
   A Seasonal Newsletter from
   Naturopathic Health Care
  Amy Rothenberg  ND & Paul Herscu ND, MPH

    Summer 2017

   115 Elm Street, Suite 210, Enfield, CT 06082                             1.860.763.1225
In This Issue
The Power of Connection
Discount on Products from Emerson Ecologics.
Dr. Rothenberg Wins National Recognition
Recipe: Watermelon Soup
Featured Recommendation: Katalyst Kombucha
Scheduling an Appointment
We are currently accepting new patients.  
Call   860.763.1225, Mon-Thurs to schedule an appointment 

For more information about our clinic, click here .

We now accept new patient appointments via Telemedicine services.
About Naturopathic Health Care
The Power of Connection

I was taking out the compost recently on a rainy day and saw that my favorite hyacinth vines, arranged in two wall planters were not only thriving in our summer warmth and rain, the plants had reached out to each other, and were now happily entwined.  This got me thinking about the human need for connection. 

There is increasing evidence that social isolation significantly alters immune and hormonal function, which for some, will lead to inflammation and other illnesses. So, pick up the phone, send an email, reach out to someone you care about, maybe join that club or league or book group you've been thinking about! It matters and it helps.

Sending summertime wishes for good health & vitality,

Amy (& Paul) 
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Discount on Products from Emerson Ecologics
In an effort to make quality supplements more widely available, we maintain a virtual dispensary through our office. Products we recommend and use are listed, but you also have access to the full inventory of products sold by Emerson Ecologics. We trust Emerson as they examine sourcing of ingredients contained in products they carry.

Dr. Rothenberg Wins National Recognition
At the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians Annual Convention in
Phoenix, Arizona last week, Dr. Amy Rothenberg was recognized with the 
2017 Naturopathic Physician of the Year Award. 
A 32 year career including clinical practice, teaching students, peers & the public, writing for a variety of audiences and working in the legislative arena, were some of the contributions cited at the AANP annual gathering gala on Saturday night.
From her thank you: 
I have loved being a naturopathic doctor from the minute I landed in Omaha, Nebraska to practice as a young newlywed, fresh from NCNM---Paul & I worked 6 days a week & half a day on Sunday, which was reserved for house calls often out to the farmhouses & families on the outskirts of town. We were pioneers bringing something totally new to the people we saw. That experience of total immersion, of seeing our medicine work, of learning from shortcomings and thinking on our feet made an indelible impression on my young mind and laid the broad groundwork for a wonderful, satisfying and exciting career. I am indebted to all my patients who put their trust in me and let me do my job.

Recipe: Watermelon Soup

My friend Dennis Rosen MD, served this  Watermelon Soup at a Fourth of July party and I was smitten! Delicious with some surprising flavors, and SO refreshing on a hot summer evening!!
  Watermelon soup
*  8 cups fresh watermelon, cut into one inch chunks.  
*  1/2-1 cup cream fraiche
     (or coconut/ almond /cashew milk if there are any dietary restrictions) 
*  3-4 cups coconut water or plain water  
*  1-2 oz coconut vodka or liquor
     (amaretto or anise according to preference!)
     You can leave this ingredient out if you prefer.
*  Fresh tarragon to taste (thyme/basil can work, too)   
Blend all the ingredients except 2 cups of the watermelon.  
Freeze 6-8 hrs.
Serve with chunks of the fresh melon mixed in.  

Featured recommendation: Katalyst Kombucha
In this space we like to share information about a product, service or organization whose work we admire.

Katalyst Kombucha makes some of the best tasting kombucha on the market. When I wrote above about social isolation, we can take this metaphor even further: the need for diversity and robustness of the organisms in our body and our relationship to them, helps support good health.

From their website: Kombucha is a naturally fermented traditional beverage made from a mother culture and sweetened tea. The mother culture (known as a SCOBY) is a symbiotic colony of healthy yeast and bacteria. The micro-organisms in the culture break down the sugar and other components of the sweetened tea and create a fizzy, slightly sweet and tart drink. The resulting tonic is high in organic acids and a variety of other compounds that are thought to be supportive to health. Best of all, it tastes great!

Hope you enjoy  FieldNotes!  But if you've had enough, just click on "SafeUnsubscribe" at the bottom and we'll remove you from our email list.  If you have a friend you'd like to share this with, click "Forward this email" below.
In health & vitality

Amy Rothenberg ND & Paul Herscu ND, MPH
Naturopathic Health Care