Final Summer Homeopathic First Aid Series #12

Treatment for Acute Emotional Stress

Ignatia Amara 200C aka Saint Ignatius Bean

Hello Again,


Welcome back to our final homeopathic first aid newsletter for our summer series. I have had many of you reach out and tell me that you found this series to be helpful. Thank you for your feedback. I often wonder if I am wasting my time by writing these articles.


I’m kicking around about what to do next. I might keep sending out homeopathic tidbits, because I truly believe that every household should have somebody who knows something about homeopathy. I will likely expand on the homeopathics and not make them first aid oriented. Any suggestions?


Today we are going to talk about Ignatia Amara 200C aka Saint Ignatius bean. The keynote for this homeopathic is acute emotional stress. I would be remiss to send out a first aid series and not address the emotions involved when there is an unexpected first aid emergency.


Ignatia is to be used if you are worried or having anxiety, especially around your health or someone else’s health. It can also be used for insomnia, especially around busy or worrisome thoughts. Now, it is not the only insomnia remedy, but if you are worried, especially about health related issues, Ignatia Amara 200C is worth a try.


From a more classical homeopathy perspective, Ignatia is used for grief. Grief from the death of a loved one or for someone who has suffered a great disappointment, such as loss of a job or relationship.


A great example of when to use Ignatia would be when COVID first appeared in the spring of 2020. When it was all we saw on the news. When we watched the number of cases spread across the world. When the whole world shuts down. When we didn’t know if we could see our family or friends. When we didn’t know if we would get sick or our loved ones would get sick. This scenario fits Ignatia in two ways. First, most of us had anxiety about our health and the health of our loved ones. Secondly, we all suffered a loss. The world shut down. We were locked in our houses. This was a huge loss and a huge change of life for most. Taking Ignatia Amara 200C twice daily, would have been very helpful in reducing the worry and anxiety during that time.


The Ignatia person cannot tolerate tobacco smoke or coffee. This isn’t absolutely necessary to be present, but if it is, then it is another indicator that Ignatia is a good choice. This person is easily offended and very sensitive to being reprimanded, potentially becoming physically ill as a result. Usually, this person will not cry in front of others, but there is often audible sighing.


Sometimes, when a new patient comes in, usually a woman, and she is overly excited about her health issues and is bringing me in a stack of papers to confirm how poorly she feels, this person can usually benefit from Ignatia.


When using Ignatia Amara for emotional stress we always use the 200C potency and it is usually given twice daily, morning and evening.


My good friend, Grace, has added this series of homeopathic first aid articles to my website. If you missed any of the articles, you could find them all here in one location

Many of you have asked me to put together a first aid kit that includes the remedies we have discussed this summer. I am able to do that but need to take orders. I carry mostly OHM brand in my office. They have combination remedies and some more obscure ones than Boiron. However, since this is a first aid kit and I am hoping you will not need to use these medicines, the Boiron option is more affordable.  I will need to place an order for the Boiron brand, so I will be taking orders for the next week and then will order the amount that is needed.


Here are your options for a first aid kit. The Boiron kit will include 11 Boiron homeopathics plus one OHM brand of the Pyrogenium 200C. Boiron does not carry this one. You will also get a small box that will hold up to 25 of the homeopathic medicines so you can keep them all together. The Boiron kit is $166.40. Many of you have told me that you find the OHM brand more effective than the Boiron brand, so I do have an OHM brand kit available as well. The same 12 medicines are included along with the box that holds 25 medicines. This kit, which is available immediately, is $300. The Boiron brand contains about 80 pellets per tube whereas the OHM brand contains about 100 pellets per tube.


I’m not sure what is going on with OHM, but they have had two large price increases this year. I think the FDA is cracking down on the homeopathic labs and causing prices to increase. I suspect we will see this from Boiron in the near future. Just a reminder, although the FDA requires an expiration date on these medicines, if you keep them in a temperature controlled environment, they really do not expire. 


Speaking of the FDA. They are working hard to try to eliminate our ability to purchase and use these medicines. The drug companies do not like homeopathy and are doing all they can to restrict and eliminate these very powerful medicines. 


For a reminder on how to handle and take these magnificent energy medicines, please read the article on How to handle homeopathic remedies. If you want to purchase these remedies individually online, you can use my online dispensary found fullscript. If you are interested in the OHM brand, you can contact me and pick it up at the office.   


Thank you for joining me this summer for our homeopathic first aid series. I hope you found the information invaluable. My goal for sharing this information is so you can take back control of your health by having tools at home to address any possible event. Homeopathic medicines are a great first line defense in treating all illness. 

Toni Eatros, Acupuncture Physician


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