Prelude:..................Sophia Ohanian
Welcome and Call to Worship: ....................................................Denise Cain
Opening Hymn:.#490 I Want Jesus to Go With Me......... Led by Zoe Petersen
Opening Prayer:....................................................................... .....Denise Cain
Children's Circle:........................................................................Susi Jacobsen
Following the Children's Circle, children from age 4 through Grade 5 are
invited to exit through the back of the Sanctuary to attend Sunday School.
Community Joys and Concerns: ...........................Rev. Dr. Jill Kirchner-Rose
Special Music: Be Thou My Vision  by Slaine............Dee and Sondra Hodson 
Scripture:   Mark 5: 1- 17................................................................Denise Cain
Scripture Hymn: A Covenant of Grace........................ ...Led by Zoe Petersen 
Message: I've Been Meaning to Ask ... Where Does It Hurt?”
.................................................................................................Dr. Kirchner Rose
Offertory: It is Well With My Soul  by Villa Du Havre....Dee and Sondra Hodson 
Doxology: .................................................................................Sophia Ohanian
Prayer of Dedication:......................................................................Denise Cain
Outdoor Communion on the Patio
Closing Hymn:  #506 What a Friend We Have in Jesus..........Led by Jim Tong
Benediction: ..........................................................................Dr. Kirchner Rose

If you are participating virtually, we will share together Holy Communion in our online interactive worship. Before the time of the service, you will want to prepare some bread - a slice, a small loaf, a tortilla, a rice cake - a wheat product is not necessary. Let it be something you alone, or your with others in your household, may break and share. Prepare a cup or cups of juice or your choice of wine-with or without alcohol.