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December 8, 2023 • WWW.WHFIRSTCHURCH.ORG

Looking Towards Sunday

It has been said that peace is not the absence of pain, but the presence of God. This weekend, we light the second candle of Advent in contemplation of the Christ child’s imminent arrival – God with us. You may recall that a certain angel foretold the birth. God sent Gabriel to a town in Galilee called Nazareth to young woman named Mary. Gabriel came to her and said…hang on…


It’s not my story to tell. You really should hear it from the source. Which is part of the Sunday morning worship plan. Rev. Thomas Carr will offer an embodied message for all ages – a living, breathing bible story. He’ll say more when you see him. I mean, Gabriel in the flesh! Do not be afraid, beloved, for you have found favor with God!


By the way, Rev. Carr is a retired ordained minister (American Baptist Churches, USA). He is a certified Spiritual Director who works with individuals and groups in spiritual and vocational discernment. He is an activist for local, state, and national environmental and human justice concerns; co-founder and coordinator of the American Baptist Churches, USA, Creation Justice Network (ABC, CJN) and the Connecticut Interreligious Eco-Justice Network (IREJN). Rev. Carr also facilitates book groups and bible studies here at First Church.


Be blessed. Be a blessing.


Rev. Fredd

For more news click HERE to view the complete Sunday Notes.

Pledging for 2024 is underway.

If you would like to make your pledge online, you can do so by filling out the online pledge card HERE. You can also return your pledge card to the church office or place it in the offering plate during worship.

New Emergency Response Fund

First Church has established an “Emergency Response Fund” which replaces the old Deacon’s and Pastor’s Discretionary Funds. The account was re-established (and renamed) to address more urgent financial needs for members of the community. Reverend Fredd, in collaboration with the Deacons will manage the use of the funds in order to serve its highest purpose. Should you wish to make a contribution to the account, please notate “Emergency Response Fund” on your donation.  

Share A Gift Tree for Our Covenant to Care Children

Take a tag from the tree in the auditorium starting December 3, buy a gift, and bring the unwrapped gift to the church office (or auditorium on Sundays) by December 17. Help our Covenant to Care children have a Merry Christmas! For any questions, please contact Maryanne Barry at (860-593-7248 or or Diane Bohman at (860-490-5908 or

Light The Steeple in honor of a Loved One

For a $25 donation, you are invited to "Light the Steeple" for one week in honor of a loved one. Similar to making a flower donation we will ask that you pick a date at least one week in advance of the desired week, and all donors will be acknowledged in our weekly Happenings. Please note more than one donor can fall on any given week. Donations will be added to the Save the Steeple fund. Click "Light The Steeple for a loved one" found on the “Save the First Church Steeple” web page or click here.

Light the Steeple

Our steeple this week was lit by:

Brian and Jane Ranagan in loving memory of Margaret Francis Cross.

Susan Ross in loving memory of F. Douglas Ross, Jr.

The Rottman family in loving memory of their uncle, Al Roach.

Christmas Angelicus Concert

Please join us for this “Arts in the Center” concert!

Sunday, December 17 at 4:00 p.m. in The Meeting House

Old and new arrangements of carols and seasonal songs, sung by Chorus Angelicus & Gaudeamus, are interwoven with stories, poems, and readings, topped off with traditional carols which the audience can join.

Tickets: $35 General Admission, $50 Priority Seating, $10 Students

Click HERE to buy tickets.

Please join us for the following Advent festivities at First Church!

December 10 – Second Sunday of Advent, Peace – Rev. Tom Carr will provide the message during the 10 a.m. service.

December 17 – Third Sunday of Advent, Joy – 10 a.m. worship service featuring a brass quintet.

December 17 – Arts in the Center Concert, Chorus Angelicus at 4 p.m. in the Meeting House.

December 24 – Fourth Sunday of Advent, Love – We will have 2 Christmas Eve Services of Lessons and Carols.

4:30 p.m. – Festive Service with a walk-on children’s pageant.

9 p.m. – Contemplative, candle-light service.

*(Please note there will be no 10 a.m. worship service on December 24, and there will not be a service on Christmas Day, December 25.)

December 31 – Colossal Puppets return during the 10 a.m. worship service.

Click HERE for more information about all of our Advent festivities!

Covenant to Care Hat & Mitten Drive

The Annual Hat and Mitten Drive is underway and will continue through the end of the year. Please bring new or gently worn mittens, hats, scarves, and other winter clothing for children through our Covenant to Care partners.

Marked boxes will be available in the Narthex and outside the auditorium to collect your donations. Any new or used winter outerwear or clothing in good condition is welcome.

Christmas Gift Idea!

Joyce Darling, whose paintings were displayed in the JPWL Gallery last spring, has agreed to share images of her work to create a 2024 wall calendar. Calendars are $20 each; all proceeds will go to the steeple fund.  

Altar Flower Donations Needed!

Sponsoring altar flowers is a meaningful way to honor or remember loved ones and is also part of our In-reach ministry.

We have dates available for 2024, including these upcoming dates: 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/25, 3/3, 3/17, and 3/24.

Please contact the church office for details at 860-233-9605 or

Please note, the price of a seasonal altar flower arrangement has increased to $90.

Wreath, Poinsettia and Organ & Carillon Donations

Donated wreaths and poinsettias will adorn the church this holiday season. Donations can also be made to the Organ & Carillon Reserve Fund. Online orders and donations can be made HERE. (*Please note: page one of the form is for wreaths, you will need to hit “NEXT” to access the poinsettia & organ donations). You can also print a form HERE to mail in with your payment. All donations must be received in the office by Monday, December 11th.


Christmas Pageant

The Faith Formation team is happy to announce a retelling of the beloved Nativity story will take place at the 4:30 p.m. Christmas Eve service! And we are inviting you – and you – and you! – to tap your inner shepherd, magi, or angel and join in the telling. Costumes will be available at the door the evening of the service. A brief practice will be held for Sunday School students during class on 12/17. Volunteers are also needed for special backstage tasks, including child wrangling, prop allocations, and a little heavy lifting. See Jennifer to join the production!


Sunday School Students – and Anyone Else!

Pick up a copy of the 2023 Reverse Advent Calendar at the entrances to the Meeting House. Kindle the true spirit of Christmas by filling a bag with groceries and toiletries for those who need them. Please bring your filled bags to church by January 7, 2024.


Advent Devotionals Available

The JPWL is offering two Advent devotional options this year. Please pick up yours at the entrances to the Meeting House:

  • Glow: The 2023 Advent-Christmastide Devotional - Once again the Stillspeaking Writers Group offers a daily devotional to guide us through the days of Advent, then Christmastide, and on to the celebration of Epiphany. Glow includes candle-lighting liturgies for home use as well as daily readings with scripture and prayer.
  • Slow Down. Quiet. It’s Advent - This illustrated calendar poster suggests ways to mark the days through the Advent season. Daily line drawings and quotations march across the calendar blocks, offering ideas for prayer, helping others, or reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas. Perfect for posting on the fridge!

Calling all Crafters, Artists, Collectors

Do you have something that you’ve created or curated – something you’d like to share with others? Consider a display in the JPWL Gallery! There is plenty of wall space, a flexible hanging and lighting system, and a secure display case. Please see Jennifer if interested.

Book Group News

The church’s John P. Webster Library coordinates two regular book groups.

Copies of the books are provided for participants. New members are always welcome! For more information, please contact Jennifer or Molly at 860-232-3893 or

       Awakening the Spirit, led by Rev. Tom Carr, meets Mondays from 12 to 1:30 p.m. Bring a bag lunch; beverages and desserts are provided. The group is reading Thich Nhat Hanh’s classic Living Buddha, Living Christ (20th anniversary edition).

       Food for Thought’s next meeting is January 2 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. to discuss Geraldine Brooks’ latest novel, Horse. Based on the remarkable true story of the record- breaking thoroughbred Lexington, Horse is a novel of art and science, love and obsession, and our unfinished reckoning with racism…A discarded painting in a junk pile, a skeleton in an attic, and the greatest racehorse in American history: from these strands, a Pulitzer Prize winner braids a sweeping story of spirit, obsession, and injustice across American history.

Family News

We had a good turn out to help decorate the Meeting House for Advent 2023! Thank you to all who showed up.

For more Family News, click HERE.

December Reach Out: Christmas Fund

The Christmas Fund for the Veterans of the Cross and the Emergency Fund has been caring for active and retired clergy and lay employees of the United Church of Christ for over 100 years. Funds provide direct financial support to those who serve the church and are facing financial difficulties. Active and retired clergy, lay employees, and their surviving spouses may be eligible for the Supplementation of Small Annuities, Supplementation of Health Premiums, Emergency Grants, and/or Christmas “Thank You” Gift Checks. Your generous support will be a blessing to servants of the church old and young, retired and active, lay and authorized”. Thank you for your support!

For more information: To donate online thru the church: HERE  or you can donate directly at: Giving Opportunities - United Church of Christ (



Spreading Your News

The Communications Team is made up of members of our Outreach Ministry, and the church Office Administrators. 

Sunday Notes/Happenings submissions are due by noon on Tuesdays to Sarah and Linda

Website, flyer, and Social Media additions or changes can be sent to Amy and Joy anytime.

Taking Photos in Church and Sharing Policy

Taking photos and documenting life events is commonplace now and more and more common in church settings. Lots of members are asking about taking photos at church events and wondering how to share them and to avoid confusion, we came up with some guidelines. Most important: be sure phone is in silent mode and skip solo selfies when tagging church events! Laminated copies of guidelines are at each entrance to the Sanctuary and at auditorium entrance, or view policy here or go to website>Photo Gallery page. Thank you, Amy and Joy.

Please use the links below to find us all over the internet, and you can also email the office by clicking the envelope.

Facebook  Web  Instagram  Email  YouTube

Hours: The church office hours are Monday thru Thursday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Main number is 860-233-9605 | Email:

Copyright © 2022 First Church West Hartford, All rights reserved.