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January 19, 2024 E-Newsletter

This week's note from Rev. Bill

Caring For Each Other


               Several years ago there was discussion on the floor of the Annual Conference regarding pastoral salaries and benefits. There is a minimum salary level for clergy coming into the conference, based upon education level and status with the Board of Ordained Ministry (already ordained, or in process).


               As I remember the conversation, a concern was brought up that the minimum salary level was extremely low, especially for young persons who were just coming out of seminary and had large student debts. (Seminary is not cheap!) It was noted that younger clergy are usually assigned to smaller churches, who cannot afford to pay larger salaries, while pastors who have been in the conference for a while are sent to larger churches which have more resources. It makes sense from a practical point of view, but that didn’t change the fact that a lot of young clergy were struggling financially and not able to be as effective in their ministry.


               And then, the discussion took an interesting turn. One of the older members of the conference (who was serving a large church with a large salary) said that he had been talking with some colleagues, and they were wondering if they could donate part of their salaries to the conference to help the younger clergy out. He said that, at this point in his life, he did not need as much money as he was getting, and it made more sense to increase the salaries of the younger clergy when they were likely to have more expenses!


               I remember thinking at the time how strange this would sound to our culture – willingly take a smaller salary?!? What’s up with that?!?


               Can you imagine a law firm where the senior attorneys agree to give part of their salaries to the new lawyers and paralegals? Can you imagine a sports figure giving up $1,000,000 of their pay to help the rookies? What about politicians, or factory managers, or doctors? 


               Can you imagine the Bezo’s or Musk’s or Zuckerberg’s of this world choosing to share their salary/wealth with the people who work under them? Our world is still obsessed with materialism – judging our value by how much we have accumulated. That’s why this question by my pastoral colleague stood out to me. He wasn’t concerned with getting more. He wanted to encourage those who were coming after him. 


               Perhaps he (and the others) remembered what a struggle it was when they were younger – trying to balance kids, church, and finances in a way that didn’t leave them worn out and exhausted. At this time in his life he realized that he was finally stable, and if there was a way that he could help provide peace to the next generation, it was worth it. 


               There is a phrase that symbolizes this – “To live more simply, so that others may simply live.” It’s not a case of “I had to do it; now they have to do it, too.” It’s more a mindset of, “How can I give to God so that others may benefit?”


               Christians have the reputation for caring more for each other than they do for things (including wealth). Acts chapter 2 talks about how the early believers would look out for each other, and even sell their possessions for a brother or sister in need. This idea at the Conference is a continuation of that – not taking more than we need, so that everyone can benefit.


               I pray that God will keep me from loving things more than people, or from judging my value based upon what I own. I pray that God will use you and me to show our community how beloved they are by God, and how we are willing to love and share with them. 


  • Rev. Bill


Service for January 21, 2024

"Congregation, Community, Family?"

Acts 2:42-47

Link For January 21, 2024 Live Service

On Wednesday Rev. Bill will be

at the church office to guide our scripture study that we use to get a "sneak peek" at the

sermon message for Sunday!

January 24, 2024

Matthew 18:21-23; 6:9-13

Link for Wednesday Bible Study at 3:00pm

We have begun! As you can see from the chart, we are almost 4% of the way there!


As Michael Simons mentioned last Sunday, our Sunday morning offerings go down in the summer as our Northern friends depart, but the expenses still keep coming. By setting up a Summer Reserve we are better able to handle the ministry needs. 


Thank you to those who have pledged “seed money” to get us started, and we appreciate everyone’s support! Remember, this is not just “bills” that need to be paid – this is ministry. Feeding the hungry, caring for the lost, visiting the sick and homebound, inviting people in to find love and acceptance. Your finances are turned into songs, sermons, helping hands, sheltering places, and a welcoming environment. May God bless whatever we give, and expand it more and more!

Calling All Volunteers

Have you been sitting in the pews enjoying worship and wondering how you can become more involved in your church home (whether year-round or seasonal)?  Well, here are some opportunities that need volunteers:

-You may have seen the red crate in the entry labeled “Bonita Assistance” and wondered what happens to the items placed there.  They are designated for the local assistance office that is located at 25300 Bernwood Drive, #6, just off Old 41 north of us.  Sometimes food items are put in the crate and sit there awhile because a volunteer is needed to drop them off at Bonita Assistance.  This is where you might find a way to serve your church.  If interested in being that volunteer weekly or every other week as needed, let Rev. Bill or the church office know.

-Have you wondered how individuals are selected to read scripture, lead a prayer, or share some announcements?  Liturgist coordinator is Susan Atkinson.  If you would like to be a volunteer, see her…but be prepared to be a little early for worship services to check microphones and be sure of readings.


-Have you said to yourself:  “I think I would like to work in the AV booth on Sundays.  I wonder how I can get involved?”  Well, see Debbie Lane who coordinates the AV Team.  (Just look to the back of the sanctuary and you can see who is back there if you have questions.)

-Have you ever said to yourself:  “I love to bake. Maybe I could help with coffee hour on Sundays by baking and/or serving.  I know how to make coffee, and I love to get to know people.”  Well, there is a sign-up sheet inside the kitchen door.  And if you think you don’t know “procedures”…well, you are in luck as there are detailed instructions and plenty of “veterans” who would be happy to help you.

-Have you ever said to yourself:  “I wonder how greeters are selected? I am a friendly person and would love to welcome people.”  Then you need to see Cyndie Greenleaf, the coordinator of greeters.  She is always on the lookout for friendly people.  (Again, you do have to show up a little early for worship.)

-Have you ever said to yourself:  “I love to sing or play a musical instrument?

  I wonder if that talent could be shared with my church family.”  You could talk with Kim Fisackerly, who has generously volunteered her talents to organize our now growing choir.  Additional pianists are needed.

So…have you seen a place where you can volunteer?  If not on this list, maybe you have another idea…share it with others in the congregation.



It was good to see those who are interested in “continuing the discussion” during Sunday School last week! While we only had 2 persons (Cleva and Ed Luebke!) at 8:00, there were nine persons at 11:00!


This week the early morning group will meet at 8:30, to see if that fits better with people’s desires. The 11:00 group will continue to meet at that time. Both will be in the Choir Room.


See you there!

From our new sister church, The Channel UMC, led by the Rev. Christy Holden

  We are sponsoring a tour of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers on Saturday, February 17th from 12:00-3:00 PM at 110 S. 2nd St, Immokalee, FL. We will meet at the CIW headquarters and participate in a short volunteer project (sorting items, prep work for upcoming festival). Lunch is available from the awesome Mr. Taco for a nominal fee. We can also arrange carpooling, if needed. The Channel UMC is sponsoring this tour but we are also opening it up to anyone in the Southwest District who may be interested.

Contact for info on the CIW tour-Joy Bridwell, 863-673-1676

Hablas Espanol?


In our desire to be God’s hands and feet (and mouthpiece!) here in our own community, we are offering informal Spanish classes here at our church!


The classes will be on Tuesdays at 10:00 am and Thursdays at 6:00 pm, both in the church office. Margie Gillette has offered to be our instructor - more about her later! 


There is an online resource called MANGO that we will be using as a resource. It is available from the Lee County or Collier Country Library websites –


Or –


Please use the Spanish (Latin American) option when you log in!


You must have a valid library card to access this program; if you do not have one for Lee or Collier counties, please check with your northern home to see if you still have a library account up there! 


Here is a note from Margie: 


Bienvenidos! I am Margie Gillette, a part-time resident of Florida. When Rev. Bill mentioned about us needing a language tutor for our church, I felt the “nudge” of God to answer this call. 


My background is not as a Spanish teacher, but as a French teacher for 37 years. I have an M.A. in Romance Languages from The Ohio State University, and I am certified in Michigan, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Texas. I have studied Spanish for many, many years (50+), and I have traveled all over Mexico, Central America, South America, and Spain. I will be here for only three months, so we need to learn as much as possible.


I have chosen MANGO as our basis for learning. Mango has a conversational approach with grammar and vocabulary to aid understanding. It also has voice recognition so you can make your pronunciation sound like that of a native speaker. In class I will do explanations with handouts. Each e-lesson is quite long, so you need to prepare for class in advance.


Please give me a call or email if you are interested, and indicate if one (or both) times are convenient. We intend to offer the same lesson each week in class, so that you can either come to one or both, as your schedule allows. You may also call the church office, if needed. 



Margie Gillette


[email protected]


Next Community Breakfast is January 27

The next monthly Free Community Breakfast will be held on Saturday, January 27.  Serving will be from 10 – ll:30 a.m.  This is a wonderful outreach to our community.  In recent months, we have expanded the event to include Halloween and Christmas activities including cookie decorating, games, stockings for the children, and pictures with Santa Claus.  This month will focus on our hearty, healthy breakfast for our neighborhood.  And who doesn’t enjoy a good breakfast during a “cool” Florida winter morning? 

Many volunteers are needed for these breakfasts to run smoothly.  Each month we have been delighted to welcome both new diners and new volunteers. Close to 100 meals have been served most months.  We hope more seasonal members of our church family will join us for the January/February/March events (or however long you are here this season).  There are opportunities for cooking, serving food, carrying trays, cleaning up. Obviously, these are things any meal service needs.  We feel, however, that equally important is being a welcoming, smiling face for our community guests.  Sit at a table and get to know our community.  All are welcome at First UMC Bonita’s table!  

If you are interested in cooking and serving, be at Fellowship Hall by 9 a.m.  If you would prefer to just help with the clean-up then 11:30 is okay. If you have questions, see Debbie Lane, FLT chair, or Russ Baird, head chef.  Regardless of what you do, please know that you will be blessed as you strive to bless others.

All Church Work Day February 3, 2024 9am-noon


The places we go and the things we see!

Time for church Princess, let's go see our fur-ends! Tom, have you seen how people pray at each pew on Sunday morning?

Yes, they are praying for the folks who will sit there. We are so

fur-tunate to be a part of such a loving faithful church! Makes me want to purr- purr- purr

I wonder if everyone has seen all the activity going on behind the office? Tom, I heard they are building apartments. Purr-haps more fur-ends will move in! Princess, I am pawsitive they will!

UWF Meets, Plans “Souper Bowl” Event

Seventeen women gathered for the UWF meeting January 15 in Fellowship Hall.  On the agenda was planning for the Souper Bowl Party on February 11.  Just at this meeting alone, over a dozen women volunteered to make homemade soups for the event.  All donations from the event will go to the Summer Reserve Fund that was launched with a presentation during worship on Sunday, January 14.  This will be the second year for the event which is extremely popular with NFL fans and non-football fans alike.  Who can resist a hearty bowl of homemade soup and some cookies or brownies for dessert?

The crockpots of soup will be plugged in around fellowship hall.  UWF members will take care of crackers and drinks.  Others who would like to make a soup can sign up on the list on the board inside the kitchen.  And don’t worry if someone else has signed up for the variety you want to make.  Some of the fun is trying different versions of the same soup.

Wearing shirts of your favorite team that day is encouraged, even if your team didn’t make the big game. And, if we’re lucky, Rev. Bill will lead us in the wave during worship that day!

Of course, there were many more items on the UWF agenda that day.  Vice President Jaci Colombo had arranged a program featuring Jill Hockin,  UMCOR volunteer coordinator.  She shared with us the ways volunteers can help with disaster recovery in the three county (Lee, Charlotte, Sarasota) region. She forwarded information to Jaci about ways that women, who may not be construction experts, can help.


Also, the group discussed the possibility of a field trip to visit the ECHO Global Farm in North Fort Myers. Several members of the group toured the facility some years ago. “ ECHO has been equipping and empowering hungry families for over 30 years.”  They have ”impacted millions of lives by teaching small-scale, sustainable farming.”   We will contact the organization and try to schedule a tour sometime in March.  Many of our long-time Bonita UMC family remember that Janet and John Smiedendorf were active volunteers with ECHO.

Numerous mission activities are part of UWF.  We are also collecting vegetable seeds which are sent to Redbird Mission in Kentucky, a project supported by the United Methodist Church.  And, as always, we are ready to help our local schools with any needs they might have.  And, I may be biased, but UWF is a fabulous fun group of women!  Our monthly meetings are the third Monday of each month at 3 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.  We hope even more women will join us for the next meeting, February 19.

-              Susan Atkinson, UWF President

Book Club’s February Selection

The First UMC Book Club met January 3 at the Royal Scoop for a book trade.  Members brought a personal book they had read and enjoyed, and another member was able to take it home to also enjoy.  Of course, lunch and/or ice cream were enjoyed by those attending.  And members were able to also take home a library copy of the book selected for the February 7 meeting of the group.

The book for February is West with Giraffes by Lynda Rutledge.  The book is described as “An emotional, rousing novel inspired by the incredible true story of two giraffes who made headlines and won the hearts of Depression-era America.” The setting is 1938, but “telling” the story is 105-year-old Woodrow Wilson Nickel.  As he finds his life ebbing away, he wants to share the events of the 12-day road trip to deliver two giraffes who survived the 1938 Great New England Atlantic hurricane (one that was only topped by Hurricane Sandy in 2012) to the San Diego Zoo. Inspired by true events, the book weaves real life characters and fictional ones in a novel that is “part adventure, part historical saga, and part coming-of-age love story”.

This is from a book club kit at the Bonita Springs Library.  Books were distributed to members attending January 3.  If you were unable to attend that meeting but would like a book, please see Susan Atkinson at church Sunday or text her at 239-405-9078.  The only requirement to be a part of this book club is to love reading a variety of literature and sharing your insights with fellow bibliophiles.  Happy reading!

The Upper Room

The Upper Room magazine's mission is to provide a practical way to listen to scripture, connect with believers around the world, and spend time with God each day.

Click here for Daily Devotional


All information and last names will be kept confidential. Our list is updated weekly. If you need us to keep someone on the list, please send their name to [email protected].

Prayer list for Worship needs of our church





Come Pray

Fridays at 9:30 am

Zoom and in the sanctuary


Click here to join via ZOOM




Tom G
















Prayer Request cards are on the rack at the back of the Sanctuary.

Altar Flowers

If you would like to honor family, friends, or loved ones for an anniversary, birthday, or memorial, contact the church office for details.

New Horizons Website
YESUKAN website
Meals of Hope Website
Click for Bonita Assistance  Website

First United Methodist Church of Bonita Springs

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

27690 Shriver Avenue, Bonita Springs, FL 34135

Office: 239.992.1312

[email protected]

Rev. Bill Fisackerly, Pastor

[email protected]

(941) 681-0557