First Baptist Newsletter | September 14, 2023

The First Baptist Church of St. Petersburg exists to help people experience God's gift of life in Jesus.

Sunday Worship

September 17, 2023 | 10:30 a.m.

Songs of Worship

Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise

10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)

At The Name Of Jesus

Because He Lives (Amen)

How Great Thou Art


Assurance & Humility

Acts 17:16-34

Ben Winder

Big Idea: As disciples, we must be winsome in how we share our faith, always meeting others where they are and inviting them to follow Jesus with us. How can we be people of faith in a pluralistic society without being harsh or abrasive to our neighbors?


Kids Choirs | Sundays - 9 a.m.

Kids Choirs are back!

Join us for a great time as we learn music and prepare to sing in worship later this year.

Kids Choir (K-5th) | Library (Room 206)

Preschool Choir (Ages 2-4) | Room 109

Short-Term Bible Studies

Sundays - 9 a.m.

In addition to our ongoing Sunday morning Bible studies, we offer short-term Bible studies, topical studies, and other classes on a rotational basis. Here's our current offerings:

Short-term Studies - Fall Session 1

September 10 - October 29

Zechariah | Room 204

Carol Conaway & Jim McConnell

Eight Weeks (September 10 - October 29)

A book too often ignored, unknown, or little understood, Zechariah contains a wealth to be mined. Join us for eight weeks as we dig into perhaps the most messianic book of the minor prophets and consider how Zechariah lays out a wonderful, restorative hope and anticipates the dawning of a new era for God's people.

Four Gospels, One Jesus? | Room 205

First Four Weeks of Session (September 10 - October 1)

Ben Winder

Borrowing from Richard Burridge's work in the book of the same title, over four weeks we'll consider how each of the four Gospel authors offer a distinctive portrait of Jesus. We'll use the ancient symbols for the Gospels - human face, lion, ox, and eagle - to represent each book's unique picture of Jesus, which together help us understand Jesus more fully.

Equally Called | Room 205

Second Four Weeks of Session (October 8 - October 29)

Ben Winder & Aimee Hobbs

First Baptist affirms the participation of women and men in all aspects of church leadership and Christian ministry. In this four-week session we'll consider how Scripture reveals God's plan for all of humanity - male and female together - to serve God's people, articulate the biblical and theological basis for affirming the calling of women, and discuss nurturing a culture that more fully welcomes women's leadership.

FAST House Meetings - Sign Up & Join Us!

Our justice ministry is part of Faith & Action for Strength together, a partnership of 50+ congregations across Pinellas County working toward bringing God's justice to bear in our community. The annual process begins with house meetings, small gatherings where we hear from each other about lived-experiences of injustice which shape our work for the coming year. There's still time for you to sign up here to attend one of the house meeting at the links below or contact a FAST Team Leader for more information.

Sunday, September 17, 5 p.m. - Ben & Laura Beth Winder's Home

Tuesday, September 19, 10 a.m. - First Baptist Church Conference Room

Women's Fall Book Study: In His Image

Thursdays, 6:15 p.m. | Beginning September 21

This fall Laura Beth Winder will be leading a book study for women on In His Image: 10 Ways God Calls Us to Reflect His Character by Jen Wilkin.

They'll meet each Thursday (except Thanksgiving) September 21-December 7.

For more info contact Laura Beth or sign up at the link below.

Sign Up for Book Study

CBF Encourager Church Covenant Day

September 24 | 10:30 Worship Service

Our partnership with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship through the offering for Global Missions allows us to partner in supporting long-term field personnel serving in 18 countries around the world.

In addition to this general support, our Mission Committee has engaged our church in a deeper relationship with two for whom we serve as a CBF Encourager Church. Being an Encourager Church means we offer specific prayer support, program support, short-term engagement, and additional financial support for their mission/ministry efforts.

We are excited that on Sunday, September 24 both of these missionaries plan to be with us in worship where we will be formalizing our existing relationship with them in an Encourager Church Covenant.

We hope you will make plans to join us on this exciting and significant day for our church family and our mission partners!

Ellen & Rick Burnette

Cultivate Abundance - Immokalee, Florida

Rick and Ellen first served as CBF Field Personnel on the Thai-Myanmar border, and have in recent years brought their international agriculture development ministry experience to Florida founding Cultivate Abundance in 2017. They engage in the community-level food security efforts for the benefit of farmworker families in Immokalee and beyond. They show the hope and love of God to migrant farmworkers who often face food insecurity compounded by extreme poverty, discrimination, and legal residence issues.

Missy Ward-Angalla

Amani Sasa - Kampala, Uganda

Missy and her husband Francis serve as the co-founders and Directors of Amani Sasa. Together, they minister and co-lead alongside of a team of 38 East African staff serving among the most vulnerable refugees in Kampala through in-depth, holistic care so that refugees can experience safety, healing and empowerment. The goal of Amani Sasa’s ministry programs are to provide refugees the opportunity to experience God’s love, hope, healing and restoration so that they can live into their full God-given potential.

Fall 2023 Serve St Pete Day

Saturday, September 30 | 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

We invite you to join us for a church-wide Day of Service as we serve our St. Pete Community in Jesus' name together! We'll spend the morning serving our neighbors through various projects, then share lunch together to wrap up the day.

Sign Up for Serve St Pete Day

Help Lynch Elementary Kindergarteners

Our partner school Lynch Elementary is looking for volunteers to serve 1-2 hours per week helping kindergarteners with reading and/or math skills.

To serve in this way contact Family and Community Liaison Michele Kilam.

Worship Ministry Appreciation Planning Meeting

THIS Sunday, September 17 | Following Worship

We are planning an appreciation dinner for the team that makes our weekly worship services possible (Choir, Band, A/V Techs). If you would like to serve on the team putting this event together, you are invited to attend a planning meeting this Sunday, September 17 immediately following worship in the Narthex. If you cannot attend but would like to serve or donate for the dinner, or if you have other questions, please contact Candy Scherer (727.692.9035).

Health Ministry Lunch & Learn: Advanced Directives - Sunday, October 22 | 12 noon

Join us for a FREE Health Ministry Lunch & Learn following worship on Sunday, October 22 in Heritage Hall. A light lunch will be served and Laura Stilwell, Faith Community Nurse Coordinator, will provide a 1.5 hour class on Advanced Directives. 

Registration is required by October 18, 2023!

Sign Up for Lunch & Learn

Called Church Business Meeting - October 1

We will hold a Called Church Business Meeting on Sunday, October 1 at the conclusion of weekly worship. The single matter on the agenda is approving two new members of the Nominating Team for the 2023-2025 term: Danielle Bourne & Jim Sipe.

First Baptist Happenings

  • Church History Team | Are you interested in history? Would you like to help dive into the church archives to tell the First Baptist story? We would love to have you on our Church History Team! Contact Paula James for more information.

  • Coffee & Pastries | All are invited to a time of fellowship in the Narthex each Sunday before worship. This month's refreshments are sponsored by Bill & Sofie, and Timmy Hillen. Interested in sponsoring a future month of coffee & pastries? Contact the church office for more details.

Coming Up


24 - CBF Encourager Church Covenant Day

30 - Serve St Pete Day


1 - Called Church Business Meeting | Communion | Fellowship Lunch

2 - Monday Fun Day

16 - FAST Annual Assembly

28 - Porsche Pantry


5 - All Saints Day of Remembrance | Communion

Contact Us

First Baptist Church of St. Petersburg

1900 Gandy Blvd N

St. Petersburg, FL 33702


[email protected]