From Pastor Scott

What an incredible journey it was! A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for making it possible for me to travel to the vibrant land of Cuba! I had the privilege of delivering funds to our sister church, helping to build a new sanctuary, support the ever-energetic Pastor Vincente, and nourish the congregation after worship. It was truly a life-changing experience that filled my heart to the brim!

I explored seven remarkable churches, ranging from bustling gatherings of over 500 worshippers to intimate communities of about thirty-five, where faith knows no bounds! These churches are beacons of hope, thriving on the abundant generosity of congregations from the United States, and let me tell you, they give back with hearts overflowing!

So, join Pastor Sara and I after worship on Sunday on this exciting adventure as we share our uplifting tales from the churches of Cuba – it's sure to be a "pulpit" of joy!

Join us for Worship! (In-person or online)

Come Worship with us this Sunday at 10:15 am as we continue our Extravagant Generosity Sermon series. We will look at Luke 10:25-37 and learn about the blessing of giving to others as we look at the parable of the Good Samaritan. We would love to see you in person but it not, join us online.

Click here for this week's service
Click here to access FUMC past worship services
Click here to give online
Preview Video

This week, if you are a member or a regular attender of our church, you should have received a mailing from our church about our upcoming sermon series entitled Extravagant Generosity along with a letter from Tom Bach, our Finance Chair, Scott and myself with an Estimated Giving Card included. We hope you will prayerfully consider letting us know how you might be able to support the missions and ministries of our church by completing the Estimate of Giving Card and placing it in the offering plate or mailing it to our church. Together we can do so much for the Kingdom here in downtown Naples!  If you did not receive the mailing please click on the links below for the letter and a copy of the Estimate of Giving Card. 

FUMC Stewardship Letter for 2025
2025 Giving Goal Card

The Story Behind the Hymn

Life is unpredictable—joys and sorrows, blessings and difficulties can come without warning, changing our plans in an instant.

This Sunday we will close our worship service with the hymn, It is Well With My Soul. Did you know the story behind this beloved hymn?

Horatio Spafford, a successful attorney, faced unimaginable loss when the Chicago fire destroyed his fortune, his four-year-old son died of scarlet fever, and a shipwreck claimed the lives of his four daughters. Despite these tragedies, as he sailed over the spot where his daughters perished, words of hope filled his heart, inspiring the beloved hymn, It Is Well with My Soul.

Though life’s storms may rage, with faith in God and trust in His help, we too can find peace and declare, “It is well with my soul.”

Email Dr. Karen Click

Are you interested in traveling to Rwanda or Kenya to visit a Zoe Empowerment Group?

In the past, First Church has helped support the SW District sponsor a Zoe group. This is an amazing ministry that empowers orphans and young people to lift themselves out of poverty and gain valuable life skills and start entrepreneurial businesses in a community setting. 

Altar Flower Ministry

This week's altar flowers are dedicated by Mike & Tish Coldiron and Sally Ackley in memory of Elinor Jo Williams, mother of Tish & Sally.

A white rose will be placed on the altar this Sunday in memory of Jeff Currier, a long-time member.

Every week, you can donate altar flowers for our Sunday worship and dedicate them to the memory of someone who was special to you or to honor someone who presently needs to be recognized! The cost is $40. Purchase and dedication can be arranged by signing up in the church lobby or by sending an email to Jaimie Dandridge at Then you can either pick up your flowers after church or donate them for us to take to organizations in our community, bringing a ray of sunshine to workers and volunteers.

Job Posting 

Part Time Bookkeeper/Accountant and Part Time Administrative Assistant positions have been posted on Indeed this week. These two 20 hr positions may be combined into a single full time position for a qualified applicant. 

Links to the postings can be found here: 


Administrative Assistant

Applicants should submit a cover letter and resume to be considered for either of these positions. 

We are so grateful to Jaimie Dandridge who has been doing most of the Bookkeeper/ Accountant position remotely since  she moved to South Carolina in June. Unfortunately the needs of the church require more in-person coverage so we’ve decided to post these two positions. Jaimie is in the process of helping us transition to a new accounting and membership management system with ACS Technologies called Realm and is helping us close out our finances for 2024. She has also graciously offered to help train whomever we hire for these roles. We are very grateful to Jaimie for her faithful service to our church. 

Interested in taking a Lay Servant Ministry Course?

Please click the link below for information on upcoming courses. Certified Lay Servant and Certified Lay Speaker Advanced Courses are beginning soon.

Lay Servant Ministries Course Information

Please be sure to let us know if you or a loved one are in the hospital so Pastors Sara or Scott can come visit and pray with you and your family.

We are always in prayer for our church family, those around the world living in poverty, our leaders, and our country. Please join us in prayer.

Prayer Requests

From our FUMC Church Family

Intercessory prayer is a blessing that God has given us to pray on behalf of others. If you have a prayer request for someone that we can pray for specifically or even if you have a private prayer that you do not want published below, just email us and we will pray for that person and that need privately:

  • Julia Wayne (daughter of Lawrence & Jane Crouch)
  • Family of Dick Evans (bereavement)
  • Family of Jeff Currier (bereavement)
  • Julianna Thomas (Gail Jaworsky Granddaughter)
  • Rob Pleban (member)
  • Danielle (friend of MDS)
  • Family of Susan Wessel (bereavement)
  • Family of Sandra Hall (bereavement, sister of Judy Currier)
  • Theresa Shaw (friend of Al & Thelma Johnson)
  • Ted and Ann Baker (attenders)
  • Bruce & Pam McDonnell (members)
  • Jean Humphries (member)
  • John Schloendorn (Church electrician and friend)
  • Michael DiGaetono (friend of John Riccio)
  • Ina Gassett (friend of Norine Tempelman)
  • Joan & Dick White (friends of Judy Margrey)
  • Jen Wolf
  • Marcia Bowser (neighbor of the Parry's)
  • Chris Grimshaw (member and husband of Christine Grimshaw)
  • Evelyn Johnson (sister-in-law of Al Johnson)
  • Rev. Flo Scott (attender)
  • LeeAnne Merrifield (daughter of Jim Merrifield)
  • Larry Croy (friend of Bill Parry)
  • Baby Abby Joy and parents (family of Lisa Passeri)
  • Family of Valya Staruchin, Januk, Orysia and family, Irina and family (three families of the Jaworsky's in Ukraine)
  • Rosa Fogle (family of Thelma and Al Johnson)
  • All the many unspoken requests and needs of our congregation and their loved ones.

Your Giving Is a Form of Worship

For your information:

If you are paying through your bank’s online bill pay, checks are written by your bank which are then mailed to us. If you are able to make an online contribution directly from your checking or savings account through our giving link on our website, we are able to receive the money more quickly than the US mail can deliver it!! Also, if you are able to pay directly from your checking or savings account rather than through a credit card, this can help us avoid paying the credit card fees. Between January and August of 2024, the church has had to pay close to $1000 in credit card fees ($980.11). We would far rather use this money for ministry than to give it to Master Card or Visa!!!!

Click here to give online

Updated from the Methodist Day School

Toddler Class: This week in Ms. Evie's class they had fun going to the library and looking at winter books. They worked on their fine motor/ hand eye coordination skills by doing activities this week with transforming beans using a spoon. They had fun playing musical instruments and singing this week in circle time.  Their favorite song was The Wheels on The Bus.


Two Year Program: In Ms. Margie's class this week a really fun sensory activity that everyone loved was breaking the ice to find treasures. They also really enjoyed painting with ice cubes. Making snow and eating snowcones was loved by all. It was an icy week in Ms. Margie's class. 


Three Year Program: This week in Mrs. Ledbetter's class the letter of the week was letter Oo. For their letter art this week the class made Snowy Owls. They worked on beginning sounds. They also worked on number sets and opposites. A favorite activity was painting watercolor pictures.  


VPK Class: This week in Ms. Angela and Ms. Audrey's class finished their second round of VPK  assessments.  We are so excited, all the children did very well! The children all tested at grade level or above. With several children testing at Kindergarten and first grade level. This is a testament of the teachers and the lessons they are doing each day in class.  This week in Library the class read books about snowmen. In PE this week everyone had fun playing parachute games. For music everyone had fun singing winter songs and movement. In art everyone was creative and made their own snowflakes. In Spanish this week they continued to learn part of the body. It's been a great week in VPK!

Our friends at Grace Lutheran Church are holding a rummage sale to support missions. See below for more information.

Need to Reach Us? Here’s How!

We are available to you! Our church office is open Tuesday-Friday, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. After hours, for pastoral emergencies, call the office and you will hear how to contact Pastor Scott who will respond to all pastoral emergencies. 


Call the church office: (239) 262-1033

Email us:  or

Mail contributions to:

First United Methodist Church, 388 First Ave S, Naples FL 34102

First United Methodist Church of Naples

388 1st Ave S

Naples, FL 34102

(239) 262-1033

God Bless You!