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December 15, 2023 E-Newsletter

This week's note from Rev. Bill



               Up until the 18th century gifts were not given at Christmas. Instead, the entire celebration was based upon feasts given by landowners to their workers to mark the end of the harvest period. It was an agrarian economy, not a market economy, so the host would provide fresh meat and plenty of drink in a public space. This resulted in a lot of over-indulging (especially of the drink), and was highly disapproved of by the Church! (Source: Joseph Walchelder,


               Even after the Industrial Revolution in the later part of the 18th century, Christmas was not seen as a gift-giving holiday. Because the workers were now earning money instead of being given a place to stay and something to eat, the celebration started turning to private family gatherings instead of public ones. The idea of giving gifts was very limited. Most people still did not have a lot of money, so toys were not common. Instead, children would leave out stockings in the hopes that “Father Christmas” would leave some fruit or the like in the toe. 


               It wasn’t until 1798 that the idea of giving children “toys” came up. Maria and Richard Edgeworth wrote a book called “Practical Education”, suggesting that a toy would be a good tool to stimulate a child’s creativity and values. At Christmas, a child might receive a single toy – not the multiple presents that we think of today!


               There were letters to the editor in the early 1830’s decrying the “commercialization of Christmas”, with increased advertising to get people to buy “the perfect gift for the one you love!” Many churches refused to celebrate Christmas at all, since there was no mention of Dec. 25th in the Bible, and some states even made it illegal. 


               Makes you think, doesn’t it? 


Several years ago I was walking through Walmart and came upon a selection of Easter baskets. There was one that particularly bothered me – it was a basket filled with toy guns, soldiers, and other war paraphernalia. All wrapped up in cellophane, in a basket, just waiting for someone to come and buy and to spread the message of Jesus! 


               Is it appropriate to celebrate the passion of the Prince of Peace with war toys? 


               This caused me to look at my own celebration of Easter, and of Christmas. I began to ask myself, “Do the gifts that I give reflect what this season is truly about? The toys, the magazines, the DVD’s – are they in line with what Jesus would want?”


               I began to give more thought to the presents I gave to others, and what I would ask for. Violent video games, movies, weapons – those were the first things to be reconsidered. Then I considered the other gifts – did they emphasize something positive and useful, or were they based upon superficial values and worldly accumulation? 


               “Oh, but that’s what the kids want!” some might cry. That is true – but we are not called by God to make our kids happy. We are called to make them faithful! Getting what you “want” may not be the best!

               It takes more effort to find the right gift, but that shouldn’t stop us. Take time to ask, “What would encourage this person, but also honor Jesus?” For instance, the art set that we got for our daughter years ago she still uses today, and has made many beautiful drawings and paintings. The football given to my sister brought her hours of fun with friends and family. And my son still loves Legos – and creates masterpieces!


               As a Christian, look to see if what you are giving honors God and honors the person. After all, it’s HIS birthday celebration, not ours!


  • Rev. Bill


Service for December 17, 2023

"Bearers of Hope"


Isaiah 61:1-3,8-9

Link For December 17,  2023 Live Service

On Wednesday Rev. Bill will be

at the church office to guide our scripture study that we use to get a "sneak peek" at the

sermon message for Sunday!

December 20, 2023

Luke 1:26-38

Link for Wednesday Bible Study at 3:00pm



               In case of emergencies both the church office phone line and e-mails will be monitored, or you can contact Rev. Bill at 941.681.0557.

( Please do not share this number with non-church members!) Thank you!



    Our Bishop and his wife Karen have recorded a video message for Christmas – you can watch it here

Click for Video

Christmas is Almost Here!



Can you imagine what it’s like for a child to be away from their family at Christmas? A child who has been removed from an abusive home environment naturally feels very isolated. At this joyous time of year, these children truly miss being able to decorate their tree with family and friends and enjoy all that goes with the holiday season. 


The Children’s Home has been caring for abused, abandoned, or neglected children for over 115 years. And while it is better that these children are out of that unsafe environment, they still miss that feeling of family. During this season of their life, we become their family. And with your support, it can be a truly memorable Christmas.


You can make this a truly magical Christmas for all the children in our care, whether on our Enterprise campus, the Madison Youth Ranch, or through our community foster care homes. In addition to making their Christmas joyous, your gift today can be used to help the children in many ways, including:

·    The purchase of gifts to place under the tree

·    Providing for a child’s daily needs and therapy

·    The tutoring needed to get a child back on grade level

·    Covering the fees associated with college and trade school entrance

These are just a few of the many ways that your gift can make an impact on their lives. 


Since our founding in 1908, we continue to depend on the generosity of individuals like you. Won’t you make a gift today?

Make A Gift now



               You made last year’s Summer Reserve Campaign a great success. Several people have asked that we do it again! 


               If you recall, we started 2023 with a “deficit budget”, meaning we expected to spend more than we received in donations. This is not a good situation, but our leadership group felt all of our spending was necessary to fulfill the calling God had for us. We would have to trust in the Lord to provide. 


               God has proven Himself again and again – when we have been in need, God provides. We are looking at 2024 with anticipation of what God will do next!


               In setting up the “2024 Summer Reserve Campaign”, we need seed money to kick it off. Last year’s campaign worked so well because several church members set up a matching fund to encourage giving. We are interested in doing the same thing again – if you would like to be one of the original donors, please contact Rev. Bill or Michael Simons. They will be able to answer your questions about how to get started. 


               As we mentioned last year, this Summer Reserve Fund needs to be ABOVE AND BEYOND our regular giving. If you believe in what God is doing through this church, we appreciate your support!

Upcoming Events

December 23 Community Breakfast and More!

The December 23 breakfast will obviously feature a healthy breakfast, but it will also be loaded with fun activities for children and families AND plenty of volunteer opportunities.  The FLT team, headed by Debbie Lane, is anticipating a large group for the December breakfast, and plans to prepare enough food for up to 120.  In part, that might be attributed to a visit from Old Santa himself to have pictures with the children.  But there are many other games, singing, and activities planned for those in attendance. 

The need for volunteers will also increase as some of our regular volunteers will be away from Bonita Springs celebrating Christmas with family in other parts of the country.  One of the first ways our church family can help will be by helping fill stockings for the children who will attend our breakfast.  Many items have already been donated for the stockings from candy to toothbrushes to crayons and books. To include more of the congregation in the monthly event, we will set up an assembly line to fill the stockings during coffee time after worship on December 17.  Additional donations for the stockings are also welcome.  You don’t have to bring enough for ALL stockings.  We just want to make sure that all the children have a filled stocking. Each of the children will also receive a children’s Bible.  The team is anticipating filling about 85 stockings.

And, as every month, many volunteers are needed to cook, serve, set-up, clean up, and just be a welcoming and loving friend to our neighborhood guests.  There is a job for everyone!  Those who volunteer to cook breakfast should be there by 9 a.m.  Serving will be from 10 to noon for this month’s event due to plans for the games, activities, and visit and pictures with Santa.  

However, the monthly breakfast is not the only event “on the plate” of the FLT.  During this meeting, the team began looking ahead to opportunities for food, fellowship, and fun within the congregation.  Some of the ideas being considered are  a potluck dinner for the church family on January 7 to combine undecorating the church with eating; a Souper Bowl event with hearty homemade soups and a canned soup drive on February 11; an Ash Wednesday event on February 14; Chef Russ Baird’s amazing Omelet Breakfast for March 3; a Good Friday Fish Fry on March 29.

Although food, fellowship, and fun are a part of all these events, they are about more.  We also discussed the possibility of a mini-Vacation Bible School for neighborhood children. Because of a grant that First UMC received from the district that is to be used for outreach, the Formational Leadership Team is constantly looking at other ways that we can serve Christ in this community and in our church. It is an exciting time at First UMC…you will want to be a part of it!  Join us to be a blessing to others and be blessed yourself! 

Need a ride, provide a ride?

Christmas Eve will not only be celebrated during 10 a.m. worship service Sunday, December 24, but it will also be celebrated with a candlelight service at 5 p.m. that evening.  And we all know how early dark arrives after the November time change!  Some in our congregation family might not be comfortable driving at night.  So, we would like to gather a list of names, addresses/phone numbers of those who might need a ride and those who might be able to provide a ride to someone. You can either put a note in the offering plate or call the church office, 239-992-1312, Monday-Thursday from 10am-1pm or leave a message..

Sermon Topic Suggestion Box



               Several of you have given Rev. Bill ideas for scriptures or sermon topics that you would like to hear from our pulpit. He is preparing the worship for upcoming months, and will be integrating as many as we can!


               The clear box in the back of the sanctuary is where you can put your ideas – you do not have to put your name, but it would help us if we have any questions about your suggestions. 


The places we go and the things we see!

Tom, wasn't that a wonderful purr-formance on Sunday? Yes, Princess, I wanted to join them but they said no caterwauling only beautiful Meow-sic!

Princess, I liked the purr-cushion, maybe I can help with that next year!

Or maybe, Rev. Bill or his fur-end will teach me to play the paw-some guitar and I can be a rockstar! Meowy-ry Christmas church family!

United Women in Faith

Now the women are looking ahead to their Christmas celebration.  The group will gather for an “early-bird” dinner at Outback Steakhouse on Monday, December 18.  This event is open to ALL women whether you regularly attend monthly meetings or not, but we would like a number of those attending.  Please let Susan Atkinson (text 239-405-9078) know if you will attend.  We can meet at the church parking lot at 3:30 to carpool if that is needed.  

The group will return to Fellowship Hall for some games and dessert.  All women welcome.

Regular business meetings will return the third Monday of each month, January 15, at 3 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.  Again, all women are invited to join us for fellowship and mission activities serving women, children, and families.

Book Trade Planned for January 3 Meeting

 The January 3, 2024, gathering will be a little different.  Each book club member is asked to bring a book they own and have already read for an exchange.  After sharing a brief synopsis of the book (you don’t want to give away everything), the member’s book will be part of an exchange.  Remember, you will NOT be bringing this book home so don’t check out a library book and give it away! This is a fun way to learn about the variety of literature our members enjoy.  If you don’t have a book that you are willing to part with, you might stop by the used book area on the first floor of the Bonita Public Library.  You will find many books that have been donated to the library, and the small amount you will pay for them will benefit the library.

The group has been gathering for 30 months now and has read a wide variety of literature.  The club was formed as a response to the need for fellowship opportunities after Covid. And as a bonus, members enjoy lunch and/or ice cream at the Royal Scoop.  If you have any questions, contact Susan Atkinson (text 239-405-9078).  The only requirement for being in the club is to enjoy reading and talking about what you have read with other bibliophiles. Happy reading!

The Upper Room

The Upper Room magazine's mission is to provide a practical way to listen to scripture, connect with believers around the world, and spend time with God each day.

Click here for Daily Devotional


All information and last names will be kept confidential. Our list is updated weekly. If you need us to keep someone on the list, please send their name to [email protected].

Virginia May Baldwin , a long time member of First Bonita, went to be with her Lord on December 6, 2023. Please keep her family in prayer.

Prayer list for Worship needs of our church





Come Pray

Fridays at 9:30 am

Zoom and in the sanctuary


Click here to join via ZOOM
























Please help us keep the prayer list current. Names will remain 8 weeks, please update and resubmit. Prayer Request cards are on the rack at the back of the Sanctuary.

Altar Flowers

If you would like to honor family, friends, or loved ones for an anniversary, birthday, or memorial, contact the church office for details.

New Horizons Website
YESUKAN website
Meals of Hope Website
Click for Bonita Assistance  Website
First United Methodist Church of Bonita Springs
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 10 AM - 1 PM

27690 Shriver Avenue, Bonita Springs, FL 34135
Office: 239.992.1312

Rev. Bill Fisackerly, Pastor
(941) 681-0557