4Leaf Guide to Vibrant Health
Using our Forks for Human & Environmental Health
Now FREE to the Public: Everywhere!
SOS #168 -- J. Morris Hicks -- (7-26-22)
If we were choosing the title of this 2015 book now, we might go with something like this that describes what's at stake:

4Leaf Guide to Vibrant Health for Ourselves
and Cooling the Planet for Our Grandchildren
You see, by using our forks to eat the way that promotes vibrant health in our own bodies, we simultaneously weaken and eventually disable the leading driver of climate change: animal agriculture.

By simply changing what we eat, we have the power to deal a deadly blow to the greatest threat in the history of humanity. And, if enough people act soon enough, we may even be able to reverse climate change before 2030.
But We Must Act Quickly!
Today, we're providing you with
all the tools you need to do just that.
In the 37 concise chapters of the 4Leaf Guide provided below, Dr. Graff focuses primarily on human health while I emphasize what a plant-based diet can do for the environment and for our future as a species.

This SOS Memo contains individual links to each of those 37 chapters. I encourage you to browse around and read a few of them today. Although published seven years ago this month -- due to rapidly escalating climate change, this compact little book is now more relevant than ever.
Word for word, when it comes to promoting human health and fighting climate change, the 4Leaf Guide has the potential of becoming a major agent of positive change in this world.

But it is powerless -- if it is not read and its message is not heeded -- by the billions of people necessary. That is why we're now giving it away for FREE to everyone on the planet.

You see, as hundreds of millions of people begin quickly replacing animal-based foods with whole, plant-based foods for the purpose of promoting their own physical health, they will have also done their part to disable the world's leading driver of climate change: animal agriculture.

As a bonus for those who read and heed this book, they will reverse chronic diseases, lose weight and save money on food. Hopefully, in the interest of slowing climate change, they will want to pass this free book along to everyone they know.
Praise for & Introduction to...
The 4Leaf Guide to Vibrant Health

Leveraging the Power of Food
to Heal Ourselves and Our Planet

In the section below, Dr. Graff's chapters are listed on the left and mine are listed in the right column. Contact me about speaking to your group on this crucial topic.
37 Concise and Compelling Chapters from
Dr. Kerry Graff & J. Morris Hicks
Medical Doctors

If you prefer a paper-back or a Kindle copy of the 4Leaf Guide, you can find both on Amazon for $8.88 and $4.44 respectively.

If you would like to order ten or more paper-back copies at a discount, please let me know at: jmorrishicks@me.com
About the Authors, Epilog and Appendix
Near the end of this book...
The Epilog explains how we got into this mess.
The Bottom Line
If enough people read and heed the powerful message in this book, we will have engaged and obliterated the leading driver of climate change:
Animal Agriculture
Want to do your part to help people get healthy...while slowing, stopping or even reversing climate change at the same time?
Send this link to everyone you know -- and ask them to pass it along to their friends. Here's the link to this SOS:

Worried about not
getting enough protein?
Some who are reading this SOS Memo may be worried about what nutrients they will be missing if they move quickly away from eating animal-based foods.

In a 9-minute video last week, Dr. Dean Ornish lays those fears to rest. A professor of medicine at UCSF, he speaks candidly about his ongoing work with President Clinton -- work that began in the White House in late nineties when he helped our president reverse his heart disease. Google "Clinton heart disease Ornish" and see what you find.
One more thing, I was honored that Dr. Ornish provided the all-important front cover endorsement of our 2011 book, pictured here.

"What's good for you is also good for our planet. Heart disease and diabetes are preventable or reversible for most people -- by changing diet and lifestyle. This book shows you how."

Click image for this 7-22-22 video:
Finally, the incomparable Carl Sagan puts everything into perspective, concluding in this three minute video..

"The Earth is where we make our stand."
As we make our stand together on our beautiful blue planet, let's all be guided by the wisdom of my hero, Dr. James Lovelock, who celebrates the Big 103 today. His most famous, and most powerful, quote:

If the Earth improves as a result of our presence, then we will flourish. If it doesn't, then we will die off."

Please share today's timely SOS with everyone.

Click the image below to hear my recent (May 2022)
45-minute talk regarding much of what has been covered in my recent SOS Memos.
Don't have time to watch the entire Honolulu video? Click here to view all 60 slides in that talk

Finally, please contact me about arranging a FREE "live" Zoom talk for your group.

They will get a lot more out of my talk if they have read our latest book in advance.

J. Morris (Jim) Hicks

PS: Scroll down for lots of "big picture" information that is mainly in the form of powerful videos, most of which are free.
What about the "preservation" of civilization?
To clarify, we're not trying to preserve civilization as we know it. Because what we have now is extremely wasteful, harmful and grossly unsustainable. It's an incredibly reckless way of living that is now threatening our very existence as a species.

We're talking about replacing it with an entirely new, ultra-green civilization of the future -- and we do our best to paint a picture of that envisioned way of sustainable living in OUTCRY. For what one Ohio State professor emeritus of history had to say about that book on Amazon, click here.
As for making our stand on the only planet in the universe capable of keeping us alive, this "Big Picture" section below will provide you with handy reference materials on this most crucial of all topics.
"Big Picture"
Data and Video Section
Beginning with the timeline of research
Five World-Changing Films
That People Everywhere Must See
Film #1 in 2014
In 2014, Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn produced their first documentary film Cowspiracy. Executive producer is Leonardo DiCaprio, it runs 90 minutes and has been on Netflix since 2015. In 2020, I met Kip and Keegan in Sedona where I was honored to be able to speak at the same conference with them and other great leaders in this movement like Dr. Sailesh Rao and Dr. Michael Greger.
Film #2 in 2017
Also on Netflix, Kip and Keegan teamed up again in 2017 to produce What the Health, which is also on Netflix. It runs 92 minutes and may be the best documentary ever that focuses on the health reasons for choosing to eat plant-based. Click here to watch the short trailer. You can also watch the full movie for free on Vimeo.
Film #3 in 2021
In 2021, Kip Anderson teamed up with British filmmaker Ali Tabrizi, to produce Seaspiracy, an 89-minute film that vividly and alarmingly reveals what is at stake when it comes to the crucial importance of our oceans to our future as a species. Most people have no idea regarding the environmental horrors of commercial fishing -- a disgusting industry that kills dolphins by the thousands and tosses them back into the ocean. It runs 90 minutes on Netflix. Click here to view the trailer.
Film #4 in 2021
As our situation becomes more desperate, the documentary films become more terrifying. As alluded to earlier, we are literally Eating Our Way to Extinction, a process that is vividly covered in this 2021 film (81 minutes). Narrated and produced by Kate Winslet, you can watch this great film on Amazon Prime or on YouTube for $3.99. The great ocean scientist and former head of NOAA, Dr. Sylvia Earle lends powerful credibility to such a crucial topic.
Film #5 in 2022
This new film (89 minutes) features a young activist who travels around his country, New Zealand in an effort to find out the truth about the horrors of the dairy industry in his native land.

The film uncovers alarming information about the environmental and health impacts of the industry -- leading up to the discovery that we are on the edge of the biggest global disruption of food and agriculture in history. This new film is now available for free at waterbear.com
Grasping the "Big Picture"
These 2 films will help in understanding
our unprecedented dilemma.
This 83-minute documentary is all about the findings that were documented in Dr. Stephen Emmott's 2013 book. TEN BILLION.

He brilliantly describes the grossly unsustainable way of living that has brought us to the emergency situation in which we find ourselves. Since I met him in London in 2013, he has become much more serious about the need to abolish the practice of eating meat, dairy, eggs and/or fish at almost every meal.

Just click on the hourglass image. Dr. Emmott delivers a very compelling message from the stage of a theater in London. This 2013 film is still relevant and will certainly help more people grasp that all-important "big picture."
Finally, this half-hour video was published in November of 2021. It was produced by Michael Dowd, a non-scientific researcher like me who does a very fine job of explaining the many facets of the obstacles standing between us and our survival as a species.

As do practically all researchers, Dowd focuses entirely on the problem; not the solution. I prefer to focus on both.
What else can you do?
Probably a lot more than you think
  • Start with the new documentary (Film #4) mentioned earlier -- Eating our way to Extinction for $6 on Netflix. Watch it often with your friends and family.
  • Share this SOS Memo widely: Certainties, Uncertainties & Priorities by J. Morris Hicks.
  • Get an e-copy of OUTCRY. Visit Outcry page on Amazon and get a much bigger understanding of the situation in which all humans find ourselves.
  • Inform all the young people in your world that you are deadly serious about this topic. Urge them to read these SOS Memos and our latest book, OUTCRY.
  • Completely stop eating meat, dairy, eggs and fish today and tell everyone why you are taking such a "radical" step. You're doing it for the innocent children of the world.
  • As noted above, do yourself a favor and make sure that your plant-based meals of the future consist of whole plants -- the kinds of foods that prevent or reverse most chronic diseases AND enable your body to effortlessly seek its optimal weight.
I am confident that if a few million people carefully read and digested this book that there would be a more robust conversation around the world regarding our grossly unsustainable way of living in the developed world.

To my knowledge, OUTCRY remains the only book ever published that features an envisioned, totally-green, ultra-sustainable, super-desirable, future way of living for humans -- along with ideas for how we might get there as quickly as possible.

The links below to earlier SOS Memos will help you understand how these ideas unfolded since 2018.
You can join my mailing list and/or find all of my previous postings by visiting the SOS Memos page on my website. 
Promoting health, hope and harmony on planet Earth
Want to see earlier SOS Memos? Click here
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Want to get started nurturing your own health and the health of our planet? Take our survey at 4leafsurvey.com
Click here to learn more about this free online dietary assessment tool.