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December 22, 2023 E-Newsletter

This week's note from Rev. Bill

What Does Jesus Want for Christmas? PART 4


               Since there are four weeks of Advent, I thought it appropriate to reflect on what Jesus would want for Christmas for the entire season! I hope it has been a reflective time for you, and that your faith has expanded because of these thoughts.


               One of my favorite Christmas hymns is “In the Bleak Midwinter” (which our choral group sang just a few weeks ago!). At first it sounds like a very depressing song – “In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan. Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone…”


               Really? That’s supposed to celebrate the birth of our savior? As the song goes on, we find the picture of Christmas painted differently than we normally expect. It’s not about shouting angels and heavenly choirs and lights up in the sky; it is a more personal, private song. The author, Christina Rosetti, wrote this poem to describe the human side of what was going on. A stable, a manger, a mother’s kiss – beyond all of the lights and glitter and music, a simple family story was taking place. 


               As I grow older, I find this song more and more compelling. As a child, I wanted every new toy I saw on TV; as a teenager, I wanted the latest and brightest and best. As a young father, I wanted to get the things for my children that would make them happy; as an old man now (60?), I want the comfort of being with family and friends. I don’t need as much anymore; I am more content with what I have. 


               The last verse of this song is my favorite – “What can I give him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would give a lamb. If I were a wise man, I would do my part – yet what I can, I give Him – give my heart.”


               Peace to you – 


  • Rev. Bill


Service for December 24, 2023

"To Have Peace Like an Unmarried

Pregnant Teenage Girl"


Luke 1:26-38

Link For December 24,  2023 Live Service

"God's Promise of Victory"

Isaiah 9:2-7

Link for 5pm Christmas Eve Live service

On Wednesday Rev. Bill will be

at the church office to guide our scripture study that we use to get a "sneak peek" at the

sermon message for Sunday!

December 27, 2023


Link for Wednesday Bible Study at 3:00pm



               In case of emergencies both the church office phone line and e-mails will be monitored, or you can contact Rev. Bill at 941.681.0557.

(Please do not share this number with non-church members!) Thank you!



                As we come into 2024, we would like to hear from you – What activities/events/celebrations stood out in your memory from our church in 2023?


               We would like to have your reflections for next week’s newsletter, so please work quickly! Please send your responses to Rev. Bill by Wednesday noon (Dec. 27th) so that we can incorporate them into a reflective article! I imagine that, once we put them all together, we will have a magnificent picture of what God has been doing through our church!




               You made last year’s Summer Reserve Campaign a great success. Several people have asked that we do it again! 


               If you recall, we started 2023 with a “deficit budget”, meaning we expected to spend more than we received in donations. This is not a good situation, but our leadership group felt all of our spending was necessary to fulfill the calling God had for us. We would have to trust in the Lord to provide. 


               God has proven Himself again and again – when we have been in need, God provides. We are looking at 2024 with anticipation of what God will do next!


               In setting up the “2024 Summer Reserve Campaign”, we need seed money to kick it off. Last year’s campaign worked so well because several church members set up a matching fund to encourage giving. We are interested in doing the same thing again – if you would like to be one of the original donors, please contact Rev. Bill or Michael Simons. They will be able to answer your questions about how to get started. 


               As we mentioned last year, this Summer Reserve Fund needs to be ABOVE AND BEYOND our regular giving. If you believe in what God is doing through this church, we appreciate your support!

Upcoming Events

December 23 Community Breakfast

Tomorrow morning, helpers arrive at 9 am!

Sermon Topic Suggestion Box



               Several of you have given Rev. Bill ideas for scriptures or sermon topics that you would like to hear from our pulpit. He is preparing the worship for upcoming months, and will be integrating as many as we can!


               The clear box in the back of the sanctuary is where you can put your ideas – you do not have to put your name, but it would help us if we have any questions about your suggestions. 


The places we go and the things we see!

PSSST Princess, I talked to the innkeeper and was assured it's for our own good! It was like a vacat-tion! We want to thank our church family for watching out for us!

Meow-ry Christmas and Pawsperous New Year! May your days be meow-y and bright!

United Women in Faith


Fifteen women gathered for the United Women in Faith Christmas celebration with an early bird dinner at Outback Steakhouse on December 18.  Good food, good friends, good conversation, and good fellowship marked the event.  After the great dinner (and great service from our waiter Brady), the women returned to Fellowship Hall for cake and coffee/tea.  And even more fun was on tap as the women enjoyed “festive trivia” competitions, a “mad libs” song writing, learning more about each other, singing Christmas songs, and just enjoying being a part of a wonderful church family.

Mission outreach and fellowship are the goals of UWF.  We hope more women will join us when we resume our regular monthly meetings (the third Monday of each month at 3 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.  UWF vice president Jaci Colombo is planning a program on the work of UMCOR…you won’t want to miss that!

Any questions about UWF can be directed to any of the officers:  Susan Atkinson, Jaci Colombo, Jann Mier, and Kathy Schmitt.

Book Trade Planned for January 3 Meeting

 The January 3, 2024, gathering will be a little different.  Each book club member is asked to bring a book they own and have already read for an exchange.  After sharing a brief synopsis of the book (you don’t want to give away everything), the member’s book will be part of an exchange.  Remember, you will NOT be bringing this book home so don’t check out a library book and give it away! This is a fun way to learn about the variety of literature our members enjoy.  If you don’t have a book that you are willing to part with, you might stop by the used book area on the first floor of the Bonita Public Library.  You will find many books that have been donated to the library, and the small amount you will pay for them will benefit the library.

The group has been gathering for 30 months now and has read a wide variety of literature.  The club was formed as a response to the need for fellowship opportunities after Covid. And as a bonus, members enjoy lunch and/or ice cream at the Royal Scoop.  If you have any questions, contact Susan Atkinson (text 239-405-9078).  The only requirement for being in the club is to enjoy reading and talking about what you have read with other bibliophiles. Happy reading!

The Upper Room

The Upper Room magazine's mission is to provide a practical way to listen to scripture, connect with believers around the world, and spend time with God each day.

Click here for Daily Devotional


All information and last names will be kept confidential. Our list is updated weekly. If you need us to keep someone on the list, please send their name to [email protected].

Prayer list for Worship needs of our church





Come Pray

Fridays at 9:30 am

Zoom and in the sanctuary


Click here to join via ZOOM

























Please help us keep the prayer list current. Names will remain 8 weeks, please update and resubmit. Prayer Request cards are on the rack at the back of the Sanctuary.

Altar Flowers

If you would like to honor family, friends, or loved ones for an anniversary, birthday, or memorial, contact the church office for details.

New Horizons Website
YESUKAN website
Meals of Hope Website
Click for Bonita Assistance  Website
First United Methodist Church of Bonita Springs
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 10 AM - 1 PM

27690 Shriver Avenue, Bonita Springs, FL 34135
Office: 239.992.1312

Rev. Bill Fisackerly, Pastor
(941) 681-0557