Professionals Needed!
Counselors are looking for parents and community members to support our
students’ career exploration in one of three ways:
- Be willing to answer student questions about your career via email.
- Be willing to connect students to volunteer, intern, or job shadow experiences at your company.
- Be a career speaker at Fenwick.
Here is the link for more information and to sign up.
Flock Block with the Counselors
Counselors met with their juniors for an in-depth look at the College Search Process. All resources are available in their Class of 2025 Class Notebook.
Leadership Opportunity: Last Call!
Leadership and Ethics Seminar hosted by the West Point Society of Cincinnati.
Friday, February 2, 2024. This one-day event is geared to teach sophomores and juniors leadership and ethics from local West Point graduates. If interested, please email Mrs. Horn.
Scores are now available. Juniors and sophomores received information via email/text directly from the College Board on how to access scores.
Testing – Courtesy of LEAP
Get the Stacked Testing advantage: Recommended Dates…Stacked testing means testing in back-to-back test cycles such as the February 10 ACT and the State ACT at your child’s high school or the State ACT coupled with the April 13 ACT.
- Students well prepared for stacked test dates often finish testing after only two attempts.
- Students who stack test dates in the spring are finished testing before end-of-year exams (including AP testing during the first two weeks of May). What a relief for teens to be finished with all testing during the school year - enjoy your summer!
How should your teen prepare for Stacked Spring Test Dates? Most students enroll in the ACT Prep Essentials Group Course before their first test attempt and enroll in 1:1 Tutoring before their second attempt although some students choose to tutor for both attempts.
But don’t I need test results from the first test attempt before I can prepare for the second test attempt?
Absolutely not! Think of testing as a process and not a one-time attempt. In the process, students improve with each test attempt as they continue to prepare.
Students who take the ACT Prep Essentials Group Course will take a full-length practice test immediately before an official test date.
Students enrolled in 1:1 Tutoring should take a full-length practice test about ¾ of the way through tutoring to gauge progress.
We use data from these practice tests to verify the preparation plan for the second test attempt and don’t have to wait on official ACT scores. This is a win for your student!
What are your next steps?
Register for either the February or April ACT to stack with the state ACT at Fenwick.
Enroll in either LEAP’s ACT Prep Essentials Group Course or 1:1 Tutoring. Call 513-754-2240 for questions or more information.
Upcoming Free Opportunities
Class of 2025
A special thanks to all our parents who joined us Wednesday evening for The College Search Process 101 presentation! It is time to consider prepping for the upcoming state ACT. TorchPrep is hosting a course at Fenwick in preparation for the March 12 state-funded ACT. Here's a link to the registration page.
Here is some information regarding the different types of “test optional” policies
courtesy of Going Merry.
Scholarships/Financial Aid
Citizens Bank - Click here.
General Electric Credit Union: Webinar Paying For College Wednesday, December 6 from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. Click here.
Hamilton County Scholarship Program – Application opens December 8! Click here.
2024 Charles L. Warren Memorial Heritage Scholarship. For high school seniors who demonstrate high academic achievement, dedication to school and community involvement, and a continued commitment to cultural or intellectual diversity are encouraged to apply. This one-time $1,500 scholarship will be awarded to four Ohio students who plan to attend an Ohio school after graduation. The application deadline is Monday, February 5, 2024 at 11:59 PM. Click here.
Understanding the Different Types of Federal Loans for College - Click here.
Wellness Tip of the Week
Looking for an easy way to beat the winter blues? Come cheer on our winter sport teams! Schedules can be found on the Bishop Fenwick Falcon app or at! Our basketball players, swimmers, bowlers, cheerleaders, and pep band members have been working hard and deserve our full support. Positive cheering is just approved yelling and can boost serotonin levels. What a stress-reliever!
Counselor Information
As a reminder, our counselor breakdown is: