Hello Everyone!

I have been so immersed in creating Spirit School’s 2024 calendar that I’ve barely had time for anything else. And now the holidays are upon us! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. December is going to whiz by us, I’m sure. I’m looking forward to spending Christmas with my family and taking a week off to relax. I know the holidays aren’t always a happy time for some and if that’s true for you I extend love and compassion.


I thought long and hard about 2024 for myself, meditated and prayed to discern what would be the best use of my time, and what would fulfill me the most. I decided upon two virtual series offerings for Spirit School, and several in-person special events. I’ve missed spending time in the circle with people, sitting together and co-creating that beautiful spiritual presence that is always there with us. So, I am still very committed to Spirit School’s online presence which has allowed me to meet and get to know so many of you that live a distance from me, and for those that are local I look forward to being with you in 2024. Kemper Conwell, my Teaching Assistant, and I call the Angels of Divine Love and Healing in before every event, whether in person or virtual, and we all experience their love and support throughout. I am also very pleased to let you know that my very intuitive daughter, Kirsten Perry, is now on the Spirit School team and assisting me. It makes my heart sing to have Kemper’s ongoing dedication and wonderful presence in support of the mission of Spirit School, “Find your Divinity within and creatively transform your life.” And to have Kirsten join us now as well.

Click HERE to access Spirit School’s 2024 Events. There’s something for everyone in the coming year! Kemper and I will again offer the popular series Seeking the Light Within, which offers a variety of topics and thought-provoking, inspirational interviews with teachers and authors. There will also be a new virtual series, Words of Light, which will feature direct transmission teachings from the Archangels and Mother Mary. We’ve spent the last two years receiving life-changing dynamic teachings from Archangel Michael, and this year we are excited to hear from other Archangels as well. I will also be holding some special events (in-person and virtually), including a FREE Spirit School Open House on January 11 to help you manifest for the new year.

I’m sending you blessings of love and joy, and I’m looking forward to seeing you in 2024,


Upcoming Events:


Special Online Event

January 11, 2024

Manifest for the new year and bring healing to the planet!


Ongoing online event series 2024

Begins February 7

Join us for evenings of inspiration and shared experience of teachings from Spirit


Online series begins

February 15, 2024

Divine Teachings from the Archangels and

Mother Mary

Click here to Register or Learn More about these Events
Schedule a Zoom Appointment
Schedule an in-person session in Sperryville
Christen Headshot 2012
About Christen

Christen McCormack is the founder of Spirit School of the Intuitive Arts and has been widely known for her classes and Intuitive Guidance work since 1981. Providing unique insight and wisdom through her connection to Spirit, Christen is a gifted teacher whose teachings have helped many to access their own intuitive knowing and form a direct relationship with higher guidance for themselves. Christen offers Intuitive Guidance sessions that provide you with an understanding of your Soul’s purposes for this lifetime and the particular gifts you have to bring into this world, along with clear guidance from Spirit about all areas of your life.  

Click here to contact Christen
