Fighting Spirit Personal Safety
2014 Summer Schedule for radKIDS!
radKIDS Children's Safety Education!
radKIDS  2014
Dear Parents,

It is that time of year again! Time for the kids to have a blast learning how to stay safe.  As always we do our best to accommodate as many families as possible in the radKIDS program so please be patient as we kick off another great summer.  Please call the number to the right to enroll or to learn more about the cost of the program and the return-for-free policy. We look forward to seeing you and the kids this year!

Fighting Spirit Personal Safety
About radKIDS!
Fighting Spirit is pleased to offer the radKIDS Personal Empowerment Safety Education Program. radKIDS is the Nation's leader in children's safety education. It is a 10 hour family centered safety education program that emphasizes essential decision-making skills as well as physical resistance options to escape violence. Children as young as 5 years old participate in the program with their adult guardians/parents to create a true safety partnership. Topics in the program include, but are not limited to, out-and-about safety, home safety, vehicle safety, how to handle bullies, defense against abduction and good-bad-uncomfortable touch. These topics and more are presented in an activity-based format so the kids have a multi-sensory approach to learning and developing life skills.

Visit for more information on the host company or to learn more about the Nation's most progressive safety education program for kids.
2014 Summer Schedule

5-7 year old sessions:

July 14-18th     11:00-1:00pm
July 14-18th     2:00-4:00pm

July 28th -Aug. 1st  11:00-1:00PM
July 28th -Aug. 1st  2:00-4:00pm

8-12 year old sessions:

June 16-20th      11:00-1:00pm
June 16-20th      2:00-4:00pm

July 21-25th       11:00-1:00pm
July 21-25th        2:00-4:00pm
584 W. Ann Arbor Trail
Plymouth, MI 48170
(Inside the Midwest Tae
Kwon Do building)
About Us
Fighting Spirit is a company that works hard bringing empowerment and safety education to women and children. Visit our website above for more detailed information on how we can help you!