Dear ,

It's Blood Cancer Awareness Month!

Each day throughout September, MPNRF will post a FACT about MPNs on social media to empower patients, care partners, clinicians and researchers to learn more about MPNs and the many clinical trials underway for essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia vera, and myelofibrosis.

Read about:

  • the importance of clinical trials 
  • what patients can learn about treatments currently in the clinical trial pipeline 
  • how to know if you qualify 
  • how to access potentially new treatments currently available only through a clinical trial 
  • how researchers and practitioners can make an even greater impact on people living with an MPN by participating in or hosting a trial 

First 5 FACTS 

#1 Polycythemia vera #PV and essential thrombocythemia #ET are often found during routine bloodwork. It’s common for patients to have no symptoms or mild symptoms for years. Want to know more about these rare, chronic blood cancers and help increase awareness? Follow MPN Research Foundation on social media and share our 30 FACTS about MPNs throughout September. If you miss the social posts, they will be added each Friday here: Blood Cancer Awareness Month.

#2 Bringing new treatments to MPN patients takes many years, from discovery in the lab, to pre-clinical research that tests for safety and effectiveness. Successful pre-clinical therapeutic candidates move to human clinical trials and ultimately require approval by a regulatory agency, such as the US Food and Drug Administration. To receive a personalized list of MPN clinical trials that match your diagnosis and history, go HERE. 

#3 MPN clinical trials have gone beyond JAK inhibitors and are now looking at new targets and therapeutic pathways that will expand the universe of options for patients. This is especially promising for patients who could not tolerate JAK inhibitors or they stopped working. Learn more about how the MPN Research Foundation identifies and funds gaps in MPN research and about current clinical trials. Visit: MPN Research Foundation.

#4 Two recently reported clinical trials are related to anemia and the hallmark fatigue associated with MPNs. The need for phlebotomy, which can contribute to anemia, was reduced or eliminated in polycythemia vera patients with rusfertide. Momolotinib met the unique needs of myelofibrosis patients with both enlarged spleen and anemia. Read about these and other Current Clinical trials. 

#5 MPN research is rapidly accelerating our understanding of what causes these chronic diseases and how to treat them. While only a few MPN drug treatments are now approved, hundreds of clinical trials are underway across the globe, studying potential new and better treatment options. An MPN specialist can help you explore your eligibility to participate in one or more trials. Check throughout September for more 30 FACTS About MPNs.

MPN Awareness Day is September 8th 

Watch for a special feature on Dr. Richard T. Silver, Director Emeritus, Silver MPN Center at Weill Cornell Medicine, as MPNRF honors his extraordinary career in MPN research and practice. 

Be a part of the impact. Make a gift toward MPN research.

Thank you to these generous sponsors for supporting our shared commitment to patient-centric MPN clinical trials. 

MPN Research Foundation

180 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1870 | Chicago, IL 60601 |

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