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Finish Strong With The Fall Finale!

  • This year’s event will be held at Clear Creek Golf Club on October 28th at 3:00PM.
  • Each team will have two adults and two juniors paired by age and handicap in scramble (Captain’s Choice) format.
  • Dinner will be served following the 9-hole tournament with prizes awarded to the top three teams.
  • Cost is $40 for one adult and one junior with cart included.
  • All juniors who participated in at least one season of First Tee in 2023 are eligible.
  • There is a maximum of 36 players (18 teams) and the registration deadline is Thursday, October 26th at 12:00PM.

Register Today!

First Tee Life Skills:

Using Goal Ladders

To reach your goals, you will need a plan of action. A plan is simply a series of steps that will lead you to your goal. Picture a ladder: Your goal is at the very top of that ladder, and you have to climb each rung one step at a time until you reach your goal. Some ladders may be short; others may be long with many steps to climb.

When you set your goal, you will want to begin at the bottom of your ladder with the easiest, most basic, or logical step and progress to more difficult steps as you move up your ladder. The idea of a goal ladder lets you look back to see what progress you have made and look ahead to see how far you need to go to reach your goal.

Will you always reach your goal? Unfortunately, no. But as you climb your ladder, you’ll learn new skills and new things about yourself and your capabilities. You will have the opportunity to reflect on everything you have learned and all the ways you have grown. Then you can try again or set new goals.

Goal setting and pursuing goals is a lifelong process that you can master over time with lots of practice! Celebrate your accomplishments and learn from the setbacks; both are valuable and meaningful lessons on and off the course.

First Tee Fundamentals:

Balanced Finish

Good balance is important for every sport. Golf is no different, as the swing is a rotational movement around your body's center. An off-balance swing can result in moving that center in several different directions including left, right, up, down, further or closer to the ball. The net effect is that the stationary ball becomes a moving target from your perspective.

You can work on your balance in a variety of ways, but none is better than holding a balanced finish for a specific time period. Begin by hitting some shots at half speed, and holding your finish until the ball stops. Pay close attention to your back foot, ensuring that only the tip of your toe is in contact with the ground.

Up top, where you place the club has a big influence on your balance. Leaning the club head one way or another will pull you in that direction, so for most people it's best to simply point the end of the grip at your target.

Repeat this process, increasing your swing speed each time you're successful until you reach 100%.

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