February 2019
Welcome to the first edition of the BSCS Science Learning FieldScope quarterly newsletter. We want to keep you better informed about the FieldScope tool for citizen science and its capabilities, as well as what people are doing with FieldScope and what changes are taking place as we continue to evolve the tool. We welcome your ideas for future content. Please write to us at [email protected] .
American chestnuts were once considered the “redwoods of the East.” A highly valued native tree, it comprised as much as 70% of some forest stands from Maine to Florida and west to Ohio. But, its populations were decimated in the early 1900s by a non-native fungus called chestnut blight, which destroyed an estimated 3-4 billion American chestnut trees.

To addresss this problem, The Citizens Restoring American Chestnuts project was created in 2013 as part of FieldScope. Citizen scientists follow a protocol that have them plant one or more chestnut tree seedlings or seeds from known sources and then track them a few times each year, collecting specific data points important to the researchers. 

A new feature has been added to FieldScope that allows more flexibility for projects requiring greater levels of privacy for their data.

To support a pilot project involving schools in and around indigenous communities in Hawaii and Arizona, the FieldScope development team was able to add more sophisticated privacy controls for projects wanting to retain more control over sensitive cultural and environmental data that participants in those communities are collecting.

Explore the results of hundreds of trained volunteers studying vital wetlands across the United States by listening for and reporting on frog calls. Nearly 6,000 observations were submitted to the project this year. 

Have some time on your hands? The 2019 volunteer monitoring season started on February 1! You do not have to be a frog or toad expert to be part of FrogWatch USA.

Conventional wisdom holds that a citizen science project has to choose between scientific or educational goals. BSCS and a team of scientists, educators, and technologists set out to show that it is not necessary to choose—and has released a report that presents guidelines for designing citizen science projects with both scientific and educational benefits.  

FieldScope in Middle School Life Sciences (Webinar)
Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 4:00 PM EDT 

What's New With Budburst? (Webinar)
Thursday, March 28, 2019 4:00 PM EDT 

CLICK HERE to watch FieldScope Webinar #1 -
Launching a FieldScope Project from September 27!