Think back to your school years. Among the memories of friends, sports, and unforgettable teachers, there are likely several memories of class trips taken to museums, famous landmarks and historical cities. At the time, you probably looked at field trips as a chance to skip class and hang out with friends. But those field trips were also about so much more.

Field trips are designed to enhance what children are being taught in the classroom. The goal is to let students see, touch, and experience things that would otherwise just be a line in a textbook or a picture on a classroom wall.

In May, the foundation helped fund a local field trip to see the Calpulli Mexican Dance Company for all 7th and 8th-grade students. Calpulli used movement and rhythms in dance to share cultural knowledge that helped students capture the Mexican culture and experience lessons that complement those learned in the classroom.

The foundation strives to provide field opportunities for all students, regardless of their ability to pay. Will you help us reach our goal? 

Give for GOLD

Click HERE to enroll today!

Join us on Sept. 2nd as we close our Golden Giving campaign with a GOLD OUT at the Trojans vs. Rome game! Wear your gold and sign up to be a Golden Giver. All Golden Givers will be entered to win some great prizes during the game!

Thank you to our community 


Eddie Adams

Matthew Albertus

Leeann Allen

The Aycock Family

Scott Bader Foundation

Dennis Barr

Emily Bass

Noelle Belaski

Bradley Bell

Katie Bennett

Alma Blakemore

Linda Bohannon

Angela Buck

Kirby Butler

Molly Camp

Sally Carden

Baylee Cates

Kimberly Chumley

Erica Clary

Matthew Clotfelter

Sam Coker

Kelly Cole

Alison Cook

Darrell Cooley

Bridget Corbett

Bree Cypher

Rachel Dalton

Patsy Daniell

Rob Dial

Lottie Dobbs

Amy Dollar

Melina Douthit

Erin Echols

Angie Ellis

Gray Esslinger

Lindsey Faircloth

Brett Feenstra

Delia Fernandez

Laurie & Trey Fleck

Susan Fleck

Pamela Fox-Dhople & Family

James & Haley Freeman

Ben Garrett


Tee & Jennifer Green

Kerry Griffin

Burt Grisham

Bo & Shirley Hamil

Crystal and Natalie Handley

Chuck Harper

Amanda Harvey

Nicole Henderson

Andrea Hitzeman

Kathy Howell

Lindsay Jennings

Lindsay Jernigan

Cali Steed Jones

Hannah Jones

Ronda Walker Jones

Susan Muse Jones

K & B Bookkeeping

Karen Kagiyama

Lori Kelley

Christie Laney

Holly Larson

Brett Ledbetter

Law Office of John B. Jackson

Veronica Lee

Debbie Limerick

Nicole Long

Caroline McWhorter

Sue Medeiros

Angela Mehaffey

Blake Mobley

Kay Moon

Lindy Moore

Kristi Navarre

Kristin Niemeyer

Alison O’Shields

Amanda Parian

Joy Park

Thomas Park

Jenny Parker

Barbara Paul

Allison Pearson

Kristi Phillips

Grace Pippin

Ashley Norred Powell

Danielle Powell

Jon Preston

Caroline Price

Jean Pridmore-Overrocker

Amanda Quinn

Kim Rajczyk

Lakiesa Rawlinson

Douglas Rayburn

Amanda Redman

Gini Reeve

Beth Reid

Suzy Revelle

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Russell

Philip & Taffy Rhyne

Misty Roberts

Sandra Roberts

Andy Robinson

Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Robinson

Brent & Carolee Rogers

Gabriela Rubio

Jeremy and Janet Sabo

Ivy Sceals

Joe Sears

Amy Sewell

Ken Shields

Herbert Smith

Woodie Eugenia Stapler

Matilda Strickland

Molly Strickland

Stucky Plumbing & Septic

Meghan Sullivan

Mary Thomas

Sunde Jinia Thomas

Tara Thorne

Erica & Joel Tisinger

Jake Underwood

Ashley Underwood

Alison Wallace

Leandra Ward

Wantless Farm

Morgan Whipple

Donny & Kendra Wysoczcynski

Updated 9.1.2022

 If you selected "Anonymous" when enrolling, your name will not be displayed due to donor privacy. If you previously enrolled but do not see your name, your form of payment may have changed or expired. Please contact us at if you have any questions.

Thank you to our employee 


Each month our staff contributes to the Golden Giving campaign through a payroll deduction program. More than 60% elect to give back to support our students! Will you match a teacher's donation of $10 per month? 

Carrollton City Schools Education Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to provide funding to support programs that directly impact teaching and learning at Carrollton City Schools. The foundation provides support in three areas: classroom grants, academic scholarships, and field trip opportunities for students who could not otherwise afford them. Golden Giving is an annual campaign to raise funds to support one of these three areas. This year, funds raised will specifically support field trip opportunities for students. 

Contact us: 

106 Trojan Drive

Carrollton, GA 30117

To learn more, visit our website HERE.