Find out how phosphorus is being diverted, extracted and otherwise prevented from entering Lake Erie.

Tune in to our webinar and hear from the people on the ground about lessons learned and best practices from projects aimed at reducing phosphorus from municipal and agricultural water systems.

Date: January 29, 2021

Time: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Toronto EST (sign in at 10:45 a.m.)
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Chicago CST (sign in at 9:45 a.m.)
11:00 Opening remarks
Mark Reusser, OFA Vice-President and Thames River PRC co-chair

11:05 Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative Update
Clare Latimer, Councillor, Ward 2, Chatham-Kent and Thames River PRC co-chair

11:15 IJC/Great Lakes Water Quality Board Nutrient Management Report
Mark Wales, member, Great Lakes Water Quality Board

11:35 Lessons Learned in Removing P from Dairy Manure in New York State
Bill Jones, Rochester Institute of Technology

11:55 Break

12:00 Comparing PRC projects for P removal
Ed Weinberg, President, ESSRE Consulting

12:20 Scaling up technology for edge of field P removal
Chris Jowett, Head of Technology and Government Relations, Waterloo Biofilter

12:40 Thames River Clear Water Revival Update
Brad Glasman, Manager, Conservation Services, Upper Thames River Conservation Authority

1:00 Discussion/Q&A

1:15 End of webinar