Have you chosen to homeschool? Congratulations!!! Whether you are a brand new or experienced homeschooler, we are here to encourage you! Please, come visit us during the AFHE Convention, on July 12th & 13th!
There are two places where you will find us.
#1 Notgrass History Booth 617
This year, we are honored to continue representing Notgrass History. We LOVE this beautiful and innovative history curriculum and are eager to share it with the thousands of homeschoolers visiting the AFHE Convention.
To learn more about Notgrass History, read our blog post where Janet interviewed Dennisse Moreno about her family's experience. Hear about what they love and how Notgrass History worked for them.
#2 Educación En El Hogar Mini-Conferencia
If you speak Spanish or want to practice your Spanish, visit Janet at the Spanish Mini-Conference on Saturday, July 13th. She will be sharing the Not-So-Secret Secrets About Homeschooling at 11:50 AM.
Preparándose para ser exitoso con la educación en el hogar, de principio a fin. En esta charla, se compartirán pasos prácticos, adaptables y positivos que han dejado a muchos motivados y con la confianza de que sí se puede educar a sus hijos en el hogar.