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Save the Date for Prescription Drug Take Back Day

Saturday, April 30th is Prescription Drug Take Back Day. Locations around the country will be accepting unwanted, unused or expired prescription and over-the-counter medications (pet medications too!) for safe disposal. Liquids, creams and needles are not accepted. Some locations are accepting vape devices.

The Take Back Day in October of 2021 took in 7,064 pounds of medication from 78 collection sites across Connecticut. Since Take Back Day began, 139,019 pounds have been collected in our state.

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Why is it Important to Properly Dispose of Your Medications?

Prevent Misuse & Addiction

Unwanted or unused prescription medications become an easy target for misuse. Many teens (42%) report taking medication from a friend or family member's medicine cabinet. When it comes to painkillers, two-thirds report getting it from a medicine cabinet. Locally, 30% of teens report taking prescription drugs from a family member. Remember, prescription drugs are only safe when taken as prescribed by the person it's prescribed for.

It's Good for the Earth!

A 2008 study found "a vast array of pharmaceuticals—including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones—have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans." Even bottled water and filtered water isn't 100% clean. How does it get there? It passes through the waste water, so the problem is worsened by flushing unwanted medications. Click the image below to learn more.


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Events at a Glance

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Get the Facts: Fentanyl & Marijuana

April 21st, 6 - 7 PM

Learn more and register.

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Law Enforcement and School Administration School Safety Symposium

April 22nd, 7:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Learn more and register.

Stakeholder Voice, Engagement, and Advocacy to Enhance Collaborative School-Based Mental Health Services

April 22nd, 4 - 5 PM

Learn more and register.


Bridgeport's Re-Entry Welcome Center Ribbon Cutting

April 25th, 10 AM - 12 PM

Perspectives on Youth Suicide Prevention: Equity-based Options

April 25th, 3 - 4 PM

Learn more and register.

Supporting the Mental Health of Our LGBTQ Youth

April 25th at 7 PM

Learn more and register.

Teaching Cannabis Awareness & Prevention Conference: A Focus on the Triangulum of Cannabis, Tobacco, and Vaping

April 27th and 28th

Learn more and register.

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Film Screening: Tipping the Pain Scale

April 30th at 7 PM

Learn more and register.

Region 1 Regional Advisory Council Event

April 30th, 9 AM - 12 PM

Learn more and register.

Can't Make it to Take-Back Day?

If you can't make it a Take Back Day collection site, learn how to safely dispose of your medications year-round. Don't forget to secure the medications you do keep in your home.

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Get Tips for Safe Storage and Disposal

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Order a FREE Deterra at-home disposal bag from The Hub.

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Change the Script

Change the Script is a statewide public awareness campaign to help communities deal with the prescription drug and opioids misuse crisis. It connects town leaders, healthcare professionals, treatment professionals and everyday people with the resources they need to face prescription opioid misuse - and write a new story about what we can accomplish when we all work toward a shared goal.

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4/20: Stay Safe on the Road

What is 420?

April 20, also known as “420,” is a day popular with many marijuana smokers. They see this date as an unofficial holiday and celebrate by getting high. It's also a day fatal car crashes spike.

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May Events & Mental Health Month Resources

Mental Health & Suicide Crisis Resources

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CT Suicide Prevention | Connecticut Suicide Advisory Board

The Connecticut Suicide Advisory Board (CTSAB) is a diverse, collaborative network of advocates, educators, and leaders formed in 2012. We address the problem of suicide with a focus on prevention, intervention, response, and health and wellness promotion across the lifespan. Hi, I'm Gizmo!

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In the News

Teen drug overdose deaths rose sharply in 2020, driven by fentanyl-laced pills

For the first time in a decade, overdose deaths among teens in the United States rose dramatically in 2020 and kept rising through 2021 as well. That's according to the results of a new study published Tuesday in JAMA.

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Grieving Mom of American Idol Semi-Finalist Warns Parents About Street Drugs Secretly Mixed With Fentanyl

In her teens, Tiffany Robertson dreamed her soulful singing voice would carry her to stardom - she won dozens of talent competitions and twice made it to the semi-final auditions of American Idol, says her mother, Virginia Krieger. But Robertson's life was cut short when the talented vocalist from northeastern Ohio took a pill mixed with the lethal opioid fentanyl.

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The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT

A division of the Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP) 

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Newsletter designed and created in collaboration with Daydream Communications, LLC