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Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Vol. 1, Issue 2 (January 14/16)
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What does WPH believe?

Business, Labour & Community: Planning for Prosperity!

Questions about Employer One?

Contact Viktor Cicman at 

Hamilton Labour Force Snapshot, December 2015

doctors-nurses.jpg Every month Workforce Planning Hamilton releases a Hamilton Labour Force Snapshot featuring current data from Statistics Canada. 

Highlights from December's Snapshot indicates that occupations unique to primary industries saw a 113% growth in jobs from 3,800 jobs in January, to 8,100 jobs in December.

In addition, occupations in health, manufacturing, utilities, government services and education all grew approximately 20% from the start of the year.

Employers: Complete Employer One today to help improve your company's bottomline

The Hamilton labour market is in flux with indicators such as the rise of precarious employment, and short-term, contract, and low-paid work that will not sustain families. We see an increase in the number of skilled occupations across many business sectors, and hear from employers who tell us that there are a lack of qualified applicants for all levels of employment.

On the one hand we have workers who can't seem to find employment. And on the other hand we have employers who are desperate for workers in some cases, and drowning in resumes in other cases. 

How can we find the balance that we need in the labour market?

Help is at hand and it's called the Employer One survey!

The Employer One survey helps the community make sense of our marketplace. This annual survey provides up-to-the-minute labour market information on skills requirements and current and future hiring needs as identified by local Hamilton employers.

Why should you, as an employer, take the time to complete the Employer One survey?

⦁ Your confidential responses will provide crucial and timely labour market information that helps job seekers and new labour market entrants like students or newcomers to understand where the jobs are available and what skills are in demand
⦁ The information also assists training and employment service providers to guide students and job seekers in the right direction regarding career decisions
⦁ It's win/win as employers will have a better educated workforce, with less turnover of staff

You can complete the Employer One survey until January 31, 2016.

For more information on Employer One call Viktor Cicman at 905-521-5777, or contact by email at: viktorcicman@workforceplanninghamilton.ca

Learn more about the work of WPH. Call 905.521.5777



Visit our site: www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca