When a container is shipped to Food For The Poor, it goes to one of the Latin American or Caribbean countries they work with. Once it arrives in the country, Food For The Poor's in-country partners receive items to disburse within their nonprofit or organization.
One of the in-country partners of Food For The Poor Guyana is The Outdoor Library. The Outdoor Library provides help and support to the people in their community.
On November 25, they had an event for the International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls. They united together to discuss ways on how to stop violence against women and girls in the Uitvlugt community where they live.
They had fun playing twister, sharing a meal, and having discussions. Midwest Mission Personal Dignity Kits were given to each of the women who came to the event.
You could see the excitement on the women's faces as they received their kits. They put on their bags, and squeezed in together for a picture.