First Baptist Newsletter | November 8, 2024

The First Baptist Church of St. Petersburg exists to help people experience God's gift of life in Jesus.

A Note From The Pastor:

First Baptist Family,

I must begin by expressing my gratitude for your kind expressions of Pastor Appreciation on Sunday. Your notes were so encouraging and sweet. Your gifts were generous. You succeeded in surprising me, and I certainly felt your appreciation. I am honored to be your pastor. Thank you.

Below you will see a copy of the Quarter 3 Congregational Budget Update; we'll also hand out paper copies on Sunday. This is a snapshot of our financial picture through the first 9 months of the year. With the unusual nature of last month, we hope you will forgive us for being a bit later than typical getting this quarterly report to you. Recognizing we're now a full month into the fourth quarter, still, this report highlights some important things for us all to know as we fulfill our calling as a church together.

First, I want to be clear that through the end of September this year, our expenses have exceeded our income by over $34,000. Clearly, we would prefer not to have a year-to-date deficit; that said, it is less than 3% of our revenue thus far year-to-date.

When it comes to our revenues, Promiseland Preschool has exceeded their targeted enrollment. We have been on track with expectations for other revenue like facility rentals (it is worth noting we had an expected and budgeted significant decline in this category this year, as a third-party which had been renting parking lot space from us greatly reduced their utilization rate).

Likewise, while our tithes and offerings have been below our budgeted pace, they are ahead of where they were at this time last year, so we need not be unduly anxious. Clearly this will turn out to be an unusual and difficult fiscal year for many, so we cannot know what our giving will look like for the final months, but might I encourage that we each consider how we are able to invest in the ministries of our church to close out the year.

Our expenses are not terribly out of line with expectations. However, they paint a picture of the current reality of our congregational life, and renew a sense of the importance of discernment and prayer as we go forward into God's good future for us.

With the ongoing and anticipated vacancy in our Associate Pastor role, our personnel expenses have been below budget this year, and we have made some additional recent staffing changes to reduce those expenses further moving forward.

Our Ministries & Missions expenses are largely as anticipated, with Promiseland's expenses more than covered by their tuition revenue.

The category which continues to be the most significant financial burden is caring for our church campus. We have worked to reduce operational costs wherever possible. Additionally, many of you have generously cared for our facility beyond the budget by investing your time and effort and/or making special designated gifts for special projects such as the elevator upgrade and chilled water loop repair this year.

Though we still have several significant needed projects to tackle, thankfully, over the last several years, we have made great strides on catching up on deferred maintenance and making our facility safer, more resilient, and cleaner (much of which was made possible by the income from the aforementioned parking lot rental revenue, which has now been significantly reduced), all with an eye toward making our building a more effective tool for making ministry possible.

I want to focus on that phrase for just a moment "a tool for making ministry possible". It is, admittedly, multi-faceted.

Our building makes ministry possible when it serves as a gathering place for worship, discipleship, and community.

It makes ministry possible when we use it for our Food Pantry to distribute tangible goods and intangible love to our neighbors in need.

It also makes ministry possible when we allow other ministries to use it such as Bible Study Fellowship, Florida BoyChoirs, Via de Cristo, and others.

It makes ministry possible when our beautiful sanctuary offers a sacred space for our larger community to host significant funerals, truly serving as a sanctuary for our city.

But, we must recognize, it also makes ministry possible when we rent out our building or parking lots to bring in revenue to fund our ministries and missions - whether those are long-term tenants like Excellerated Teaching Academy, the school for children with Autism we host upstairs, or concerts and events utilizing our beautiful, spacious sanctuary.

We will continue to strive to be creative in how we think about using our building as "a tool for making ministry possible".

All that said, the reality is that were we to set out to build an appropriate church campus for our congregation today and meaningful ministry into the foreseeable future, we would not build what we have now.

Knowing how to most wisely proceed while embracing the truth of that reality is the aim of our prayerful discernment together.

I want to be clear, I truly believe that the people of this congregation and its leaders throughout our 135 years of history have each taken what they believed to be the right step during their season of stewardship. I am grateful for that strong legacy from which we benefit today.

I recognize the challenges of ministry in our day, both universally and uniquely for First Baptist Church of St Petersburg. At the same time, I am grateful for the clear evidence that God is at work here and now.

I am confident, if we are willing to be boldly faithful, God has yet more than we can hope or imagine in store for this family of faith. I am profoundly grateful for that hopeful expectation.

This theme of gratitude, for what has been, what is, and what is to come, will be shaping my sermons over these next three weeks, and I trust, will shape our prayerful discernment, as we set out to faithfully follow God into the good and beautiful future which awaits us, together.

I can hardly wait to walk this path together with you!



Worship This Sunday

November 10, 2024 | 10:30 a.m.

Songs of Worship

Rejoice, The Lord Is King

Goodness of God

Going Home

Time and Time Again


Take My Life and Let It Be


"With Gratitude for What Has Been"

Ezra 3:8-13

Ben Winder

Big Idea: As we prepare to move into God's good future for us, it is altogether good to truthfully consider the past, and that, with gratitude.

Kids Worship

Our elementary kids will jump into this month's theme Special Delivery: No Postage Required looking at the story of the Widow of Zarephath in 1 Kings 17:7-16, learning you always have something to give.

Preschool Worship

Our preschoolers continue their theme Puzzle Pieces - in which they're learning God's Got It. They'll explore the story of The Pillars of Cloud and Fire in Exodus 13:3-4,1-22 learning I can trust God will show me the way.


Sunday Mornings Before Worship

9 a.m. Opportunities

Preschool Choir (Age 2-Pre-K) | Room 109

A space for preschoolers to learn about God through music and a whole lot of fun!

Kid's Choir (K-5th) | Room 206

A space for elementary-age kids to learn about God through music and a whole lot of fun!

FirstYOUTH | Multipurpose Room

A Bible study for Middle & High School Students

Raising Adults | Room 205

A co-ed group of median adults mostly in the stage of life with kids in their home.

Digging Deeper Class | Room 204

A co-ed group of adults of all ages.

Masters Class | Conference Room

A co-ed group of adults of all ages, utilizing the Formations curriculum to facilitate class discussion.

Sonshine Class | Heritage Hall

A co-ed group composed primarily of retired adults, utilizing the Formations curriculum to facilitate class discussion.

Special Needs Class | Heritage Hall Room 2

This co-ed group for adults with intellectual disabilities is part of our Special Needs Ministry.

10 a.m. Coffee & Pastries Fellowship in the Narthex

Between our 9 a.m. offerings and the beginning of worship each Sunday we offer coffee, juice, and other goodies for you to enjoy in the Narthex. We encourage you to come a few minutes early or stop by after your 9 a.m. activity to spend some time getting to know other members of your church family of all ages. We'll see you Sunday!

CBF Offering for Global Missions Update


Thanks to your generosity during our Offering for Global Missions Emphasis, 

we have now surpassed our $6,000 goal!

Your gifts support the long-term presence of CBF Field Personnel serving in missionary roles around the world. Well done and THANK YOU!

Of course, though our emphasis is complete, you are welcome to designated a gift to the Offering for Global Missions anytime, year round.


Food Pantry Thanksgiving Food Drive

As we prepare for our Thanksgiving Distribution at our Food Pantry on November 21 & 26, we are asking for the following donations to help us fill the boxes:

  1. Canned Green Beans & Corn
  2. Instant Mashed Potatoes
  3. Gravy or Gravy Mixes
  4. Boxes/Bags of Instant Stuffing
  5. Financial Contributions for Hams, Fresh Bread, and Pies

You can bring your food contributions to church on Sunday or drop them off at the church office during the week. You can designate financial contributions to "Food Pantry" through the mail, offering plates, or online.


Opportunities to Serve at Lynch Elementary

Our partner school, Lynch Elementary has several opportunities to serve, and we welcome you to explore which one(s) are right for you!

Ongoing Opportunities

Passing Out Treats - Each Thursday, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Lunch Pal - One Time per week; flexible

Mentor - One or More Times per week; flexible

Room (Grand)Parent - Daily/Weekly; flexible

One-Time Opportunities

Nov. 13 - Great American Teach-In

Dec. 13 - Club Photos

Jan. 15 - Class Group Photos

Feb. 28 - Black American Speak-in

Mar. 7 - Field Day

Apr. 3 - Lion’s Pride Celebration

May 5–9 - Staff Appreciation Week

To learn more or sign up for any of these opportunities contact the church office or Lynch Elementary Family & Community Liaison Michele Killam ( | 727.570.3170).

Please sign up here to complete the necessary forms to be ready to volunteer throughout the year when opportunities arise.

Discover First Baptist Lunch & Orientation

November 17 | Following Worship

If you’re a new member or considering membership, join us for lunch and orientation following worship on Sunday, November 17. We’ll discuss First Baptist history, mission, identity, ministries, mission partnerships, and structure. And you can ask any questions you have about First Baptist or church membership. Please RSVP at the link below.

RSVP for Discover First Baptist

Annual Church Meeting

Sunday, November 24

We will conclude our worship time together on Sunday, November 24 with our annual church meeting. At this meeting, we will vote to affirm our 2025 Church Budget and Leadership as well as conduct any other necessary church business.

Advent Decorating Help Needed

Sunday, November 24 & Monday, November 25

It is nearly time to deck the halls of First Baptist for the Advent/Christmas Season! We will need all hands on deck as there are jobs for everyone - from hefting giant trees in the sanctuary to delicate Chrismon hanging in the Narthex. Mark your calendar, as your schedule allows to stick around after worship on Sunday, November 24 and/or come to the church on the morning of Monday, November 25.

The Next Week's Schedule


9 a.m. - Adult & Youth Bible Studies | Kids Choirs

10 a.m. - Coffee & Pastries Fellowship

10:30 a.m. - Worship | Kids Worship | Preschool Worship


9 a.m. - Prayer Gathering

1 p.m. - Quilting Ministry | Ceramics Ministry | Monday Fun Day Planning Meeting

6:30 p.m. - Executive Leadership Team Meeting


1-4 p.m. - Food Pantry


6:30 p.m. - Choir Rehearsal


1-4 p.m. - Food Pantry

Upcoming Events


17 - Discover First Baptist

24 - Annual Church Meeting | Advent Decorating Day 1

25 - Advent Decoration Day 2

28 - Church Campus Closed - Thanksgiving Day


1 - Hanging of the Green | Fellowship Lunch | Blood Pressure Clinic

2 - Monday Fun Day Christmas Brunch

23 - Promiseland Preschool Christmas Program

24 - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - 6 p.m.

Contact Us

First Baptist Church of St. Petersburg

1900 Gandy Blvd N

St. Petersburg, FL 33702
