Congress Releases Final, Bicameral FY 2020 Spending Package

Includes Roughly 4% Increase to IHS Overall and 5-month Extension of SDPI

December 16, 2019

Congress Reaches Bicameral FY 2020 Spending Agreement, Includes Increases for Indian Health Service Budget and 5-month Extension of the Special Diabetes Program for Indians

On Monday, December 16, 2019, the House and Senate released the final Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 appropriations package for all twelve discretionary appropriations bills. The roughly $1.3 trillion spending deal provides $738 billion in defense funding and $632 billion for all non-defense accounts for FY 2020. For the Interior budget, which funds the Indian Health Service (IHS), Bureau of Indian Affairs, and other agencies, Congress allocated $35.989 billion overall; for the Labor, Health and Human Services (Labor-HHS) budget, which funds agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Congress allocated $184.9 billion overall.

The spending package also includes a short-term extension of the Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) for a period of 5 months, through May 22, 2020 . NIHB has been heavily advocating for a long-term 5 year reauthorization of SDPI before the program expires this Friday, December 20; however, with negotiations ongoing regarding the legislative vehicle for long-term reauthorization of SDPI, another short-term extension was necessary to avoid program expiration. NIHB continues to stress to lawmakers the undue challenges and problems with short-term extensions, and will continue to strongly advocate for long-term reauthorization of SDPI.

The House and Senate will be considering the FY 2020 spending bills under two packages, or "minibuses." The first minibus is filed under H.R. 1158 and includes the following appropriations bills:
  • Defense
  • Homeland Security
  • Commerce-Justice-Science
  • Financial Services

The second minibus is filed under H.R. 1865 and includes the following appropriations bills:
  • Agriculture-FDA
  • Labor-HHS
  • Energy-Water
  • Interior-Environment
  • State-Foreign Operations
  • Transportation-HUD
  • Military Construction -VA
  • Legislative Branch

House Appropriations Chairwoman Nita Lowey (D-NY) announced on Monday that the House of Representatives will be voting on both spending minibuses on Tuesday, December 17, 2019. The Senate will subsequently consider the packages later this week in time for the President's signature before Congress recesses for the remainder of the calendar year on Friday December 20, 2019. Both chambers of Congress and the White House have signaled support for the final spending agreement which will fund the federal government for the remainder of FY 2020 (through September 30, 2020).

Funding for the Indian Health Service
NIHB has conducted an analysis of the FY 2020 spending package for IHS. Overall, the deal increases IHS funding by 4% above the FY 2019 enacted level, to $6.047 billion. It includes line item increases for the majority of IHS accounts, including a substantial boost to funds for 105(l) lease obligations to $125 million , which is $89 million above the FY 2019 enacted level.

The budget also includes a new $8 million line item for modernization of electronic health records (EHRs) and $5 million for nationalization of the Community Health Aide Program (CHAP) . Unfortunately, the final totals for EHRs and CHAP are below the proposals in the FY 2020 President's Budget, which outlined $25 million for EHR modernization and $20 million for CHAP nationalization. In addition, the $25 million proposed in the President's Budget for HIV and Hepatitis C were not included in the final deal.

A more detailed list and comparison of several line item totals for IHS are provided below.
FY 2020 Indian Health Service

IHS.............................. $6.04 billion

Hospitals & Clinics.......... $2.32 billion
Mental Health.............. $108.9 million
Alcohol & Subs. Abuse....... $245 million
Purchased/Ref Care....... $964 million
Facilities..................... $911 million
Community Health Reps... $62.8 million
Urban Indian Health.......... $57 million
FY 2019 Indian Health Service

IHS............................... $5.8 billion

Hospitals & Clinics.......... $2.14 billion
Mental Health.............. $105.2 million
Alcohol & Subs. Abuse....... $245 million
Purchased/Ref Care....... $964 million
Facilities..................... $878 million
Community Health Reps... $62.8 million
Urban Indian Health.......... $51 million
Funding for Important Indian Health Programs Outside IHS
NIHB continues to strongly advocate for important Indian health programs funded under the Labor-HHS budget by agencies such as CDC and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Under CDC, the spending package maintains funding at $21 million for the Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country (GHWIC) program ! NIHB previously reported that the Senate had zeroed out funding for GHWIC in the FY 2020 Labor-HHS package passed in Committee back in September. Through continued advocacy on part of Tribes and NIHB, Congress reinstated GHWIC funding in the final spending agreement.

Under SAMHSA, funding for Tribal Behavioral Health Grants , better known as "Native Connections," were maintained at $40 million overall ($20 million for mental health, and $20 million for substance use). The Labor-HHS package also maintains the $50 million set aside in Tribal Opioid Response grants and $10 million set-aside for medication-assisted treatment . In addition, the bill include $2.931 million for the American Indian and Alaska Native Suicide Prevention Initiative.

Next Steps
NIHB will continue to provide updates on FY 2020 appropriations as the House and Senate prepare to vote on the final spending deal this week.

For a copy of the bill text that includes Labor-HHS and Interior, click here
For a copy of the explanatory statement for Interior, click here
For a copy of the explanatory statement for Labor-HHS, click here

For any questions on FY 2020 appropriations, please contact NIHB Deputy Director of Congressional Relations, Shervin Aazami, at [email protected]

National Indian Health Board |
910 Pennsylvania Avenue SE | Washington, DC 20003 | Phone: 202-507-4070