Arts Updates, Interviews, Calendar, Calls for Artists and Volunteers, Auditions --- It's All Here in Arts Blast, Arts Blast on the Air, and on Facebook. | Supporting The Arts & Arts Councils Everywhere | |
It's been an interesting and unusual week at the Arts Blast office. I'll just leave it at that.
It appears that our version of a groundhog wasn't spooked by his shadow Wednesday, and I, for one, am hoping spring is here. Not so fast, Summer. You should hold off for a few months.
February is always a month of overlapping arts events, making it so difficult to support all the artists and musicians we'd like to. Do your best and don't get "evented out," as I once heard the inability to choose what to do described.
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This week hear Karen Vatland and Barb Russell talk about the weekend's big event, Gardenfest! Then Neil Capozzi gets us primed for next weekend's ArtsFest in Stuart. Listen to or download the podcast now or listen on the radio — 101.7FM ON THE TREASURE COAST —Sunday evening at 7. | Bookmark On the Calendar at WilliMiller.com for frequent updates. Calls for Artists, Auditions, & Volunteers are now online.Catch up with events at Willi Miller's Arts Blast on Facebook and pick up some laughs and interesting info on the Willi Miller's Arts Blast Extras page. And now there's a Facebook Arts Blast on the Air! | |
Glimmer and Glow
Michelle Held at Kling Gallery
Okeechobee Community Theatre
First Fridays
When Radio Was King at the Barn
Scroll All the Way Down for:
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The Choral Society of the Palm Beaches
Timothy J. Sanchez
Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera & Mexican Modernism
Museum Art Festival
The Society of the Four Arts
Wondrous World of John Williams
Delray Beach Historical Society
Boca Raton Museum of Art
Top of the Lake Art Fest
Edison and Ford Winter Estates Car Show
Kaleidoscope opens at Eau Gallery
Celebrating Florida
Caio Pagano in concert
LRJF Writers Showcase
Treasures 2022
VBMA Trunk Show
KHAOS at the Flagler
Orphans at ACT
Nunsense at Treasure Coast theatre
Spirit of Red
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Vero Beach Opera at VB High School PAC | |
It's First Friday! Look for Art Walks and Gallery Strolls in your town - Vero Beach's historic downtown arts district; Melbourne's Eau Gallie Arts District (EGAD); Stuart's The CREEK Arts & Entertainment District; Friday Fest at Fort Pierce City Marina 5:30-8:30 p.m. weather permitting.
Tim Sanchez has an opening reception at Center for Spiritual Care, Vero Beach, 5-7 p.m.
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Gardenfest! February 5 and 6 in Riverside Park | |
Happy 20th Anniversary, Gardenfest! This event has become on of the highlights of the season, and not only in Vero Beach. Visitors, residents, and vendors come from all over for this February weekend event established by the Garden Club of Indian River County. Co-chair Barb Russell said it was originally set on the first weekend in February to give people an alternative to Super Bowl. She might have been joking, but apparently there are thousands of nature lovers who don’t mind missing the big game. Now that Super Bowl has been relocated on the calendar to the second Sunday, the attendance should skyrocket!
I’m sure there are many of us who have carted home plants and garden decor for all of Gardenfest’s 20 years, making friends with vendors and returning to their booths year after year, but what about those who pack up their nurseries and shops and head for Vero Beach on that same year-after-year schedule? The Garden Club archives provided this list of people who have set up in Riverside Park every one of the twenty years:
GOLD COAST LANDSCAPE LIGHTING - Vinnie Parentela, Vero Beach
J.G.'S TROPICAL PLANTS - John Goss, Fellsmere
Elting's Exotic Plants, Riverview, FL - Phil Elting
TROPIFLORA LLC - Scott Lockhart/Brian Weber, Sarasota
VALKARIA GARDENS - Clay Millare, Grant
MCKEE BOTANICAL GARDEN - Christine Hobart, Vero Beach
Miller's Way Orchids
Russell said, “They are VERY SPECIAL TO GARDENFEST! and we hope that you personally will stop and introduce yourself to them. Looks like it is going to be a lovely weekend as well as being our 20th Anniversary.”
Phil Elting, owner of Eltings Exotic Plants, said, “Garden fest is an important community event for the Vero area, with a large local and area turn out. The vendors come from all over the state so their business to local hotels restaurants, and other establishments impacts the local economy.” His company is one of the oldest nurseries in Hillsborough County, where it was founded in 1975. They specialize in blooming bromeliads, many colorful, long-blooming varieties.
Elting appreciates what it takes to make an event like Gardenfest the success it has been from the beginning. “I started as a vendor 20 years ago because of the dedicated commitment of the members of the Indian River Garden Club to make this plant show the best in the state, and they have done just that; that is commitment.” Look for Elting’s Exotic Plants on Path B, north side, space16 this weekend.
Scott Lockhart, Brian Weber, and Jermaine Hughes will be manning the booth for Tropiflora, a Sarasota nursery specializing in a large variety of bromeliads, tillandsias (air plants), succulents, and assorted tropical plants. Tropiflora’s owners, Dennis and Linda Cathcart, had been participating in plant sales around the state, and when Gardenfest! was created, they liked the location and decided to give it a try. Nursery spokesperson Robin Lockhart has seen the show grow and said “the show still retains the friendly atmosphere and high quality standards of the early days.” What the team looks forward to most is “meeting up with all of our old friends and customers! This year will be especially nice since the sale did not happen last year. We have met some very wonderful people at Gardenfest! who have traveled to our nursery.” Find them online at: www.tropiflora.com and on social media at Facebook.com/Tropiflora and Instagram @Tropiflora. At Gardenfest!, find them on Path F, east side, space 7.
A new face at McKee Botanical Garden will be manning its table at Gardenfest! but won't have anything to sell. Volunteer Coordinator Anne McCormick and her team of volunteers will be there to educate visitors about McKee and its current exhibitions, upcoming events, and volunteer opportunities. Garden spokesperson Connie Cotherman said of McKee’s 20-year relationship with Gardenfest!, “Gardenfest is such an important event in our community. … Just like McKee Botanical Garden, Gardenfest has continued to grow each year with more vendors and valuable information. We are able to share with the visitors our history and horticulture while at the same time, new and exciting things happening at McKee Botanical Garden.” As have other long-time vendors, McKee Botanical Garden has developed relationships with Gardenfest! visitors. “Some of them are familiar and some faces are new and became new members of McKee Botanical Garden.” Path E, south side, space 5
Gold Coast Landscape Lighting is on Path B, north side, space 16
JG’s Tropical Plants is on Path C, east side, space 12
Valkaria Gardens is on Path G, East side, space 1
Millers Way Orchids
14 Bones will be in the food court along with the Kettle Korn folks. Ask the Experts talks are held both days of the event. The free program handed out at this FREE event lists all the vendors and locations on the map — and there’s a free map. Don’t forget your wagon or folding cart!
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Sarasota artist Michelle Held’s solo exhibition opened with a reception Thursday evening at Kling Gallery, Wine & Decor in Stuart, and continues there through February. Held, whose career began “in kindergarten, really,” with her first serious award at age 12, was inspired by her artist grandmother and sister. Primarily painting in oil now, she said she’s “journeyed through it all,” taking workshops along her self-taught path to a career in art.
The artist held many art-related jobs before finally realizing her dream, but “I think I always knew I would be an artist. It was truly my husband who had the confidence in me, and supported me to become a full time artist 26 years ago.” The couple has two children, a granddaughter, three dogs, and one cat.
Held’s studio is in their house but she said as a plein air painter, she travels a lot. “You might say a lot of my studio space is the outdoors!! I do love to paint in the morning with a cup of coffee in hand!!” She tends to find herself in areas with lots of birds. “I’ve had flamingos try to drink my coffee, geese steal my brushes, roosters on my easel, and swans critiquing their paintings!”
The artist considers music an important part of her creative process. “I consider it my zone. I have a play list that has no surprises or aggressive music, often a mix of John Legend, Adele, and many others that fit that genre.” Her favorite artists of any era? Sargent, Sorolla, and Schmid.
As an alternative to her painting career, Held would choose Plan B to be a baker/cake decorator, another artistic endeavor. For pleasure not involving art, Held said, “I do like to bike ride with my husband! We do love to travel and I love to play cards.”
Some recent awards include an Audubon show at Salmagundi in NY, (2) first place awards and overall collectors choice award in Sedona Plein Air festival. 1st place in Forgotten Coast Quick draw.
Find her at Www.artbymichelleheld.com and (Instagram) michelleheld717
Held’s art currently can be seen in several galleries: Kling Gallery in February; I Pinckney Simmons gallery in SC; Paradise Art Gallery in the Keys, and find her at www.artbymichelleheld.com and (Instagram) michelleheld717.
“It’s an amazing time to be an artist. My journey has lead me to teach art, (and) it really fills my cup back up. I am surrounded with successful, passionate artists and we support one another’s journey.”
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Glimmer, a nine-artist collaboration, opens February 4 for a two-night stand at 901 SE Johnson Avenue, Stuart, 5:30-9:30 p.m. both nights. Leading the effort are Jane Lawton Baldridge and Corina Pelloni, who describe the exhibition as “an immersive art event focusing on illumination in environments.” Not your typical art exhibition, Glimmer is installed in not-a-typical gallery. 901 Hub/Think Tank is a next generation private office environment based in the heart of THE CREEK Arts & Entertainment District, Baldridge explained.
It started out six months ago, when Pelloni was leading an artists gathering at her studio in the Hub. While they were “creating stuff, the conversation led to this concept. This event is immersive because the creations are both outside and inside, where the patrons can experience our creations in different ways — some of which are rooms with installations the visitors can wander through.
“The illumination aspect was the seed of the idea. Since on Creek Walk First Friday lighting is an issue during high season months, we came up with the plan to project my Wisdom of the Waves video on the front of the building (outside). Also outside will be Deena Rahill with her sound vibration vessels which glow different colors depending on the vibrations, and lanterns hand decorated by participating artists.”
Inside, guests will find Pelloni’s Enchanted Wood, with jellyfish, crystals, and other glowing things illuminated with LED lighting, fiberoptic lighting, and glow-in-the-dark materials. There will be a Fairy Wood with glowing fairy environments and a special hallway installation with Jacquelyn Roesch-Sanchez’s colorblend knitted fabric draped from the ceiling. The Room of Secrets will hold special boxes that light up and mirrors with secrets written in a special ink that requires a black light to be seen. Pelloni’s jellyfish are about three-feet tall with tendrils — papier maché coated in resin with fiber optic tendrils. A boutique will offer the artists’ work for sale and Ellie’s Deli is catering the event.
Artists working on the project include Corina Pelloni, Jane Lawton Baldridge, DJ Voelker, Colleen North, Jacquelyn Roesch-Sanchez, Taylor, Emerick, Deena Rahill, and Laura and Gene Kinnamon.
| Okeechobee Community Theatre |
Okeechobee Community Theatre begins its 42nd season this year with Arsenic & Old Lace, March . As with so many things affected by Covid — as well as construction projects — the math doesn’t really work in this case. The OCT was started in 1979, 43 years ago, as an adult education night class. If you wanted to participate, you enrolled as a student and paid tuition. A year later, Ron Hayes took over and restructured it as a free program open to the community. According to spokesperson Jane Kaufman Robards, Ron married and brought his bride into the management of the theatre. Ron and Jacque Hayes ran “all directorial and business workings of the theatre for the remainder of its first four decades – producing plays, musicals, 1940s radio-style productions, and concerts.” After 40 years, the couple retired and “passed the leadership of the theatre on to group of long-time participants – a group with a combined 85+ years of acting and stage management experience with OCT. The majority of that group is still at the reins now.”
The 220-seat venue is still int the place where it began, the historic Okeechobee Auditorium on the Okeechobee Freshman Campus. Covid forced the cancellation of last season and the late start for this one. On tap this year is Arsenic & Old Lace, opening in March), with the postponed A Few Good Men saved for another season.
Everyone involved with the theatre is a volunteer. Robards said, “Our OCT family comes from all walks of life and locations all over the country. We have actors and crew who are educators, clergy, law enforcement, medical professionals and more – and while most are year-round Okeechobee residents, we have a number of participants (and patrons) who live elsewhere. Some of those members are seasonal residents of Okeechobee and some are dedicated to traveling from surrounding communities to participate.”
Robards and her fellow board members, James Garner, Michael White, and Joseph Marcenik, believe that, as part of such a small community, “OCT has the wonderful opportunity to be a first introduction to the theatre for so many – both as patrons, actors and more. It is a bit of art and escape without the need to travel, and has become a cherished tradition of many in this small town.”
The current cast of “Arsenic & Old Lace”:
Abby: Laurie Garner*
Martha: Robyn Garner*
Rev Harper: Tom Murray*
Teddy: Christian Garner
Brophy: James Garner
O’Hara: Josh Van Wormer*
Elaine: Jane Robards
Mortimer: Zachary Garner*
Jonathan: Mike White*
Einstein: Joe Marcinek*
Klein: Brandon Entry
Lt Rooneey: Matt Garner
Mr Gibbs: Harry Moldenhaur*
Witherspoon: Bob Keebler*
Photos:“between-productions” shot of the stage by Jane KaufmanRobards. Outdoor photo of the theatre (alongside the Okeechobee County School Board Office) is courtesy of the City of Okeechobee.
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A Valentine Fundraiser at The Barn | |
If these names make your heart beat faster, bring a tear to your eye, or put a smile on your face, you'll find When Radio Was King at the Barn Theatre in Stuart next weekend, Feb. 12 & 13, just the ticket.
The Andrew Sisters, The Modernaires, The Pied Pipers, The Ink Spots, The Mills Brothers, Frank Sinatra, Bob Eberly, Helen O'Connell, & Doris Day — oh, the memories!
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Vocalists Jonathan Elgart, Jeff Bradford, Christine Bradford, and Missie Jordan, collectively known as SWING, will sing an American Songbook classic playlist that includes In the Mood, Sentimental Journey, Chattanooga Choo-Choo, Stardust, and more.
In keeping with the radio show format, "you, the “live” studio audience, will be treated to memorable commercials (Chock Full O’ Nuts, Wheaties, Carter’s Little Liver Pills), comedy routines from Abbott & Costello and Burns & Allen, and an entertaining dance break or two."
The show is at 8 p.m. Feb. 12, and 2 p.m. Feb. 13 at the Barn Theatre.
Photo: L to R-Jonathan Elgart, Missie Jordan, Christine Brandford, & Jeff Bradford
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The Choral Society of the Palm Beaches presents A Retrospective Concert featuring a new choral work by The Lubben Brothers. Feb. 6, 4 p.m. at the Osher Lifelong Learning Auditorium, FAU Jupiter Campus | Meet and Greet Timothy J. Sanchez at Center for Spiritual Care artist's reception. Feb. 4, 5-7 p.m.. Masks, please.1550 24th St., VB | Last chance to see Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera & Mexican Modernism at Norton Museum of Art Feb. 4-6. Extended hours for this exhibit. | 35th annual Museum Art Festival in Mizner Park, Boca Raton Feb. 5&6, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. | |
Top of the Lake Art Fest and Chalk Walk in Flagler Park, Okeechobee Feb 5&6. |
The annual Antique Ford Car Show is at Edison and Ford Winter Estates in Fort Myers Feb. 5, 10 a.m.
Digital Discussion: Lewis Latimer, Edison pioneer Feb. 8, 10:30 a.m.
Edison's 175th birthday celebration is Feb. 11, 10 a.m.
Winter Garden Festival Feb. 12 & 13, 9-4
Rhythm on the River: Neil Zirconia Feb.18, 6 p.m.
| Kaleidoscope opens at Eau Gallery, Melbourne, 5:30 p.m. Feb. 4 | ORPHANS at A.C.T. StudioTheatre Feb. 11-20, Stuart | |
At The Society of the Four Arts:
Chamber Music Beginnings: Mozart's Musical Moods Feb. 5, 2 p.m.
The Moscow Rules with Jonna Mendez Feb. 7, 11 a.m.
Feb. 6-13 - David Finckel and Wu Han: Around Dvorák festival
| The Wondrous World of John Williams with the Brevard SO and violinist Lisa Ferrigno at the King Center Feb. 5, 2 and 7:30 p.m. | Delray Beach Historical Society's Movie on the Lawn- Breakfast at Tiffany's Feb. 11 7 p.m. |
At Boca Raton Museum of Art: To Put the Body in It: Contemporary Peruvian Women Artists Feb. 13, 3-4 p.m.
Collectors Forum - Hidden Miami & Superblue Feb. 15, 9-5
| Pop Up exhibition Spirit of Red at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery, Eau Gallie | |
Celebrating Florida - Doretha Hair Truesdell, Jack Shelton, Anita Prentice at Platts/Backus House, 122 A.E. Backus Ave., Fort Pierce. Feb. 10, 5-7:30 p.m. Feb. 11, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. | Caio Pagano in concert at Christ by the Sea UMC Feb. 20. | Feb. 19, 1-3 p.m. - LRJF Writers Showcase at Laura's Historic Home. IRSC Richardson campus, VB | Free Jazzlinks performance outdoors at The Bay, 801 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota Feb. 17, 5:30 p.m. Jazzlinks is a collaboration of Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe, the Jazz Club of Sarasota and Sarasota County Schools. | KHAOS Wind Quintet - Flagler Museum Feb. 8 | Nunsense the Musical at Treasure Coast Theatre Feb. 4-20. Port St. Lucie | |
Bookmark On the Calendar at WilliMiller.com for frequent updates. Calls for Artists, Auditions, & Volunteers are now online.
Catch up with events at Willi Miller's Arts Blast on Facebook and pick up some laughs and interesting info on the Willi Miller's Arts Blast Extras page. And now there's a Facebook Arts Blast on the Air!
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