Loudoun Empty Bowls Raises $35,000!
The 2020 "The Fortunate Bowl" event hosted by Loudoun Empty Bowls raised $35,000 for Loudoun Hunger Relief, Loudoun Abused Women's Shelter and Dulles South Food Pantry. A drive-through bowl pick-up event was held on September 16 and 17, 2020 at the stunning and scenic Stone Tower Winery, the venue sponsor for a seventh year. The event brings together artists, who donate one-of-a-kind handmade bowls, and people who care about eliminating hunger and injustice in our community. The concept of Loudoun Empty Bowls is that ceramic artists, students and community members come together to produce handmade bowls and donate them to a fundraising event. In exchange for a donation, a donor receives a bowl and a meal. The 2020 event sold out in spite of the changes made for COVID-19 prevention.

The Empty Bowls Event Committee persevered through a very unusual set of circumstances and delivered incredible help for those in need of food in our community. The Empty Bowls team of Jenny Wolfer, Magen Morse, Amy Berringer, Kaarin Nelson, Kristen Swanson, Christine Kalchthaler, and Christi Palacios put together a warm, welcoming, unique and beautiful event against all odds. 

A huge thank you to Stone Tower Winery, Chris Bowen & Nancy Reynolds, The Miller Family, Backflow Technology, LCC and Food Lion.

Thanks are also due to the many ceramic artists who participated in the effort as well White House Ceramic Studios, Firebird Ceramics, Round Hill Arts Center and Poppy Hill Ceramics. Special thanks to Kaarin Nelson for her beautiful painting that she offers for auction each year.

Each year, this beautiful community event brings together to fill the bowls of our neighbors in need. Tickets for the event go on sale in July each year on the Loudoun Empty Bowls website. Sign up to get the Empty Bowls Newsletter.

We are most grateful to our Loudoun Empty Bowls friends for hosting this fantastic event that fills many bowls in our community!

Loudoun Hunger Relief | loudounhunger.org