July 24, 2017
Inside this Edition

Last Reading, This Year, of Church Rolls & Minutes 

Planning Calendars

Mt. Paran PC Health Fair 

Mt. Paran PC Praise Festival 

Mental Health First Aid Workshop postponed until July 29

1001 New Worshipping Communities Regional Training 

American Heart Association Training and Equipment for Churches 

PCUSA Recommended Minimums for Church Insurance Coverage 

Leadership Institute/ Union Presbyterian Seminary Summer Courses

Committee and Commission meetings will be held at the Presbytery's office (unless noted otherwise.)
Commission on Spiritual Leader Development will meet at 1pm on Wednesday, Aug. 2
Transitions Team will meet at 11am on Thursday, Aug. 3

Credentials Team will meet a 10am on Monday, Aug. 14

Committee on Preparation for Ministry will meet at 3pm on Wednesday, Aug. 16

Steering Committee will meet at 1pm on Wednesday, Aug. 23

Gathering Team will meet at 3pm on Wednesday, Aug 23

Commission on Reconciliation will meet at 6:30pm on August 23

GA Search Committee Review will meet at 9am on Friday, Aug. 25

GA-224 Committee on Local Arrangements (COLA) will meet at 10am on Wednesday, Aug. 30

Praise & Prayer
Please pray for Elder John Lawson, a member of Hope Presbyterian Church, who is battling a recurrence of cancer after about a year in remission. He is currently hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit of St. Agnes Hospital.  for many years, John has served as the chair of the Presbytery of Baltimore's Property and Loan Committee.

Please pray for the continued recovery of TE Webster Brenner Jr ., a parish associate at First Presbyterian Church of Howard Co.   Prayers for encouragement, gracious patience, sustained hope, and the prayerful support from from his presbytery colleagues in Christ may be sent to:  9169 Helaine Hamlet Way
Columbia, MD 21045-4057

And, praise God for the ministry of The Rev. David Norse, who has accepted a call to serve at Maryland Presbyterian Church effective Sept. 18 .

Stewardship Kaleidoscope Scholarships Available
The Stewardship Kaleidoscope Conference will be held at the Tradewinds Island Grand Resort, St. Pete Beach, FL. from Sept. 25-27. 

The Commission on Thriving Congregations -Stewardship Ministry has a limited number of scholarships available to reimburse registration costs on a first come first serve basis. Early registration $250 ends August 1st. Maintain documentation for reimbursement upon your return. 

Contact CRE Ledonia Kimball, 410.448.9164  ledoniak@yahoo.com with your request. Within 75 days upon your return, submit a brief written description of how the scholarship helps the recipient support the Presbytery. 
Meet Fern Cloud 

Fern Cloud, pastor of the Pejuhutazizi Presbyterian Church in the Presbytery of Dakota, will be among several honored guests attending a celebration of the Presbytery of Baltimore's four partnerships at its 876th Gathering on Sept. 14 at Knox Presbyterian Church in Baltimore. In today's Tidings, adapted from the Presbyterian Historical Society film series "Living History," Pastor Fern Cloud shares her perspective on being a Native American Presbyterian.

My name is Fern Cloud. I was born in the Sisseton Wahpeton Dakota reservation in Northeastern South Dakota. Most of my life has been in a lay ministry, working mostly with street people and young people. I didn't really become a Presbyterian until 2000; I was non-denominational before that.
I was called by the Upper Sioux Community in Granite Falls, Minnesota. They called me and asked me if I would be their pastor because the tribal vice chairperson, I had worked with her. She really liked my experiential life in terms of balancing my culture and traditions with my Christian faith. So I came on board, and I felt it was God because I didn't pursue it - it just came to me.

 Christianity and the Native American
The joy that I have as pastor of Pejuhutazizi Presbyterian Church on the Upper Sioux Reservation, I think, is being able to bring the Gospel message in the Native context. And being able to have the freedom to minister in my language and sing in our language. It just makes total sense that that's the way that God would have it.
And also, as I became more and more visible within our church, our Presbytery recognized my skills. They've been adding more and more responsibilities within the presbytery and the synod and GA. I've really become a real active part of the whole PC(USA)'s hierarchy of administrations.
I don't think it's an accident or a coincidence that my journey has brought me back to Minnesota. So many of our people were told they couldn't be Christian and Indian; they had to choose. That's why I went to Bible college, that's why I studied the Bible, so that I could make sense of how could I be a Native Person and a Christian.
I am actually a great-great-granddaughter of Thaoyate Duta, or Little Crow. He was the Chief of the Dakota people that actually allowed the Presbyterians - Williamson and Stephen Riggs - to come in and build a school and a church. My great-great-grandmothers, they were their first students, and they were their first congregation, so you know, I'm very much connected.
The Dakota people in Minnesota were the first contact with the early Presbyterian Missionaries. John Williamson and the missionaries, they were very supportive in helping us to retain our language. They put together a dictionary, and they allowed us to preach and sing in our language. They really were supportive of keeping us as much in our culture, but bringing the Gospel message just to make our culture even better.

 The Baltimore-Dakota Partnership
The Learning Camps partnership between congregations of the Presbytery of Baltimore and the Native American community of the Dakota Presbytery is a good example of how different cultures can work together in common mission without sacrificing cultural identity.  The camp was founded in 2003 and chartered seven years later as a partnership of the Presbytery of Baltimore, under the Commission for Reconciliation.

The whole concept of the 'Learning Camp' was built on respect. We've been partnering with Baltimore, Maryland, Brown Memorial [congregations] for three years now. They come, and they don't bring Vacation Bible School in the old-school sense, you know, "We come to bring Jesus to you." That's been a very painful experience for many of the older people. So we looked at that and we decided that we needed to do something new in partnerships for our youth. So they are loving Christians who come, and by their actions they display the Gospel message and love of Christ as they help our students prepare for school with their academics.
The Native People are really a vital part in the Body of Christ, especially because America is our homeland. The Creator put us here as stewards of this land. So I'm really excited that the Native People are becoming more visible and a voice, a valued voice within the PC(USA).

The Living History film project features diverse experiences and stories told firsthand by American Presbyterians. Believing that every one of us shapes history in our everyday lives, we aim to educate and inspire through interviews with Presbyterians, asking: how do we make history together?

taff Directory

Take Note/Act Now

Presbytery and Church-wide

Last Reading of the Rolls & Minutes:  a final meeting this year to review church rolls and minutes will be held 7pm on Wednesday, Aug. 16 at First Presbyterian Church of Howard Co. Clerks who were unable to attend any of the May-June meetings should email the   statedclerk@baltimorepresbytery.org to reserve a place a this last meting of the year.

The Presbytery of Baltimore has a limited amount of 2017-2018 Presbyterian Planning Calendars for purchase at a cost of  $9 each. 
If interested, email  WandaMorgan
First-come, First-served. 

The the Mental Health First Aid Course sponsored by Grace Presbyterian Church is postponed until Saturday, July 29, 2017. Click here to fill out registration form and email to Grace's Pastor, TE Tanya Wade

Mount Paran Presbyterian Church will host a Free Health Fair from 10:30am to 2pm on Saturday, Aug. 19. The event will feature health screening  and a panel of doctors and nurses to address general health concerns. Click Health Fair for details.

Mt. Paran Presbyterian Church will also host a Christian Praise Festival from 11am to 2pm on Saturday, Aug. 19. Join the congregation for great food, fun and fellowship. For details, click Praise Festival .


1001 New Worshipping Communities is excited to bring a Regional training event to the Northeast (Sterling, VA) on Sept. 23. It is a free event and lunch will be provided for participants. Our goal is to not only provide training for 1001 leaders but to also resource congregations on what we have learned from the field. Click 1001 New Worshipping Communities for more information.

Heart To Beat now offers congregations  American Heart Association Heartsaver training as well as used and refurbished AED sales and support with annual inspections.  Discount pricing for churches is available same day and is based off of the participant size. This certification is valid for a two year period. Visit  www.hearttobeatllc.com.

Does your Insurance coverage meet the PCUSA Recommended Minimum Standards? For  details, please contact Linda A. Senez, CPCU ( 443.345.1055 office / 410.409.5154 cell) Click here to learn more

The  Leadership Institute at Union Presbyterian Seminary will offer several summer courses that may be of interest to your church leadership.
  • Church Business Administration CEU courses - July 22, 2017:  Click here for more information and registration (this is the same information/registration form as Church Business Administration). 
  • Mission Possible: Embracing the Task of Strategic Visioning - October 9-12, 2017Click here for more information and registration. 
  • Pathways to Learning and Leadership: For the course listing and descriptions, and registration, go to Pathways.  

taff Directory

 Jacqueline E. Taylor
General Presbyter

  Deb Milcarek
Assoc. for Reconciliation

Susan Krehbiel
Dir. of Congregational Advocacy
Chuck Brawner
Financial Administrator
William Nickels III
 Assoc. General Presbyter

Debbie Ingram Schmidt
Assoc. for Spiritual Leader Development
Deborah Greene  
Dir. of Communications
Laura Mullen
        Book Keeper

Catherine Blacka

Judy Johnson
Ministry Group Staff

 Wanda Morgan
Dir. of Events/Services

Kate Foster Connors 
Dir. of The Center