News & Updates | March 2021
Dear Friend,

I hope these first few weeks of Lent have helped focus your prayer and sharpen your desire for a deeper relationship with God. If you are still looking for ways to engage the season more consciously, I encourage you to consider the many opportunities and resources listed below.

On the eve of the one-year anniversary of the World Health Organization’s declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic, we invite you to join us online for a half-hour of prayer in remembrance of the lives we have lost.

Also, I want to draw your attention to an exciting opportunity for young adults. Contemplative Leaders in Action (CLA) is now accepting applications for new cohorts forming in nine locations. If you are a young adult (20's and 30's) or you know someone who may be interested, I urge you to learn more. We have added some new and exciting features. Information about the CLA experience is available here, and information on how to apply is here.

May God bless each of us on our Lenten journeys.

Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. George M. Witt, SJ
Executive Director
Office of Ignatian Spirituality
We have collected resources for Lent from across the Ignatian community designed to accompany you on your spiritual journey.

Consider praying with these weekly reflections from our Ignatian Young Adult Ministries. All are welcome to join our young adults in prayer and reflection.

Check out our online calendar listing many wonderful Lenten programs being offered by OIS and our partners.
Wednesday, March 10, 4pm (ET)
Moments of Remembrance: 365 Days of Lives Lost to the Pandemic
On the eve of the one-year anniversary of the World Health Organization’s declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic, we invite you to join us online for a half-hour of prayer in remembrance of the lives we have lost.

Click here to register.

Sponsored by the Office of Ignatian Spirituality, Campion Center Conference and Renewal, Boston College School ofTheology and Ministry, and
St. Ignatius Parish of Chestnut Hill, MA.
Saturday, March 13, 9am (ET)
Exploring Shame from Unhealthy Images of God, Self, and Others
This workshop for spiritual directors, led by Br. Don Bisson, FMS, will explore feelings of shame and neurotic guilt as they relate to images of God, self, and others within the context of spiritual direction.

Click here for more info and to register.
Saturday, April 10, 9am (ET)
The Slow, Brave Work of Forgiveness
True forgiveness does not come easily because it always involves betrayal that must be acknowledged — betrayal of values, betrayal by others, by institutions, by ourselves. This workshop for spiritual directors will explore the many faces of forgiveness, what forgiveness is not, and the nature of this spiraling process. Presented by Janet Corso.

Click here for more info and to register.
Apply to CLA!
Contemplative Leaders in Action (CLA) is now accepting applications for new cohorts forming in 2021 in nine locations.

CLA is a two-year Ignatian spirituality and leadership program for young adults (20's and 30's). Learn more about the CLA experience.

Magis Program Now Accepting Applications
The Magis program is a structured and creative way for lay people to engage more deeply in Ignatian spirituality, learn about the Jesuit Mission and Way of Proceeding, and meet other committed lay colleagues on the East Coast.

The eighteen-month program consists of four 2-day seminars, one retreat, regular reading, personal reflection, and prayer.

Click here for more info and to apply.
Let Us Pray for the Sacrament of Reconciliation
This month, Pope Francis asks us to join him in praying "that we may experience the sacrament of reconciliation with renewed depth, to taste the infinite mercy of God."

Click here for a short video and reflections on this month's prayer intention.
The Office of Ignatian Spirituality remains committed to the pursuit of racial justice. As a staff we continue to prayerfully discern our roles in both the perpetuation and the fight against systemic racism. We invite everyone in our community to join us in praying for conversion of heart and in discerning how to take action. Each month we share what is informing our prayer and conversation among our staff.
2021 Lenten Racial Justice Prayer and Reflection Resource
Fr. Joseph O’Keefe, SJ, Provincial of the USA East Jesuit Province, has called Jesuits on the East Coast to pray and reflect deeply on racial justice and equity work, suggesting that Lent may be a time to undertake this effort. All are invited to join the Jesuits in prayer and reflection.

A wide range of resources are available to meet you where you are in our journey.

March 2021
Ignatian Spirituality at St. Anthony's Jesuit Parish

All are invited to participate in two upcoming book discussions with St. Anthony’s Parish, offered via Zoom.

"O Death Where Is Thy Sting?" by Joe Hoover, SJ, on March 9 and 23, beginning at 7:30 PM ET.

"Man’s Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl on March 30, beginning at 7:00 PM ET.

To register, contact Karen Suero: / 516.459.9386.
Saturday, March 13, 10am ET
The Heart of Leadership: Love, Courage and Vulnerability

This webinar, presented by the Ignatian Volunteer Corps in Albany, features an interactive discussion with Fr. David McCallum, SJ, and includes contemplative prayer, a leadership presentation, individual reflection, and concludes with a Q&A period.

Click here for more info and to register.
September 2021 – May 2022
Online Practicum in Giving the 19th Annotation

Registration is now open for this online practicum led by Sr. Karen Doyle, SSJ, which will explore the content, graces, and dynamics of the 19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises. It will provide assistance and support to spiritual directors as they give the Exercises and deepen their experiential understanding of the "weeks" as they unfold in the everyday life of a retreatant.

Click here for more information and to register.
Principles from Ignatian Spirituality that Can Aid Covid Rebuilding

"Looking back at the past year through the eyes of faith, it might be said that this pandemic year was a graced time for us in the Ignatian family to live our spirituality more fully, and to even discover surprising new horizons of its potential. What are some lessons we can learn from our experiences of responding to the pandemic...?"

What We're Reading
Pedro Arrupe: Witness of the Twentieth Century, Prophet of the Twenty-First
The renown of few contemporary church figures has grown as much over time as that of the charismatic General of the Jesuits, Pedro Arrupe (1907-1991).

Drawing on a variety of sources, Pedro Miguel Lamet has written this entertaining and captivating biography, which has been revised several times and is already a classic, available now for the first time in English.

Ignatius House,
Atlanta, GA
Jesuit Center for Spiritual Growth, Wernersville, PA
OIS Retreat Calendar
Find your next retreat on our calendar of retreats offered by OIS and our partners across the Jesuit network.

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Office of Ignatian Spirituality | USA East Province of the Society of Jesus