4Leaf Guide to Vibrant Health
Using our Forks for Human & Environmental Health
Now FREE to the Public: Everywhere!
This 4Leaf Guide was published on Amazon in the summer of 2015. In July of 2022, we began offering this e-copy FREE to people all over the world. It was written by Kerry Graff, MD, and J. Morris Hicks. Please share it far and wide.

If we were choosing the title of this book now, we might go with something like this, a title that describes what's at stake:

4Leaf Guide to Vibrant Health for Ourselves
and Cooling the Planet for Our Grandchildren
You see, by using our forks to eat the way that promotes vibrant health in our own bodies, we simultaneously weaken and eventually disable the leading driver of climate change: animal agriculture.

By simply changing what we eat, we have the power to deal a deadly blow to the greatest threat in the history of humanity. And, if enough people act soon enough, we may even be able to reverse climate change before 2030.
But We Must Act Quickly!
Today, we're providing you with
all the tools you need to do just that.
In the 37 concise chapters of the 4Leaf Guide provided below, Dr. Graff focuses primarily on human health while I emphasize what a plant-based diet can do for the environment and for our future as a species.

This announcement contains individual links to each of those 37 chapters. we encourage you to browse around and read a few of them today. Although published in 2015 -- due to rapidly escalating climate change, this compact little book is now more relevant than ever.
Word for word, when it comes to promoting human health and fighting climate change, the 4Leaf Guide has the potential of becoming a major agent of positive change in this world.

But it is powerless -- if it is not read and its message is not heeded -- by the millions of people necessary. That is why we're now giving it away for FREE to everyone on the planet.

You see, as hundreds of millions of people begin replacing animal-based foods with whole, plant-based foods for the purpose of promoting their own physical health, they will have also done their part to disable the world's leading driver of climate change: animal agriculture.

As a bonus for those who read and heed this book, they will reverse chronic diseases, lose weight and save money on food. Hopefully, in the interest of slowing climate change, they will want to pass this free book along to everyone they know.
Praise for & Introduction to...
The 4Leaf Guide to Vibrant Health
Leveraging the Power of Food
to Heal Ourselves and Our Planet

In the section below, Dr. Graff's chapters are listed on the left and mine are listed in the right column. Contact me about speaking to your group on this crucial topic.
37 Concise and Compelling Chapters from
Dr. Kerry Graff & J. Morris Hicks
Medical Doctors

If you prefer a paper-back or a Kindle copy of the 4Leaf Guide, you can find both on Amazon for $8.88 and $4.44 respectively.

If you would like to order ten or more paper-back copies at a discount, contact me at: [email protected]
About the Authors, Epilog and Appendix
Near the end of this book...
The Epilog explains how we got into this mess.
The Bottom Line
If enough people read and heed the powerful message in this book, we will have engaged and obliterated the leading driver of climate change:
Animal Agriculture
Want to do your part to help people get healthy...while slowing, stopping or even reversing climate change at the same time?
Send this e-book to everyone you know -- and ask them to pass it along to their friends, family and co-workers.

Here's a handy link that you can copy and paste into an email.

Get Healthy, Save Money and Fight Climate Change
You can find links to all of my previous postings at my website: hpjmh.com, where you can also join my mailing list. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Sincerely, J. Morris (JIm) Hicks
E-mail me at [email protected]
Promoting health, hope and harmony on planet Earth