Academic Advising · Pre-Health Advising · Peer Academic Support
· Myra Kraft Achievers Program · Student Support Services Program ·
BUGS Tutors · Gen One Network · MLK Jr. Fellowship · Roosevelt Fellows
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Hello Academic , here's the latest from
our department!
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Academic Dates & Resources | |
Monday, January 20:
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day: no university exercises, staff holiday.
Tuesday, January 21:
- Brandeis Monday: Monday class schedule in effect.
Tuesday, January 28:
- Last day to add semester and Module 1 Classes
- All work for fall term 2024 incompletes due to instructors
- Last day for seniors graduating in May to declare or drop a major or minor.
Tuesday, February 4:
- First day for undergraduates to elect a pass/fail option for a class taken in the current term.
Learn how to subscribe to the "Brandeis Academic Calendar" on your google calendar.
Access the full Spring 2025 academic calendar on the Registrar's website.
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The "Add" Period
Students may add courses to their Spring 2025 semester schedule up until Tuesday, January 28th.
Thinking about adding a course?
If students want to visit in-person classes they are considering for their schedule but are not yet enrolled, they should email the instructor for permission (in case the classroom space has capacity limits). If you don't hear back, it is ok to attend the class at the date/time/location listed in Workday.
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Brandeis Celebrates Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
on Friday, January 17th
Brandeis will be celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Friday, January 17th from 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. in Skyline Commons. If you are interested in attending the Brandeis MLK Day Commemoration Event, please RSVP using the button below. We have a great lineup of speakers and some refreshments will be provided. The planning committee is also coordinating a drive for Cradles to Crayons that day and a service trip to Cradles to Crayons Saturday for interested students.
Our theme this year is “Empowerment.” We will open with an overview of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s time at Brandeis which will be followed by a keynote speaker - Rev. Dr. Brandon Crowley. We are also excited to have an alumni speaker, Desiree Murphy, ESQ (Class of 2010), to share their thoughts on the importance of MLK Day. Please join us after the event for light refreshments.
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Academic Services Unit Updates | |
Have a question? Need an advisor? Advisors will be in the Usdan East lobby on
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays through January 30th. No appointment necessary!
Stop by with your questions. Advisors also have regularly scheduled 20-minute appointments. To access these please visit our google calendar.
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Study Skills Cozy Crash Course Workshop
Join Academic Services, Student Accessibility Support and peer leaders for an information-packed session on skills for succeeding in your courses this semester. We will highlight ways to combat common challenges including time management, organization, focus and procrastination- while enjoying cocoa and treats. All class years encouraged to attend!
Study Skills Cozy Crash Course Workshop
Thursday, January 23 from 5-6 pm
SCC Multipurpose Room (2nd floor)
Join in person or on zoom
RSVP here
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Seeking support in your classes? See a BUGS Tutor.
BUGS Tutoring officially starts on January 27! Check out whether any of your courses has a BUGS tutor. We encourage you to access this awesome free tutoring service throughout the semester!
Questions? Contact Julia Mani,
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Roosevelt Fellows:
Advising for You!
Roosevelt Fellows are junior and senior peer academic advisors who offer an informed and accessible perspective on academics at Brandeis. They are a resource for all undergraduates with a special focus on new students. Profiles, contact information of this year's team, and office hours are available on the Roosevelt Fellows website. Appointments are available now . You can access their calendar by clicking on the Rosie logo below.
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Academic Exploration Day
We invite you to attend Academic Exploration Day, a smaller-scale version of the Academic Fair, which will be held on Sunday, January 26, 2025 from 1pm-3pm in Sherman Function Hall.
The Dean's Office is collaborating with Academic Services and the Director of Orientation and First Year Experience to pilot this new event, which will provide our newest students (midyears and transfers) with an opportunity to explore academic areas at Brandeis. It will also be a good opportunity for current first-year students and sophomores, who are still determining their academic path, to connect with departments and upperclassmen to find out more about different major and minor options.
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Pre-Health Advising Sophomore Check In
Brandeis Pre-Health Advising is excited to run the Sophomore Check-In this Spring 2025 for all sophomores interested in pursuing a health profession program. It will begin on Monday, February 3rd and end on Friday, May 9th. To participate, please follow these steps:
Make sure you are registered with Pre-Health Advising here: Registration Form
Access the Module Form starting on February 3rd here: Sophomore Check-In Module Form
- Review the Introduction to Pre-Health Module and complete Module Form
- Once prompted, complete the Sophomore Check-In Questionnaire
- After you complete the questionnaire, schedule a meeting with Pre-Health Advising to review your submission
- You will receive feedback and guidance on how to strengthen your health profession school application after the check in meeting.
Contact with any questions.
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Resources & Events from Campus Partners
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The Study Abroad Office
has Moved
Come visit us in our new office space for appointments, drop-ins, and events! We are now located in G-Zang 136.
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Study Abroad Application Deadline: February 13, 2025
Less than one month until the study abroad application deadline! Interested in going abroad in summer 2025, fall 2025, or spring 2026? Now's the time to get started!
Come see us in Gzang 136 during drop-ins (M/W/F 1-2pm, Tu/Th 9-10am) or make an appointment with an advisor today.
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Davis Projects for Peace
Projects for Peace is a global program that partners with educational institutions to identify and support young peacebuilders. Each year, 125 or more student leaders are each awarded a grant of $10,000 to implement a Project for Peace during the Summer. The program encourages college students to develop innovative, community-centered, and scalable responses to the world’s most pressing issues.
Undergraduate students (including seniors who would complete their projects after graduation) are eligible to apply. Groups of students, as well as individual students, may submit proposals. Each Project for Peace must have a Faculty Mentor for the project whose area of expertise aligns with the project's goals (Faculty Mentor Guidelines). All proposals must follow the Guidance from Davis Projects for Peace. To be considered for the Davis Projects for Peace Grant, please complete the online application and submit materials by January 17, 2025. Apply today!
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Community Health Internship Program (CHIP)
COMPACT is excited to invite applications for the Community Health Internship Program (CHIP) taking place in Summer 2025! We are pleased to offer internship opportunities at five extraordinary community-based organizations: Waltham Partnership for Youth, Waltham Family School, Waltham Fields Community Farm, Waltham Boys and Girls Club, and Charles River Community Health.
CHIP will begin on June 16, 2025, and CHIP interns will receive a $4,500 stipend for 200 hours of work over 8 weeks. The application deadline is January 31, 2025. To learn more about each internship and apply to the program, check out the CHIP website.
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Undergraduate Research and Creative Collaborations (URCC) Symposium
Are you an undergraduate who wants to get involved in a research or creative project? At Brandeis, the Undergraduate Research and Creative Collaborations Office (URCC) can help you find topics, mentors, and funding opportunities for an original research or creative project in close collaboration with leading Brandeis faculty and researchers. Students can get involved in research in many ways, including as paid research assistants, through research grants and fellowships, and research for course credit.
To explore your options, sign up for a one-hour Research 101 workshop now!
Questions? Contact
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Academic Fellowships at Brandeis
The primary goal of Academic Fellowships at Brandeis is to support students’ academic growth and development. The process of applying for a competitive fellowship or research opportunity can help you clarify your goals and set in motion a plan to achieve them. A Fellowship Advisor can help you learn more about which opportunities are a good match for your interests and then guide you through the application process, from developing your initial ideas all the way through writing your proposal or essays and ultimately submitting your application. Academic Fellowships at Brandeis works with students in every class year, from any background, with any GPA, and in any area of interest. Whether you are just beginning your academic journey or already have a specific research project or fellowship application in mind, we look forward to helping you make the most of the available opportunities at Brandeis and beyond!
New Office Location:
Academic Fellowships at Brandeis is now located on the second floor of Usdan, room 164 (in the former Study Abroad suite).
Scheduling Appointments:
Email Meredith Monaghan ( directly to set up a remote or in-person appointment.
Fellowships Email List:
If you are thinking about applying for a fellowship in the future, or just want to learn more about what opportunities are available, you may wish to sign up for our weekly newsletter, where we share information about particular fellowship opportunities, application tips, deadline reminders, and more. To opt into this list, please email
More Ways to Connect:
To keep up-to-date about current opportunities and upcoming deadlines, make sure to follow us on Instagram @brandeisfellowships.
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Student Accessibility Support (SAS) Updates
Academic Accommodations
If you already have approved accommodations you can use this job aid with instructions to download your accommodation letter from faculty. You must send this letter to professors yourself for accommodations to be implemented. If you need a change to your accommodations, or you don't have approved accommodations and think you may qualify, please email to schedule an appointment with an Accessibility Specialist. If you are approved for a notetaker accommodation and have not requested notetakers for your courses yet, please find the request link in your email and submit it as soon as possible. If you need SAS to re-send the link, please contact us at
SAS Fellows will be back for the spring semester soon!
Our SAS Fellows, peer support program, hold office hours throughout the semester, Monday - Friday (times TBD), in the Academic Services/Student Financial Services lobby (Usdan Student Center, east entrance, up the main staircase) on the couches by the far windows. The SAS Fellows can support you with organizing your upcoming assignments, communicating with instructors, finding campus resources, getting homework done, and navigating accessibility issues. You can schedule an appointment ahead of time easily using the calendar OR drop-in during their in-person scheduled office hours. Please note that there will not be SAS Fellows office hours on days that there are no classes in session. Are you unable to make the office hours, but still want to connect with the SAS Fellows? You can email them at and they will respond to your email during their working hours!
Deisvergent Information!
Join other students who identify as neurodiverse or neurodivergent and support one another! Deisvergent is a student-run Neurodiversity/Neurodivergence affinity group that is social and supportive and can evolve based on the interests of group members. A meeting time will be announced later this semester. Please email student leaders Hannan Canavan and Christina Waring at with any questions.
Accommodation Letter
If you already have approved accommodations you can use this job aid with instructions to download your accommodation letter from faculty. You must send this letter to professors yourself in order for accommodations to be implemented. If you need a change to your accommodations or if you don't have approved accommodations and think you may qualify, please email to schedule an appointment with an Accessibility Specialist. If you are approved for a notetaker accommodation and have not requested notetakers for your courses yet, please find the request link in your email and submit it as soon as possible. If you need SAS to re-send the link, please contact us at
Other Accessibility Resources
-If you experience or hear about an accessibility issue of any kind, please report it to us so we can look into it!
-Follow us on Instagram (@Brandeis_SAS) for SAS updates, resources, and events
-Visit the SAS Website for more information about accommodations and accessibility at Brandeis
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Library Resources
The Library is here to help you start your spring semester on the right foot!
The Library will be opening earlier on Sundays this spring! The Library will open at 10am on Sundays during the semester; view our full library hours.
Hone your skills by attending a workshop! Topics include Python, Bash, Version control: Intro to Git and GitHub, Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery, and Zotero.
Find and borrow course reserve materials. Course Reserves are course-related textbooks, books, articles, videos, etc., that are available either physically or electronically upon an instructor’s request.
Forgot your charger? No problem! Stop by the Information and Borrowing desk to check out a laptop, charger, adaptor, calculator, wifi hotspot, and more! More information on equipment loans
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The Writing Center is Open for Spring 2025
The University Writing Center is the core of writing support on campus; it is the place to talk about your writing and to get an extra pair of eyes on your paper. We offer support for writers of all levels in all subjects, working on anything from your first college essays to lab reports, senior theses, dissertations and job and fellowship materials. Our experienced team of consultants is on hand to help you with your writing project at any stage: from brainstorming through revision.
Starting January 14, we offer in-person and Zoom appointments as well as drop-ins (Goldfarb Mezzanine 232) from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday during the semester. Can’t make it during our open hours? We also have an asynchronous document-drop option and a wide variety of Writing Resources to explore.
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How Does Cannabis Affect Mental Health?
Want to know more about how cannabis use affects mental health? Learn from the leading expert in the field: Dr. Staci Gruber. Dr. Gruber is the Director of the Cognitive and Clinical Neuroimaging Core and the MIND Program, at McLean Hospital, as well as an Associate Professor In Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.
The event will be held:
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Shapiro Theater, Shapiro Campus Center
Students can submit questions for Dr. Gruber anonymously using this form: Program sponsored by the Office of Health and Wellness Promotion.
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