Six national scale YEC organizations have grown up over the years with PhD scientists in their leadership. These organizations include:
Creation Research Society (CRS) Home pg CRS Quarterly
Institute for Creation Research (ICR) Home pg Acts & Facts
Answers In Genesis (AIG) Home pg Answers Research Journal (ARJ)
Creation Ministries International (CMI) Home pg Journal of Creation (JoC)
Logos Research Associates (LRA) Home pg Selected Papers Teachings
International Conference on Creationism (ICC) Home Pg Proceedings
LRA is an association of scientists involved in YEC research at various organization .
ARJ and ICC Proceedings hold high scholarly standards for science articles.
CRSQ and JoC include work by many PhD scientists and others as well.
Acts & Facts scientist write for a broad audience with footnotes to more sources.
A & F is free for the asking on glossy paper or email. Recommended for all.
LRA, ARJ, and ICC Proceedings provide free access online.