Volume 467
November 3, 2023
Sheriffs' News
$50 Million in Funding for Sheriff's Offices Available from NYS
Governor Kathy Hochul announced a $50 million grant program, specifically aimed at providing technology improvements to law enforcement agencies across New York State. The funding will allow police departments and Sheriff’s Offices located in communities outside of New York City to purchase new technology and equipment that will modernize operations and more effectively solve and prevent crimes. 
The Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) will administer the funding. Indications are DCJS is open to funding any reasonable request for improving an agency’s technology infrastructure.
Agencies are invited to submit applications until noon on Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Sheriffs Push Back on New Ammo Background Checks
County Sheriffs upstate are voicing their concerns about the state's nascent ammunition background check system, saying they disagree with political leaders that it will reduce gun violence in the state.
Albany County Sheriff and New York State Sheriffs’ Association President Craig Apple (pictured) says the required background checks to purchase weapons or ammunition are more of a nuisance than a change to ensure New Yorker citizens are safe from gun violence.
“This isn't going to keep New Yorkers safe," said Apple, "And again, I think this is more of a reactionary thing."
Chautauqua County Sheriff James Quattrone (pictured) recently tried to purchase two boxes of shotgun shells from a local sports store for a skeet-shoot fundraiser in support of a new non-profit group. With the background check, his request to purchase ammunition was delayed and the Sheriff left the store empty handed.

Sheriff Quattrone expressed concerns that the new procedure — and the delays it causes — means ammunition will be purchased in neighboring states and programs aimed at educating youth about firearm responsibility will be curtailed. “This background check for ammunition seems to be a way to limit our Second Amendment rights – in a backdoor manner.”
Chautauqua County Sheriff's Office IGNITE Program Sparks Help
The Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office is the first law enforcement agency in New York to take on a new program aimed at rehabilitating inmates.
I.G.N.I.T.E., a program implemented in coordination with the National Sheriffs' Association, stands for Inmate Growth Naturally and Intentionally Through Education. It is a merit-based comprehensive curriculum that encourages incarcerated individuals to complete educational programs that provide post-incarceration work opportunities and assistance.

New York is the 10th state to take on the I.G.N.I.T.E. program after it was first started in Michigan.
Chautauqua County Sheriff Jim Quattrone (pictured) believes I.G.N.I.T.E. will have a positive impact on inmates and the community. “We believe that every individual has the capacity for change,” Quattrone said.
“There is really no added cost,” the Sheriff continued, as his Office plans to use instructors at the jail and partner with members of the community.
New York Sheriffs and Sergeants Visit Parkland School Site
Madison County Sheriff Todd Hood serves as Chair of the National Sheriffs’ Association School Safety and Security Committee. He was invited to join a guided visitation of the former Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, site of a mass shooting in February 2018. The visit was used to observe conditions that existed the day of the shooting.

“The building is a crime scene, with everything untouched since the day it happened, allowing investigators and specialists to make thorough studies of how it happened – and how it can be prevented from happening again,” said Sheriff Hood.
Cayuga County Sheriff Brian Schenck was part of the group. “It was a very difficult thing for me to walk through that building and see what happened there, but I just really appreciate the opportunity to learn from that experience and to bring that knowledge back.”

Also on the visit were Wayne County Sheriff's Office Sergeant Nick Yates and Detective Sergeant Zach Aunkst, who are both active shooter / threat instructors. "They got a lot out of that day," explained Wayne County Sheriff Robert Milby. "A lot of wisdom from those they spoke to, a lot of humility from the gravity of the preserved scene, and a renewed sense of purpose as instructors in such a serious topic."

Participants will discuss their experiences at the Association's Winter Training Conference early next year.
A somber visit – (above, l – r) Cayuga County Sheriff Brian Schenck, Sergeant Nick Yates and Sergeant Detective Zach Aunkst from the Wayne County Sheriff's Office and Madison County Sheriff Todd Hood at the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School.
Jefferson County Sheriff Keeps Hands and Hearts Warm

Jefferson County Sheriff Peter Barnett (pictured) leads the way dropping off blankets at the Watertown Salvation Army from the Jefferson County Correctional Facility. The 200 blankets were cycled out of regular use in the jail and recycled for their next purpose. The Salvation Army will put them to use in its warming center.
Sheriff Spike's Dedication Recognized by NYSAC
Photo Credit: Tom Oldfather
At its Fall Seminar in Verona (Oneida County), the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC) asked Yates County Sheriff Ron Spike (pictured above) to the stage to recognize his long-standing public service and present him with an Outstanding Achievement Award. Below are remarks made by NYSAC Executive Director Stephen Acquario during the presentation:

"For those of you who may not know, Sheriff Spike has been the Chair of the Public Safety Committee for 15 years and a member of the NYSAC community as a public servant for over 50 years [with] the Yates County Sheriff Department. If you think of it, though, he was born into his role since his father was the former Sheriff. He has been living and breathing county service his entire life.  
"Of course, here at NYSAC, we are really going to miss having him as a sounding board, and as the leader and Chair of the Public Safety Standing Committee. A lot has changed in New York State over the past 15 years, and through it all Sheriff Spike has led with the utmost dedication and sincerity in this role. And we thank him tremendously for that."

Congratulations, Sheriff Spike, and thank you for your good works and dedication to public service!
Accreditation News
Saratoga County Sheriff's Corrections Division Reaccredited

NYSSA Executive Director Peter Kehoe (right) presented Sheriff Michael Zurlo (center) and Undersheriff Jeffrey Brown (left) with a plaque recognizing reaccreditation of the Corrections Division. Supervisory RN Lisa McInerney and Lt. Sean Connolly were recognized for their roles in assisting Colonel Richard J. Emery, Corrections Division Administrator, with the reaccreditation.
Ulster County Sheriff's Civil Division Receives Reaccreditation

Mr. Kehoe was also on hand to present Ulster County Sheriff Juan Figueroa (front right) with a plaque commemorating reaccreditation of the Ulster County Sheriff’s Office Civil Division. They were joined by Michele Wiedemann, Sheriff's Assistant 1; Melissa Donaldson, Pistol Examiner; Joni-Lynn DelVecchio, Sheriff's Assistant 1; Samantha Carney, Sheriff's Fiscal Assistant 1 and Mackenzie Stauble, Discovery Coordinator.
Corrections Division of Chemung County Sheriff is Reaccredited

The Chemung County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division also received reaccreditation from the New York State Sheriffs Association.

“This is the Division’s third re-accreditation award,” noted Sheriff William Schrom, “The Undersheriff and I want to acknowledge the hard work of Officer Dan Mandell for doing such a great job as the Accreditation Program Manager, Major Ray Hodge, Administrative Lieutenants Anthony Vitucci and Justin Hamula and the other men and women of the Corrections Division who work hard every day to help us maintain such a high professional standard.”

Pictured above (l – r) are Chemung County Sheriff William Schrom, Accreditation Manager Officer Dan Mandell, Jail Superintendent Major Ray Hodge, Jail Administrative Lieutenants Anthony Vitucci and Justin Hamula and Undersheriff Douglas Houper.
Livingston County Communications Bureau Reaccredited
The Livingston County Sheriff’s Office reaccreditation of its Communications Bureau was recognized last week by the New York State Sheriffs Association. Livingston County is one of a number of Sheriff’s Offices that have achieved all state-level accreditations available to them (PSAP, Jail, Civil, Court Security and Law Enforcement). Shown (l – r) are Livingston County Sheriff Thomas Dougherty, Director of Communications Amanda Schultz, Dispatcher Heather Gross, NYSSA Executive Director Peter Kehoe and Livingston County Undersheriff Matthew Bean.
Professional Development
Scenes from New York State Sheriffs' Association Programs
— Jail Administrators Training Conference
Jail administrators boosted record-breaking attendance at its annual conference in Saratoga Springs. Over 130 professionals from more than 50 counties listened to presentations on the current state in corrections and Artificial Intelligence, legal issues and jail therapy programs.

Sound Advice – Anthony Callisto, former Chief Deputy of the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office, provides guidance on the use of expert witnesses in jail litigation.
Sheriffs Onsite – Above, Sheriff Fred Akshar (right) and Undersheriff Sammy Davis (left) attended the Conference with their colleagues from Broome County. Below, in the vendor exhibit hall, Chautauqua County Sheriff James Quattrone (center) speaks with colleagues. Rockland County Sheriff Louis Falco III was also at the Conference, but eluded capture by camera.

It’s What You Know – Suffolk County Undersheriff Kevin Catalina (pictured, left) gives an update on his Office’s Jail Intelligence Program, while Carrie Hill, Esq. (above) presents her annual Legal Issues Review. 
— Law Enforcement Supervisors Training Conference
Saratoga Springs again was the scene for the annual Law Enforcement Supervisors Training Conference, as 65 supervisors from 26 counties received updates on new tools to combat Opioid overdose, developments in school safety and changes to the DRE training program.
Supervisors (above) were treated to a seminar on Risk Management Challenges for Law Enforcement Leaders by Mike Ranalli of Lexipol (below).
NSA Accepting Nominations for 2024 Awards

The National Sheriffs’ Association has announced its annual call for nominations for a number of awards. Applications for all awards must be postmarked by December 15, 2023, unless noted otherwise. Use the NSA’s awards application packet or contact the NSA for more information on the various award categories.
Rounding Out the File
When at Comic-Con . . .

What better way for a Sheriff to strut his stuff and garner attention to the profession than dress as SheriffWoody from Pixar’s Toy Story? That’s just what New York City Sheriff Anthony Miranda did when visiting Comic-Con earlier this year.
From the Sheriff’s Office Facebook page: “ 'You’re my favorite Deputy!' The kids loved his costume and it was a great time for all families!"
Our Diamond Partners
 New York State Sheriffs' Association | 518-434-9091 | www.nysheriffs.org