Final LACSTA Newsletter 2022-2023
Message from President Tina Fredericks:
We hope you made some valuable connections and friendships through the various meetings and programming we offered this year. We are proud to have hosted at least one in-person/hybrid meeting in each of the Los Angeles County districts as well as met trustees where they are through our Zoom speaker series and Leadership Academy. We want to give special thanks to the leadership and staff at Los Angeles County Office of Education who were instrumental to our success, providing the support for event planning, audio visual technical support, and leadership guidance. In addition, we greatly appreciate the districts which graciously hosted our in-person meetings: Hacienda-La Puente Unified School District, Los Angeles County Office of Education, Inglewood Unified School District, Palmdale School District, and Beverly Hills Unified School District.
We are proud to let you know that LACSTA Executive Board took a transformative step in elevating its own standards of leadership by recently enacting an Executive Board Code of Conduct in the LACSTA Bylaws as follows: 
Executive Board Code of Conduct. Serving on the Executive Board is a privilege that shall be demonstrated through the Code of Conduct.
The Executive Board shall conduct themselves with high professional standards of conduct, act and lead with honesty, grace, high ethical standards, treating others with respect, caring, and fairness, including fellow Board members, LACOE staff, and others with whom they interact while carrying out the operations of LACSTA. Professional standards of conduct include:
1) Developing and maintaining good relations with fellow Executive Board members;
2) Working with fellow Board members in a spirit of collaboration in spite of differences of opinion while protecting each other's dignity;
3) Respecting the work commitments and personal time commitments of others, not placing undue burden on others. 
4) Assuming good intent of fellow Board members;
5) Continually finding opportunities to lift up fellow Board members, LACOE staff, and others with whom Board members interact while carrying out the operations of LACSTA.

LACSTA is a unique opportunity to bring trustees together. We strive to continue our mission to provide trustees with training, information, and networking opportunities. In the spirit of continuous improvement, next year, we will provide an opportunity for all our members to inform our programming - what, how, where, and why. Let’s reimagine LACSTA to meet each district’s unique needs.

On behalf of the LACSTA Executive Board, I wish you and yours a relaxing and rejuvenating summer. 

Tina Fredericks
LACSTA, President 2022-2024

Thank you Beverly Hill USD for hosting the End of the Year Celebration at Beverly Hills HS. Your students were wonderful.
Thank you to our Speakers: Scott Payne, Anita Williams, Frank Green from Hemet USD, and all the guests in-person and virtual for attending our year end celebration.

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