It will be crazy for some to imagine, but this is the final summer of Secret Project Robot's incarnation on Melrose Street...
We've moved before, from Monster Island in Williamsburg to Bushwick, and we shall persevere, and move again... In many ways, We are ourselves to blame, we've helped to create a hipper safer neighborhood and higher rents, as so often do, have followed...
I will not give our landlords a bad name, they offered us a fair deal to stay, it was simply something that is untenable for a small artist run organization to swallow in the wake of higher priced everything else in New York City as well...
We are currently seeking spaces farther out into Brooklyn, and may have to take a short break between spaces this time, however, make no doubt that we will indeed keep bringing art to Brooklyn, as we continue to believe that this city needs artists and DIY spaces more now than ever...
Erik and myself have had the most amazing time at this space and we look forward to a most excellent summer and future together...
Please come for our final art show, opening date coming very soon, and also some really amazing parties and art events throughout the next 2 1/2 months...
In the mean time, please help support our other projects which also exclusively employ and support Artists in New York City so they can keep making art for all of us...
Sincerely Yours,
Rachel Robot...