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The E-Pistle of Thursday

June 1st, 2023

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The Cathedral Prays for Healing for

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

From The Episcopal Office of Public Affairs

" Over Memorial Day weekend, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry was admitted to the hospital in Raleigh, North Carolina, where he underwent testing for internal bleeding and a heart condition. He has been discharged and will be monitored while working on a reduced schedule from home.


Curry’s internal bleeding is under control, and additional test results are expected later this week. He has been receiving treatment for atrial fibrillation (AFib), which was detected in an annual physical. While in the hospital, Curry experienced two other episodes of irregular heartbeat, and he will wear a heart monitor to determine what further treatment is necessary.

Until he is cleared for air travel by his medical team, Curry will remain in Raleigh, resting and working from home on a reduced schedule. As more information becomes available regarding Curry’s health and schedule, his staff will provide updates.


Please pray for a full and speedy recovery—and for Curry’s medical team as they identify the best course of treatment."

The Cathedral Community extends our prayers of healing, love and support to Presiding Bishop Curry during this difficult time. We pray with the wider church for a full and healthy recovery.

Choral Evensong This Sunday

Sunday, June 4th|4:00pm

Location: The Cathedral Nave

Contact: Christian Clough

Join us this Sunday evening as our cathedral choir offers their final evensong of the choral season prior to their summer recess.

The Cathedral choir will be led by guest cathedral musician, Harold Stover alongside assisting organist Randall Mullin.

Musical Offerings include:

Organ music: Max Reger.

Preces & Responses: Robert Jones (b. 1945).

Evening Canticles: Vaughan Williams in C.

Anthem: Te Deum laudamus by Healey Willan.

Hymn: “I bind unto myself today”.

LGBTQIA+ Ministry

Second Meeting

This Sunday

This Sunday, June 4th

The Lower Hall


Join the St. Luke’s LGBTQIA+ Ministry in the Lower Hall this Sunday at noon following coffee hour, as we continue our discussion from last Sunday and begin preparations for marching in the Portland Pride Parade on June 17th! Everyone is welcome to join! 

This is an all-ages, all-orientations (including allies) group, dedicated to exploring the intersection between being LGBTQIA+ and Christian, and supporting one another through our journeys of self-discovery and faith.

For additional information or questions, e-mail Orion Williams

St. Luke's to host a Performance of

"A Slave Ship Called Malaga"

by artist Antonio Rocha

Next Saturday, June 10th, 2023


The Cathedral Nave

Tickets available here or scan the QR Code Below

Adults (Ages 12+)- $10.00

(Photo credit: Coco McCrackin)

*Please note that the recommended age for attending this event is ages 12 +

Join us at 7:00PM on June 10th in the Cathedral Nave as we partner with Portland Ovations to host artist Antonio Rocha in his performance of "A Slave Ship Called Malaga."

Portland Ovations describes Rocha's work as the following:

"The Malaga Ship Story is a tour de force performance by award-winning, and world-renowned storyteller Antonio Rocha. Using his entire body and voice, Antonio sings, dances, narrates, and mimes his way through this poetically toned historical tale told from the perspective of the ship. The story vividly explores the reality and impact of the slave trade then and now through Antonio’s relationships to Maine and Brazil. Each performance is followed by a moderated conversation with a facilitator."

Visit the links below to learn more about the artist, the background of the performance, and to access educational resources.

Antonio Rocha

Performance Background

Learning resources

Watch a Preview of Antonio Rocha's Performance Below

A Note of Thanks From Christian Clough

Friends, I thank you for your prayers, good wishes, cards, food offerings, patience and understanding during my rather sudden absence due to spinal surgery on 8 May. 

Some of you had been aware of my increasing pain and compromised mobility during the first months of this year. This condition presented as sciatica starting last spring, but by January, was serious enough to seek medical care. Some zigzags in diagnosis and care allowed the condition to deteriorate further, and by the end of March, I was seriously compromised, perhaps beyond your awareness. An MRI revealed a benign synovial cyst in my lumbar spine, pressing on a nerve that runs down the right leg. 

I did what I could to press on through the pain to get us through Holy Week and Easter and the end of the choir season, but the pain was increasingly debilitating. I finally saw a spinal surgeon at the beginning of May, and he immediately offered to operate. I was lucky to get a date for surgery within a week. The excision immediately relieved the source of the pain, yet a lengthy recovery is necessary to allow my lower back and the affected nerve to heal. I've carefully followed the restrictions on movement, lifting, driving, etc., and I am feeling better every week. I am continuing to take it easy until six weeks out, but I am planning to return for the last two choir events—rehearsal and liturgy—of the choir season as I approach the end of my six-week recovery window. 

You have been incredibly kind and supportive throughout, and I can't thank you enough for that spirit of generosity. None of us could have imagined the variety of vacancies, disruptions and challenges we have encountered during this program year, and I certainly could not have anticipated stepping back for so long, a longer absence than I have taken collectively through my 30 years of ministry! 

I am particularly indebted to Randy Mullin, Harold Stover, and Ray Cornils, all of whom stepped up to an exceptional need with professionalism and flexibility; to Suezan Moore & Curtis Maurand, who have kept the choral library and choir members' music up to date; to my staff colleagues for their help in keeping things running so smoothly; and to all choir members for their patience and perseverance in pressing on through many challenges. 

God willing, the next season will be smoother for us all. Thank you all so much for your care; it truly makes me feel loved and supported in my new ministry here.

with love and thanks,


Giving Thanks for Musical Efforts

The Cathedral Community wishes to express our gratitude to guest cathedral musicians Ray Cornils and Harold Stover, alongside assisting organist Randall Mullin, who stepped in to offer coverage in leading the Cathedral Choir while Christian Clough recovered from his spinal surgery. We wish them well and thank them for all of their efforts.

Parish Administrator Away for

Select Weeks in June and July

Parish Administrator, Avery Schott, will be out of the office during the week of Sunday, June 18th—Sunday, June 25th, as well as Friday, June 30th—Monday, July 10th. The office will be covered by a group of volunteer parishioners during this time. All announcements for the bulletin and E-pistle for the week of June 18th, must be submitted no later than Wednesday, June 14th to be included.

The Tuesday 12:10 Service to go on Summer Break after June 13th

The Tuesday 12:10 Eucharist will go on summer break after the final service on June 13th.

Join The Rev. Anne Fowler and service participants for a meal following the service to express thanks for the ability to gather as a community.

Please email the cathedral office with additional questions.


Hold the Date! Parish-Wide Picnic After the Service on June 11th

Additional Volunteers to Help Needed!

Sunday June 11th, 2023

The Park Street Parking Lot (Rain Location in Lower Hall)

Following the 10AM Service

Menu: Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Vegetarian Options, Salads, and Ice Cream

Volunteer: contact Sarah Dowling

Join us for a parish wide picnic following the service as we conclude Sunday School for the summer, recognize our graduating high school seniors, and note the end of the season for the Cathedral Choir.

The picnic will take place outside in the Park Street Parking Lot (rain location is the Lower Hall).

The menu will include hamburgers, hot dogs, vegetarian options, salads, and ice cream.

With any additional questions please contact Sarah Dowling

Bach Virtuosi Festival June 20 - 27, 2023

Concerts performed at St. Luke's Cathedral and

Etz Chaim Synagogue

Johann Sebastian Bach is celebrated as the creator of numerous masterpieces of church and non-secular music, both instrumental and with vocals. He is generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time. This year marks the eighth year that the Bach Virtuosi Festival will bring together world-class musicians to share the music of Bach.

Click here to learn more about the repertoire and world-renowned musicians from the Bach Virtuosi Festival. Take advantage of our 20% off Mother's Day sale

Bach Virtuosi Festival Artists Looking for Housing

Artists performing in the Bach Virtuosi Festival are looking for housing. If you or someone you know is able to host an artist, please contact Administrative Director Megan Akers.

Lesser Chapter and Finance Committee Minutes

To read the most recent minutes from the Lesser Chapter Meeting held on May 17th,

Click here.

To read the minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting held on May 16th,

Click Here

New Hearing Assistance Devices Available

The Cathedral has new devices for anyone who needs hearing assistance during our worship services. Please ask an usher for help getting started, and let us know how they worked for you. With any additional questions or to give feedback please email Sam Allen or Jack Swanton.

Ongoing Opportunities &

Community Resources


The St. Luke's Public Policy

and Environmental Action Team Meeting &


The St. Luke's Public Policy and Environmental Action Team will meet Tuesday June 13 from 6-7 PM. 

All are welcome. Click here to join us. 

For more information email Sarah Braik

PPEAT Eco-Tips

Portland’s BTS Center equips faith leaders of all traditions, lay and ordained, to provide effective and faithful ministry in a climate-changed world. Its mission is to catalyze spiritual imagination with enduring wisdom for transformative faith leadership. They offer a huge variety of programs, virtual and in person, many at no cost. Even if your leadership role is a small one, you will find opportunities to explore the intersection between faith and environmental justice, find renewal for your soul and revitalize your ministry.

Portland’s BTS Center (https://thebtscenter.org/.) equips faith leaders of all traditions, lay and ordained, to provide effective and faithful ministry in a climate-changed world. Its mission is to catalyze spiritual imagination with enduring wisdom for transformative faith leadership. They offer a huge variety of programs, virtual and in person, many at no cost. Even if your leadership role is a small one, you will find opportunities to explore the intersection between faith and environmental justice, find renewal for your soul and revitalize your ministry.

A Note about our Liturgy Team and Pastoral Presence

 During this time of transition to a new Dean we want to explain to the congregation the ways that St. Luke’s Cathedral is providing a clergy presence. We have assembled a team of clergy who will be responsible for organizing and celebrating worship services. This team consists of the Reverends Suzanne Roberts, Anne Fowler, and Christopher Worthley. They will be assisted from time to time by guest preachers and celebrants. Rev. Fowler and Rev. Roberts are available to any congregants who have need of pastoral care. You may reach Rev. Fowler at (617)548-4783 and Rev. Roberts at (207)749-4166.

The Rev. Christopher Worthley is not available for on-call pastoral care due to full-time employment outside of his ministry,  however he is active in care for our neighbors at 75 State Street.

Join The Young and the Restless

Contact: Shana Rose

St. Luke’s 20-30-year-old ministry. We are an active group at the cathedral and also get together outside of the church.

Join us as we go hiking, ice skating, play trivia, or just enjoy each other's company! If you are new to us, welcome! We meet the second Tuesday of each month at Rising Tide, 6-8 pm in Portland. 

Other events happen sporadically throughout the month, however second Tuesdays at Rising Tide is a great place to meet us if you're joining us for the first time. 

Please contact Shana Rose at <[email protected]> to be added to the group Discord channel to stay up to date with group activities and information.

Clynk Bags Available in the Nave and around the Cathedral

Contact: Shana Rose

 St. Luke’s participation in the Clynk Initiative Program helps to support our young adults ministry, The Young and the Restless.

Additional bags have been made available at both entrances of Nave with barcodes that correspond to the Cathedral’s account.

Anyone is welcome to take a bag and are encouraged to bring it to a local redemption center or grocery store that accepts Clynk. Thank you for your support!

Monday Night Zoom Book Group

Every First and Third Monday of the Month

6:00-7:00 pm

Location: Zoom

Contact: Linda Carleton

The Monday Zoom Book Group is reading Barbara Brown Taylor’s The Luminous Web: Essays on Science and Religion

Taylor suggests that we might close the gap between spirit and matter, between the sacred and the secular.”

The Jamestown Cross Book Review describes the book as “profound in its implications and a must-read for anyone seeking to reconcile the faith they cling to with the science they encounter.” The group meets on 1st and 3rd Mondays from 6-7pm. 

The Luminous Web is only four chapters and we’ll complete it in 2-4 weeks. Contact Linda Carleton if you’d like to join us.

The Healing Team

The Healing Team will be offering prayers with the following team members this Sunday: 6/4/23  Sara Schmalz and Oscar Mokeme   

What to Expect From the Healing Team

If you’ve never come to the chapel for prayers from the Healing Team maybe you are

wondering, what does that mean, exactly? Why do people go? What will happen?

People come for prayers for many reasons. For themselves, or for others. For help with

something painful or difficult, such as illness, sadness, loss, or death. Or, to offer thanks or gratitude.

When you come into the chapel you will find two members of our team. We will ask your name (if we don’t know you), and what brings you in. We will ask if it’s all right to lay on our hands during prayer and to anoint you with oil. With our hands on your shoulders (if okay), we will then say a few words, asking God to be with us as we pray, and then (if okay) anoint you with oil.

Please know that our intention is to “hold the space” while you are with us. Afterward, we will not discuss with you what brought you in for prayer. We will not discuss you with anyone else in the congregation. We will not discuss you among ourselves, though we often continue to keep you in our own, individual prayers.

If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to any of us on the Healing Team:

Betsey Deleuse, Elise Magnuson, Gail Kesich, Judd Hume, Mary Strnad, Oscar Mokeme, Peter Carleton, Ruth Roemer, Sara Schmalz.

If you have any questions, please contact Judd Hume by calling (207) 773 - 5611 or by email.

Coffee Hour Hosts Needed!

A big thank you to everyone that has hosted coffee hour this year, it has been very successful and creates an important time for fellowship. We need a few more people to host throughout June. You can view the schedule by clicking on this link. Please take a look and email me with your preferred date and I will add you to the schedule. 

Email Meredith Cough or call 207-415-8207 

Happening in Diocese and the Wider Church Community

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry Offers Pentecost Message

Last Week Presiding Bishop Michael Curry offered a Pentecost message looking forward to the Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) in College Park, Maryland.

To learn more about the Episcopal Youth Event and to view a full schedule, click here.

"Regreso a casa, returning home. That is the theme of the upcoming EYE gathering of young people from throughout The Episcopal Church. I am so looking forward to being with you. Returning home: Faith in a new age, a new age of faith. That is the subtheme for this gathering.


I’m mindful that many years ago a woman named Phyllis Tickle—who was a dear friend of mine—died and entered eternal life with our Lord. Before she died, she finished one of her last books. And in that book she said that we in our time will find ourselves living in a time when we must rely on the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised us to lead us and guide us along the way."

To read Presiding Bishop Curry's full message, please click here.

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry to Host

Four Days of Workshops

From the Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs

"Join your fellow Episcopalians for four days of insightful workshops led by dozens of presenters; special speakers; and preachers, including Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, who is beginning his final year as chief pastor of The Episcopal Church.


Don’t miss out on the great rates available NOW for this churchwide festival of worship, learning, community, and action July 9-12 in Baltimore, Maryland."


  • Registration—for only $185 until June 1—includes the following:90+ workshops and sessions
  • 4 worship services
  • 3 days of learning
  • 2 lunches
  • Countless connections
  • Book now for great hotel rates: Hilton ($169 until 6/18)
  • Marriott ($149 until 6/12)

Register Here

Last Week's Service

Click the attached links to view the Livestream of Last Sunday's Service and the Bulletin.

To View past services visit our Youtube Page or visit the archive page on our website to read past bulletins, sermons, and newsletters.

Weekly Ministries

  • The Food Pantry is open from 8 am to 11 am every Thursday.

  • Noon prayer is offered every Wednesday via Zoom.

  • The Tuesday 12:10 Eucharist gathers weekly in Emmanuel Chapel. Join via Zoom.

  • Contemplative Prayer is offered every Thursday at 4:30 pm via Zoom.

  • Compline is offered weekly on Friday from 8-8:30pm on Zoom. For additional details contact Ray Murdoch Curry

Click on the Episcopal Maine Logo to learn about all that is happening in the wider Diocese.




Physical Address:

143 State Street, Portland, ME 04101

Parking Available at:

134 Park Street, Portland, ME 04101

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 4141, Portland, ME 04101

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