First Baptist Newsletter | December 5, 2024

The First Baptist Church of St. Petersburg exists to help people experience God's gift of life in Jesus.

Worship This Sunday

December 8, 2024 | 10:30 a.m.

Songs of Worship

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

What Wondrous Love Is This

What Child Is This

Love Song

Least Of These

Oh Come, All Ye Faithful


"With Overflowing Love"

Philippians 1:3-11

Ben Winder

Big Idea: When we understand what God has done for us in Christ Jesus, we cannot help but let our love overflow into righteousness.

Kids Worship

Our elementary kids Advent theme is Christmas Playlist: Let Heaven & Nature Sing. This Sunday they'll explore the story of when An Angel Appears to Joseph & Mary in Luke 1:26-38 & Matthew 1:18-25 learning to Celebrate because God is with you.

Preschool Worship

Our preschoolers continue their Advent theme, Show & Tell, this Sunday. This week they'll explore the story of when Jesus is Born in Luke 2:1-7 learning Jesus is special because Jesus is God's son.


Sunday Mornings Before Worship

9 a.m. Opportunities

Preschool Choir (Age 2-Pre-K) | Room 109

A space for preschoolers to learn about God through music and a whole lot of fun!

Kid's Choir (K-5th) | Room 206

A space for elementary-age kids to learn about God through music and a whole lot of fun!

FirstYOUTH | Multipurpose Room

A Bible study for Middle & High School Students

Raising Adults | Room 205

A co-ed group of median adults mostly in the stage of life with kids in their home.

Digging Deeper Class | Room 204

A co-ed group of adults of all ages.

Masters Class | Conference Room

A co-ed group of adults of all ages, utilizing the Formations curriculum to facilitate class discussion.

Sonshine Class | Heritage Hall

A co-ed group composed primarily of retired adults, utilizing the Formations curriculum to facilitate class discussion.

Special Needs Class | Heritage Hall Room 2

This co-ed group for adults with intellectual disabilities is part of our Special Needs Ministry.

10 a.m. Coffee & Pastries Fellowship in the Narthex

Between our 9 a.m. offerings and the beginning of worship each Sunday we offer coffee, juice, and other goodies for you to enjoy in the Narthex. We encourage you to come a few minutes early or stop by after your 9 a.m. activity to spend some time getting to know other members of your church family of all ages. We'll see you Sunday!

Post-Worship Christmas Jam & Jaw

Sunday, December 22

Following worship on Sunday, December 22, we invite folks of all ages to stay around in the Sanctuary for a few minutes. Our talented musicians will play some favorite Christmas songs (jam), there will be lots of space for fellowship (jaw), plus activities for the kids. Make plans to join us!

Promiseland Preschool Christmas Program

Monday, December 23 | 11:30 a.m.

The children of our weekday preschool program will be presenting their Christmas program on Monday, December 23 in the Sanctuary. All are invited.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Tuesday, December 24 | 6 p.m.

Our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will be at 6 p.m. in the Sanctuary. We hope you will make plans to join us and encourage you to invite others to join you for this special time of celebrating the birth of Christ!

Opportunities to Serve at Lynch Elementary

Our partner school, Lynch Elementary has several opportunities to serve, and we welcome you to explore which one(s) are right for you!

Ongoing Opportunities

Passing Out Treats - Each Thursday, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Lunch Pal - One Time per week; flexible

Mentor - One or More Times per week; flexible

Room (Grand)Parent - Daily/Weekly; flexible

One-Time Opportunities

Dec. 13 - Club Photos

Jan. 15 - Class Group Photos

Feb. 28 - Black American Speak-in

Mar. 7 - Field Day

Apr. 3 - Lion’s Pride Celebration

May 5–9 - Staff Appreciation Week

To learn more or sign up for any of these opportunities contact the church office or Lynch Elementary Family & Community Liaison Michele Killam ( | 727.570.3170).

Please sign up here to complete the necessary forms to be ready to volunteer throughout the year when opportunities arise.

2025 Budget Pledges & Giving Envelopes

We encourage you to prayerfully consider how you plan to give to the ministry of First Baptist Church in 2025. And we invite you to engage in the spiritual practice of making a commitment to that plan by making a pledge. You can submit your pledge online at the link below or by submitting a paper pledge card. Also, if you would like to receive 2025 Giving Envelopes, please opt in on your paper pledge card or contact the church office.


Tax Efficient Giving Options for IRA Owners

Do you have an IRA and have you reached the age when you must take a “required minimum distribution” (RMD) from your IRA each year? If your answer is “yes, but I don’t need that income to live on” you may want to consider using all or a portion of your RMD to make a gift directly out of your IRA to First Baptist Church of St. Petersburg. That gift, called a “Qualified Charitable Distribution” (QCD), allows you, as the IRA owner, to:

  • Exclude the amount paid out of your IRA directly to the church from your taxable income.
  • Count as if you received that year’s RMD.
  • Save taxes, even if you don’t itemize deductions, because the QCD amount is not taxed to you.
  • Provide immediate financial support to First Baptist that enhances the church’s ability to carryout its mission in our local community and beyond.


QCD gifts can be a once-a-year giving option or you can direct your IRA provider to make monthly recurring distributions to the church out of your IRA as all or a part of your regular tithes and offerings giving. 


You must be at least 70 ½ for gifts out of your IRA to the church (and/or other charities) to be treated as QCDs and the amount you can direct out of your IRA each year is limited - in 2024 the maximum total is $105,000 and in 2025 it will be $108,000.


A QCD gift is an impactful way to steward your financial resources for the building of God’s Kingdom here on earth through the work of First Baptist Church of St. Petersburg.

Jim Graves Celebration of Life | January 4

Former First Baptist Pastor Dr. Jim Graves recently passed away. A celebration of Jim Graves' life will be held January 4, 2025 at FBC Vero Beach, Florida. This is the weekend of his birthday and his family looks forward to seeing you if you are able to attend.

The service will be at 3:00 PM followed by a reception/gathering of friends.

At the memorial, the Graves family would love to celebrate the ways he brought people together in love and faith. If you have a photo of him officiating your wedding or baptizing you or a loved one, please share it to A slideshow of these memories will be shown at the Celebration of Life on January 4.

The Next Week's Schedule


9 a.m. - Adult & Youth Bible Studies | Kids Choirs

10 a.m. - Coffee & Pastries Fellowship

10:30 a.m. - 2nd Sunday of Advent: Worship | Preschool Worship | Kids Worship


9 a.m. - Prayer Meeting

1 p.m. - Quilting Ministry | Ceramics Ministry


1-4 p.m. - Food Pantry


6:30 p.m. - Choir Rehearsal


1-4 p.m. - Food Pantry

Upcoming Events


8 - Second Sunday of Advent - LOVE

15 - Third Sunday of Advent - JOY | Kids Choirs Singing in Worship

22 - Fourth Sunday of Advent - PEACE | Post-Worship Christmas "Jam & Jaw"

23 - Promiseland Preschool Christmas Program - 11:30 a.m.

24 - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - 6 p.m.

25 - Church Campus Closed for Christmas Holiday

26 - Church Office Closed for Christmas Holiday


1 - Church Campus Closed for New Year's Holiday

4 - Jim Graves Celebration of Life - FBC Vero Beach, Florida

5 - Annual Leadership Meeting

Contact Us

First Baptist Church of St. Petersburg

1900 Gandy Blvd N

St. Petersburg, FL 33702
