Snow Goose Migration GPS Tracking
We are tracking 8 lesser snow geese with cellular GPS devices!

Since the 1970s, the population of lesser snow geese has increased nearly 1,200%! The species is now considered overabundant and are not only causing damage to crop lands along their annual migration routes, but also to their summer breeding grounds, which are home to dozens of other bird species.

The Government of Canada has identified the reduction of lesser snow goose numbers as a priority for conservation efforts.
Spread the word and let's put our conservation efforts to work!

Award for ACA
ACA was recently presented with the Group Achievement Award at the The Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference in Reno, Nevada. This award recognizes outstanding wildlife achievement that is consistent with the objectives of The Wildlife Society.
Thank you to all our staff, volunteers, and partners!
Reptiles and Amphibian Lecture Series - Kris Kendall
Join Kris Kendell, biologist with ACA, for an informative presentation about the amphibians and reptiles of the Grande Prairie area. Check it out on October 26, 2019 @ 3:00PM at the Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum. More info here.
Seen any Pronghorn Lately?
This info will be used to develop strategies to reduce wildlife vehicle collisions and ensure the safe passage of wildlife across highways.
Buy Raffle Tickets Before They are Gone!
Want to win a hunting site at the 2020 Taber Pheasant Festival? Or maybe you are looking for a new game bird shotgun or big game rifle? Online sales close Thursday, October 17 at noon. Get tickets now!
Special thanks ConocoPhillips for supporting ACA &  4-H Canada's Pheasant Raise and Release program . This program teaches youth about wildlife, habitat, and agriculture—and enhances Alberta’s local pheasant population along the way.