Congratulations to our newest accredited members Georgea, Belinda, Adele, Amy, Lori, Chris, Richard, Paul and to all participants on our most recent Foundations Programme: Tracy, Kate and Juliette.
For those wishing to join our September
Foundations Programme, there are one or two places available and dates/venue are below. We recommend early booking to secure the final spaces.
For existing facilitators, whatever your level of experience, do consider our Practitioner Accreditation Programme. This provides an opportunity to review and reflect on your practice and next steps. Although this is largely a self-directed activity, significant support is provided by AoF; those who have engaged with the process tell us that is an excellent way to affirm confidence and competence and to refresh your skills and style. Register by early September in order to join our Practitioner Accreditation Day on 3rd October 2016.
Next Learning Day/Taster day is 15th November 2016 (Members £80 and Non Members £100) - do contact us to reserve a place.
Bella Mehta & Brian Watts
Association of Facilitators (AoF)
0203 282 7128