, balance, enhance, improve, etc. the aspects of home and family life. But there is great value in considering the Feng Shui of your work life especially if you work outside the home. When you spend a significant amount of time in a place, it's beneficial to look at the Feng Shui.

Terah Kathryn Collins says in her book, "The Western Guide to Feng Shui," to enhance your career area when:

  • you are making any kind of change in your job or career
  • you are looking for or changing your job or career
  • you want to volunteer or do community service work
  • you are going from one type of work into another.

We would also add that Feng Shui for work or career is very beneficial when you want to get more out of the work that you do, you are looking to strengthen your relationships with clients or partners, you want to boost your reputation for your company (check out your fame gua with this too), and so on.

So, what we are saying is it's a great time to dig into the depths of what you want to pursue for your passions and your work using Feng Shui. You won't be sorry. And the ripple effects between home, work, friends, and social will bring more abundance to your life than you can even realize. Keep scrolling for feng shui at work tips and ideas from our experts...
"Creating positive Feng Shui at work doesn’t have to end there; you can also impact your office environment by introducing mindful behaviors like expressing appreciation to coworkers or being aware of how our thoughts and behaviors interact with others."
The ripple effects of Feng Shui. Oh how we love this from Kerstin Tracy...

Like this? Click to read "Using Feng Shui at Work to Increase Success" also by Kerstin.
Setting up the Perfect Workspace
Five Tips to creating a supportive work space

Tip 1 – Desk Placement: The best place for your desk is in a position where you can see the door. You want to see what is coming toward you, and if you can also have a solid wall behind you, then you will be supported. [This is called the Power Position in Feng Shui and it's super important!]

Tip 2 – Your Chair: Select a chair that is supportive. There is nothing worse than having a chair that is wobbly, or not suitable for your size. Pick a chair that says you are the boss. One that has a large and supportive back on it.

Tip 3 – Definition of space: Keep your space uncluttered. If you are using a space that is also being used for another purpose, ensure that you have a good definition of where your office space begins and ends.

Tip 4 – Setting the room up for success: When it comes to setting up the space, ensure that it reflects an office. Put on the walls the certificates you have earned from your trade/studies. Add artwork to reflect growth, like a lush forest, provide an image of strength, sturdiness and success are also great ways to set an intention.

Tip 5 – How does it feel: Can you see in the room? Ensure that the lighting in the room is sufficient for all times of day. You will be spending a lot of time in this space, so take the time to create something you want to be in.

Declutter your Office to Grow Your Business
Four simple Feng Shui tips to overcome clutter and gain clarity

What does your desk look like? Come on turn around and look at your desk for a minute?

Can you see cups? Papers? Magazines? Telephone? Wallet? Packet of sandwich? Books?? Can you actually see your mouse, or is it buried under a pile of clutter??

One of the biggest energy blockers is clutter…

Your environment is an extension of you; and clutter in your home or your home office maybe holding you back mentally and emotionally. Everything has energy and frequency. So if you have items that you keep but don’t hold good memories or you feel that you have to keep them for some reason - when you let them go, it is a real freedom.

Claire dissects each area of the bagua and provides enhancements and tools to boost your business. It's a must read!

How does your office represent you and your business? Your office should not be an afterthought. Stay aligned to your business with these tips from Patricia Lohan from Power House Feng Shui Certification. To watch the video above, click the image or click here.
Quick Feng Shui Tip: Power Position for Cubicles
"Position your desk so you can see the entrance to your cubicle when you are facing your computer monitor. This is considered the “power position” in Feng Shui. If you can't move your desk, place a mirror or small reflective object near your monitor so you can look up and see what is going on behind you, and symbolically you won’t be “caught off-guard” by your competitors or colleagues."

March 2023 Feng Shui Forecast - the Career Gua
The Career gua (the center-front of your home and the center-front of every room as you enter), correlates with Aries season. This area is all about how you approach life, the opportunities that come your way, and what you do with them. It’s also associated with new beginnings, your passion, and your opportunities. There are various approaches to take with your Career gua, depending on where you are in life. Your focus might be on a new interest for yourself, career development and growth, changing your role, getting a job or a new job, starting or growing a business, or you might be looking to go to school or obtain training, retire, or post-retirement activities.

Take a walk through your Career areas and notice what captures your attention. You might also take a few photos and study them. How do you feel? What are you noticing?

Regardless of where you are in your life cycle, assessing and refreshing your Career gua can assist your efforts and initiatives. It can facilitate how you attract or strengthen opportunities and help you to feel better about your choices and efforts. Consider what are you most passionate about and what drives your life and gives it meaning and purpose. What do you yearn to do?

There is SO much more to this article. Peg shares 9 tips to revitalize your career, talks about the five elements and making the most of career through those elements, and some help in setting intentions for the next moon cycle. Read this full article today!
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  • Advance the practice, teaching and use of Feng Shui worldwide
  • Promote and serve our membership with resources, networking opportunities, publications and a content-rich website
  • Unify the Feng Shui community by establishing and upholding universal standards in professional practice and education
  • Inspire public confidence in the professionalism of our members as demonstrated in our by-laws, Code of Ethics and the Feng Shui Universal Topics.

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