Foundation News: September 2020
Fighting Hunger across Iowa

Two of last year's Carma Mohler Grant recipients updated us with everything they are accomplishing since receiving the grant. Click here to learn how the Sheridan Park UMC Garden and Brooklyn Community Food Bank are putting their grants to work, and for information on how to apply.

Deadline for 2020 applications is October 1

Pictured left to right: Refugee gardeners at the SPUM Garden in East Des Moines, Volunteer at Brooklyn Community Food Bank using new shopping cart to deliver groceries
Meet with an Expert Estate Planner
Have circumstances changed since you last updated your will? Want to ensure you know exactly where your assets will go? We have partnered with Thompson & Associates to offer Our Gift to You, complimentary appointments in which you can review or develop your estate plan with an expert.
Church Building Loans

Did your church sustain damage from the derecho? Our building loans can be used for anything from repairs and renovations to technology and multimedia updates. Learn More.
Foundation Office Closed

The Foundation office is closed to the public through the month of September, but staff are working remotely and can still be reached during regular hours by phone or email. Read More.
Did You Know?

IUMF's investments are rated A+ by the Principles of Responsible Investment. This means if you invest with us, you can rest assured your funds only go toward responsible investments that follow the Social Principles of the United Methodist Church. Learn more about our investment funds.
More Resources
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