Welcome to the First Church newsletter. Please notice that just about everything is "clickable"! In other words, click an image, a logo, or a button to find out more details! | |
“Then the kingdom of heaven will be like this. Ten bridesmaids took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. When the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them; but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps.”
– Matthew 25:1-4
I was happy to hear that the congregational conversation with the Selection Committee was fruitful and, moreover, peaceful. That spirit matters more than the specifics. Having said that, several people who were present on Sunday lovingly relayed the reality that some folks are worried about workload weariness – might the pastor get too worn down before too long? Thank you for thinking about that ever-present possibility! I have the same concern for you!
Blessedly, our Savior knew something about that subject – the parable of the ten bridesmaids (Matthew 25:1-13) provides some counsel about being prepared – having a sufficient supply of oil -- so that your lamp light doesn’t go out. The sermon is entitled: F.U.E.L.: Anti Burnout Suggestions. I’ll say more when I see you.
Meanwhile, please be reminded that Stewardship Sunday is near/now at hand. Bring your pledge card Sunday morning; or fill it out and send it beforehand; or make your commitment online. Give a little bit of your love, trusting that your sacred promise supplies strength to others and supports the church’s work! We’ll dedicate our pledges during worship. Can’t! Wait!
Be blessed. Be a blessing.
Rev. Fredd
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Stewardship Sunday is November 12!
Our 2023 Stewardship Campaign is underway and pledge cards have been mailed out. You can bring your completed pledge card to worship on November 12 or mail it to the office beforehand. You can also make your pledge online by filling out the online pledge card HERE. If you would like to view the letter from the Stewardship Team, Click HERE.
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Thanksgiving Baskets
Our food collection for Thanksgiving baskets is here! If you would like to help, please bring in a food item, using the following guide:
If your last name begins with...you’ll bring:
A-D: Gravy and Cranberry Sauce, Spanish Food (i.e. Goya Products)
E-H: Rice and potatoes
I-L: Breakfast cereals and juice boxes
M-P: Canned fruits and vegetables
Q-T: Bread and roll mix; stuffing mix
U-Z: Juice, tea and coffee
Please bring items to church and place them in a Food for Friends barrel by November 19th. We will use these items to fill the baskets. We will also be collecting Stop and Shop gift cards, which each family will receive along with their basket of food items. We are looking for volunteers to fill and organize the baskets on November 19th after worship.
If you can help out or have any questions please contact Maryanne Barry at maryricbarry@gmail.com or Diane Bohman at dmbohman@comcast.net Thank you!
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Festival of Trees
The Festival of Trees is just a few weeks away!
If you would like to volunteer the night of the festival (Nov. 30) please click HERE. You may sell tickets, bake cookies, greet visitors, or help people find the auditorium. On Sunday, Nov. 26, after church, we need volunteers to help set up the Festival. On December 3, volunteers will be needed to call raffle winners and break down the Festival.
Thank you!
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Light The Steeple in honor of a Loved One
For a $25 donation, you are invited to "Light the Steeple" for one week in honor of a loved one. Similar to making a flower donation we will ask that you pick a date at least one week in advance of the desired week, and all donors will be acknowledged in our weekly Happenings. Please note more than one donor can fall on any given week. Donations will be added to the Save the Steeple fund. Click "Light The Steeple for a loved one" found on the “Save the First Church Steeple” web page or click here.
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Light the Steeple
Our steeple this week was lit by the deSimas Family in honor of Catherine and Gerry deSimas.
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If you are interested in joining First Church, please plan to attend an information session for prospective new members following worship this Sunday, November 12 at 11:15 a.m. in the World Fellowship Room.
We expect to receive new members into the life of the church during the 10 a.m. worship service on Sunday, November 26. Please contact Rev. Fredd in person, by telephone at 860.233.9605, or via email fredd.ward@whfirstchurch.org
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Faith on Film: A Soldier’s Story
Friday, November 17 at 7 p.m. in the JPW Library
Join Rev. Fredd in the JPW Library for the film and follow-up discussion.
Toward the tail-end of WWII, a Black Army investigator travels to a remote Louisiana military base to look into the mysterious murder of a Black sergeant unit whose troops hated him for his harsh treatment. Facing an uncooperative chain of command and fearful Black troops, he must battle with deceit and prejudice to find the truth. Was the crime an act of extreme bigotry or could the killer be a soldier in the victim's own unit?
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Chamber Music - Sunday, November 19 at 3 p.m. in the Chapel
The Chamber Music Series is a new series at First Church, designed to bring great music performances to an audience in an intimate setting. The ensemble features oboe, bassoon, and piano, as well as violin and cello. The concert is free to the public. A Free Will Offering will be received at the door. Follow signs from the parking lot up the stairs, around to the front entrance of the Chapel.
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Deck the Meeting House –
Saturday, November 25 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Help First Church kick off the holidays by decorating the Meeting House! Join us in setting up candles, garland, and trees as we prepare for the holiday season. Thank you!
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Covenant to Care Hat & Mitten Drive
The Annual Hat and Mitten Drive is underway and will continue through the end of the year. Please bring new or gently worn mittens, hats, scarves, and other winter clothing for children through our Covenant to Care partners. Marked boxes will be available in the Narthex and outside the auditorium to collect your donations. Any new or used winter outerwear or clothing in good condition is welcome.
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Diaper Collection a Success
Wow, wow, wow. What an incredible job! Thank you very much! This comes from the Bridge Family Center, the recipient of our October Diaper Drive. Over 2,500 diapers of all sizes and almost as many wipes were donated by First Church members. The diapers will be distributed to parents in the Bridge’s Family Resource Center at Charter Oak International Academy, West Hartford, and the Mosaic Center in Hartford. Thank you for your generosity! The Outreach Team.
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Google Review
Do you like First Church? Would you take a minute and write a review? We like stars, so give us 5 if you really like us. Even better, write a comment too.
Click: HERE. Thank you in advance!
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First Church Academy for Young Children 2024-2025 Registration
Registration for the 24-25 program year is here! First Church Academy for Young Children will accept applications from our currently enrolled families and church members beginning November 15th. The downloadable application and instructions for registration can be found on our website www.firstchurchacademy.org. Registration for the broader community will begin on December 1st. If you have any questions, please contact Dawne Quinn, Director at dquinn@firstchurchacademy.org.
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Welcome, Children!
- Start your Sundays at First Church in the Meeting House/Sanctuary in the Prayground or in the pew with your family. After the Message for All Ages, follow Ms. Jennifer to church school or remain in the sanctuary during worship
- PreK - Grade 1 -- Community Room (Room #232), downstairs from the sanctuary
- Grades 2- 5 -- Room #406.
- Infants and toddlers -- Nursery, Room #216 (parents, please inform Jennifer by the Friday before worship if you will require Nursery care)
- New Option! -- watch the livestream of the service on the large screen in the church library (beneath the sanctuary).
Sunday Bible Study – New Meeting Time!
Meets Sunday mornings from 9:00 to 9:45 a.m. - World Fellowship Room (Room #303)
Join Rev. Tom Carr each Sunday before worship for an in-depth look at the Bible. All are welcome!
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Book Group News:
The church’s John P. Webster Library coordinates two regular book groups.
Copies of the books are provided for participants. New members are always welcome! For more information, please contact Jennifer or Molly at 860-232-3893 or jpwlibrary@whfirstchurch.org.
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Awakening the Spirit, led by Rev. Tom Carr, meets Mondays from 12 to 1:30 p.m. Bring a bag lunch; beverages and desserts are provided. The group is starting their next book, Thich Nhat Hanh’s classic Living Buddha, Living Christ (20th anniversary edition) November 13. If the Buddha and Jesus were to meet on the road today, what would each think of the other's spiritual views and practices? Hanh brings to Christianity an appreciation of its beauty that could be conveyed only by an outsider. In lucid, meditative prose, he explores the crossroads of compassion and holiness at which the two traditions meet, and he reawakens our understanding of both.
Food for Thought's next meeting is December 5 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. to discuss Everything Beautiful in Its Time: Seasons of Love and Loss by Jenna Bush Hagar. In this heartfelt tribute, the former first daughter and granddaughter shares moving, funny stories about her beloved grandparents and the wisdom they passed on that has shaped her life. A wonderful celebration of the enduring power of family and an exploration of the things that truly matter most (Amazon review).
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Family News
Lily Nguyen and Joey Carbone, and a great group of friends held a very successful Drive-by Food Drive on Saturday, October 21, 2023. Collections will go to the West Hartford’s Food Pantry and Loaves & Fishes in Hartford.
For more Family News click HERE.
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November Reach Out: IRIS - Hands on Hartford
Hands On Hartford is a social service nonprofit organization that serves Hartford’s most economically challenged residents in the areas of food, housing, and health. Founded in 1969 as Center City Churches, the agency has had a longstanding commitment to providing respectful, comprehensive services with help from volunteers and community partnerships.
Hands on Hartford MANNA Food and Neighborhood Services program provides direct relief to thousands of Hartford neighbors each month. Through Gather55, the Community Pantry, and the Backpack Nutrition Program for children, they provide meals and groceries to individuals and families facing food insecurity. MANNA also provides vital support through community connections, referrals, security deposit & utility assistance, basic health screening, nutrition education and employment & education expense assistance.
For more information: https://handsonhartford.org/ or call 860-728-3201.
To donate online thru the church, click HERE or you can donate directly at: https://handsonhartford.org/ .Thank you for your support!
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Spreading Your News
The Communications Team is made up of members of our Outreach Ministry, and the church Office Administrators.
Sunday Notes/Happenings submissions are due by noon on Tuesdays to Sarah and Linda
Website, flyer, and Social Media additions or changes can be sent to Amy and Joy anytime.
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Taking Photos in Church and Sharing Policy
Taking photos and documenting life events is commonplace now and more and more common in church settings. Lots of members are asking about taking photos at church events and wondering how to share them and to avoid confusion, we came up with some guidelines. Most important: be sure phone is in silent mode and skip solo selfies when tagging church events! Laminated copies of guidelines are at each entrance to the Sanctuary and at auditorium entrance, or view policy here or go to website>Photo Gallery page. Thank you, Amy and Joy.
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Please use the links below to find us all over the internet, and you can also email the office by clicking the envelope. | |
Hours: The church office hours are Monday thru Thursday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Main number is 860-233-9605 | Email: general.mail@whfirstchurch.org
Copyright © 2022 First Church West Hartford, All rights reserved.
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